Millions of Unemployed Americans, But DHS Speeds up H1-B Visa Applications


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is one promise Trump made that he is failing on for sure.

Why is DHS bringing in 85k more foreign STEM workers when we still have millions unemployed STEM workers?

It seems that Indian run/owned companies control our IT software engineering, in view of what China has done with our manufacturing, how can this be a good thing?

President Trump, dont forget STEM workers! Keep those promises you made to curtail H1-B visas.

DHS Changes Rule to Import More H-1B Workers in Economic Meltdown

But U.S. managers prefer them because the federal government rarely enforces routine workplace laws in H-1B workplaces. The government’s refusal to enforce the laws means the H-1Bs can be hired, fired, and abused by their bosses, most of whom are Indians who grew up in Indians’ own culture. These abuses include workplace intimidation, sexual discrimination, and unpaid overtime hours, Americans tell Breitbart News.

The government inaction in H-1B workplaces also strips American graduates of routine workplace protections, including protections against commonplace discrimination because of their nationality.

Numerous American graduates report that native-born Americans are a rarity in most Silicon Valley companies, as well as in insurance and banking industries on both coasts.

Each April, 85,000 H-1B visas are awarded to U.S. companies via a USCIS rushed application and lottery process. Another “cap-exempt” 15,000 H-1Bs are awarded throughout the year to non-profit employers at universities, research laboratories, and hospitals. The cap-exempt employers are allowed to hire as many H-1Bs as they wish.

The current head of DHS, Chad Wolf, formerly served as a lobbyist for the Indian-based outsourcing industry. The group’s mix of Indian and U.S. companies use the H-1B program to hire Indians graduates for jobs in the United States, and they split the economic gains among both countries’ companies, executives, and investors.

Breitbart News asked DHS if the agency is considering curbs on the 2020 award of H-1B visas. “No changes at this time,” a spokesman responded on March 19.

Meanwhile, business groups are trying to expand the H-1B program. For example, activists are citing the coronavirus as an excuse for Congress to allow investors to hire an unlimited number of foreign graduates for jobs in the healthcare sector. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is also pushing his S.386 bill to reward additional Indians if they take jobs from American graduates.

Trump’s failure to set curbs on the H-1B program has angered many of the swing-voting university graduates who supported him in 2016.​
Wow, with all that is going on we get this? It's as I've argued for a long time, the administration is all for low wage alternatives to the American worker. It's why absolutely nothing is being done about companies hiring illegals.

I suppose we will check their temperature as they arrive.
H-1B workers are for Tech, Medical, Education and so on fields.

The speeding up of the process could also be for Medical seeing Hospitals use the H-1B visa to import staff from countries like Mexico, Philippines and India...

The requirement to bring someone in under that visa is strict, at the employer cost and we do not House and feed these people off the taxpayer dime seeing those brought in are in above poverty paying jobs.

We do not have the staff in the medical field and no one from Federal to Local would train so we would have the Medical personnel that is needed in a time like this...
H-1B workers are for Tech, Medical, Education and so on fields.

The speeding up of the process could also be for Medical seeing Hospitals use the H-1B visa to import staff from countries like Mexico, Philippines and India...

The requirement to bring someone in under that visa is strict, at the employer cost and we do not House and feed these people off the taxpayer dime seeing those brought in are in above poverty paying jobs.

We do not have the staff in the medical field and no one from Federal to Local would train so we would have the Medical personnel that is needed in a time like this...
These are like 80% IT jobs.


And still another 85k coming in while we have unemployment int he millions!

But many of the H-1B visa workers are hired by Indian-run staffing companies to quickly fill open slots in a wide variety of Fortune 500 companies. For example, many of the contract jobs are in technology, accounting, health care, design, banking, finance, engineering, science, teaching, and insurance, and even in the fashion industry. The companies include Tata, Infosys, HCL, and Tech Mahindra.

The little-publicized outsourcing industry boosts investors’ stock prices by cutting salaries for millions of American graduates. It also pushes many older American professionals out of jobs and prevents millions of American graduates from getting on the first rung of their career ladders.

The H-1Bs and staffing companies are often used by American executives and hiring managers out of sheer laziness, insiders tell Breitbart News.

The gig workers provided by the staffing companies are often unskilled, unproductive, and expensive, said a former executive assistant at a banking company who helped managers replace many American professionals with Indian H-1Bs. But they are compliant because the jobs pay far more than Indian or Chinese jobs and because they hope to win green cards, she said.

American executives do not want to go to the trouble of hiring and managing independent and innovative American professionals — but do want to promise short-term cost savings during their periodic calls with Wall Street investors, she said. “It was not about [workers’] skills, not about anything else, it was about money,” she said. “They want credit for saving the company money, so they won’t look at anything that goes against the [cost saving] narrative.”
H-1B workers are for Tech, Medical, Education and so on fields.

The speeding up of the process could also be for Medical seeing Hospitals use the H-1B visa to import staff from countries like Mexico, Philippines and India...

The requirement to bring someone in under that visa is strict, at the employer cost and we do not House and feed these people off the taxpayer dime seeing those brought in are in above poverty paying jobs.

We do not have the staff in the medical field and no one from Federal to Local would train so we would have the Medical personnel that is needed in a time like this...
These are like 80% IT jobs.


And still another 85k coming in while we have unemployment int he millions!

But many of the H-1B visa workers are hired by Indian-run staffing companies to quickly fill open slots in a wide variety of Fortune 500 companies. For example, many of the contract jobs are in technology, accounting, health care, design, banking, finance, engineering, science, teaching, and insurance, and even in the fashion industry. The companies include Tata, Infosys, HCL, and Tech Mahindra.

The little-publicized outsourcing industry boosts investors’ stock prices by cutting salaries for millions of American graduates. It also pushes many older American professionals out of jobs and prevents millions of American graduates from getting on the first rung of their career ladders.

The H-1Bs and staffing companies are often used by American executives and hiring managers out of sheer laziness, insiders tell Breitbart News.

The gig workers provided by the staffing companies are often unskilled, unproductive, and expensive, said a former executive assistant at a banking company who helped managers replace many American professionals with Indian H-1Bs. But they are compliant because the jobs pay far more than Indian or Chinese jobs and because they hope to win green cards, she said.

American executives do not want to go to the trouble of hiring and managing independent and innovative American professionals — but do want to promise short-term cost savings during their periodic calls with Wall Street investors, she said. “It was not about [workers’] skills, not about anything else, it was about money,” she said. “They want credit for saving the company money, so they won’t look at anything that goes against the [cost saving] narrative.”

I stopped reading your response to me after you wrote 80% are IT jobs when I know for decades that visa was used to import Teachers and Medical Staff, and how do I know this?

The Home Health Agency I worked for was one that would import Nurses and Therapists and they had another agency that would import Teachers for HISD and other ISD's around the country until Obama put a freeze on the Visa except in the medical field.

So as you attempt to lecture me please know I have known for decades about this issue and many like you ignored it until recently, so please understand you were warned for many years and now you will have to just accept reality.

Oh, it take education to train people in fields and I know you do not want to send people back to school and while waiting for those to be educated you need staff still, so you are just unlucky here...
Good to see some of the blob supporters are starting to realize they've been sold a bill of goods.
They aren't realizing that ...

They think the DHS is ran by Nancy Pelosi or some other Dem they hate....they will never criticize their cult leader
I stopped reading your response to me after you wrote 80% are IT jobs when I know for decades that visa was used to import Teachers and Medical Staff, and how do I know this?
The top H1-B employers are almost ALL IT companies.


And most of the companies that are not IT, are hiring these guys for their own IT departments, dude.

No one buys that 'Americans are not qualified' horse shit any more.
This is one promise Trump made that he is failing on for sure.

Why is DHS bringing in 85k more foreign STEM workers when we still have millions unemployed STEM workers?

It seems that Indian run/owned companies control our IT software engineering, in view of what China has done with our manufacturing, how can this be a good thing?

President Trump, dont forget STEM workers! Keep those promises you made to curtail H1-B visas.

DHS Changes Rule to Import More H-1B Workers in Economic Meltdown

But U.S. managers prefer them because the federal government rarely enforces routine workplace laws in H-1B workplaces. The government’s refusal to enforce the laws means the H-1Bs can be hired, fired, and abused by their bosses, most of whom are Indians who grew up in Indians’ own culture. These abuses include workplace intimidation, sexual discrimination, and unpaid overtime hours, Americans tell Breitbart News.​
The government inaction in H-1B workplaces also strips American graduates of routine workplace protections, including protections against commonplace discrimination because of their nationality.​
Numerous American graduates report that native-born Americans are a rarity in most Silicon Valley companies, as well as in insurance and banking industries on both coasts.​
Each April, 85,000 H-1B visas are awarded to U.S. companies via a USCIS rushed application and lottery process. Another “cap-exempt” 15,000 H-1Bs are awarded throughout the year to non-profit employers at universities, research laboratories, and hospitals. The cap-exempt employers are allowed to hire as many H-1Bs as they wish.​
The current head of DHS, Chad Wolf, formerly served as a lobbyist for the Indian-based outsourcing industry. The group’s mix of Indian and U.S. companies use the H-1B program to hire Indians graduates for jobs in the United States, and they split the economic gains among both countries’ companies, executives, and investors.​
Breitbart News asked DHS if the agency is considering curbs on the 2020 award of H-1B visas. “No changes at this time,” a spokesman responded on March 19.​
Meanwhile, business groups are trying to expand the H-1B program. For example, activists are citing the coronavirus as an excuse for Congress to allow investors to hire an unlimited number of foreign graduates for jobs in the healthcare sector. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) is also pushing his S.386 bill to reward additional Indians if they take jobs from American graduates.​
Trump’s failure to set curbs on the H-1B program has angered many of the swing-voting university graduates who supported him in 2016.​

Because we are all on lock down ----- oh and our borders are opened this was the DEMS GREEN DEAL the shit TRUMP SIGNED............... it'a not over and it never will be our cash is next don't worry ppl will be scared right into submitting to it. Give uup that money control you lost all.

They think the DHS is ran by Nancy Pelosi or some other Dem they hate....they will never criticize their cult leader

Secretary of DHS Chad f Wolf and the DHS council run homeland security. Trump is Commander and Chief, he doesn't micro manage everything his nose doesn't belong in like Obama. It's not Trumps fault.

Think of a ship Captain. He doesn't steer the ship, quartermaster does. He doesn't control the throttle, Enineman does. He doesn't dock the ship, tugs and harbor pilot do. That all trumps fault too? TDS much there Biff?
Secretary of Homeland Security

The Secretary of Homeland Security leads the third largest Department of the U.S. government, with a workforce of 229,000 employees and 22 components including TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, FEMA, the Coast Guard, Secret Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, the National Protection and Programs Directorate, and the Science and Technology Directorate.

They think the DHS is ran by Nancy Pelosi or some other Dem they hate....they will never criticize their cult leader

Secretary of DHS Chad f Wolf and the DHS council run homeland security. Trump is Commander and Chief, he doesn't micro manage everything his nose doesn't belong in like Obama. It's not Trumps fault.

Think of a ship Captain. He doesn't steer the ship, quartermaster does. He doesn't control the throttle, Enineman does. He doesn't dock the ship, tugs and harbor pilot do. That all trumps fault too? TDS much there Biff?
Secretary of Homeland Security

The Secretary of Homeland Security leads the third largest Department of the U.S. government, with a workforce of 229,000 employees and 22 components including TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, FEMA, the Coast Guard, Secret Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, the National Protection and Programs Directorate, and the Science and Technology Directorate.

Talk about some bullshit of an excuse, but hey that is the typical Trump Humper. Nothing is NEVER his fault unless it is good.
They think the DHS is ran by Nancy Pelosi or some other Dem they hate....they will never criticize their cult leader

Secretary of DHS Chad f Wolf and the DHS council run homeland security. Trump is Commander and Chief, he doesn't micro manage everything his nose doesn't belong in like Obama. It's not Trumps fault.

Think of a ship Captain. He doesn't steer the ship, quartermaster does. He doesn't control the throttle, Enineman does. He doesn't dock the ship, tugs and harbor pilot do. That all trumps fault too? TDS much there Biff?
Secretary of Homeland Security

The Secretary of Homeland Security leads the third largest Department of the U.S. government, with a workforce of 229,000 employees and 22 components including TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, FEMA, the Coast Guard, Secret Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, the National Protection and Programs Directorate, and the Science and Technology Directorate.

Talk about some bullshit of an excuse, but hey that is the typical Trump Humper. Nothing is NEVER his fault unless it is good.


The Obama ass kissers are the mess Trump is trying to clean up after.
They think the DHS is ran by Nancy Pelosi or some other Dem they hate....they will never criticize their cult leader

Secretary of DHS Chad f Wolf and the DHS council run homeland security. Trump is Commander and Chief, he doesn't micro manage everything his nose doesn't belong in like Obama. It's not Trumps fault.

Think of a ship Captain. He doesn't steer the ship, quartermaster does. He doesn't control the throttle, Enineman does. He doesn't dock the ship, tugs and harbor pilot do. That all trumps fault too? TDS much there Biff?
Secretary of Homeland Security

The Secretary of Homeland Security leads the third largest Department of the U.S. government, with a workforce of 229,000 employees and 22 components including TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, FEMA, the Coast Guard, Secret Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, the National Protection and Programs Directorate, and the Science and Technology Directorate.

Talk about some bullshit of an excuse, but hey that is the typical Trump Humper. Nothing is NEVER his fault unless it is good.

View attachment 317289

The Obama ass kissers are the mess Trump is trying to clean up after.

The house was clean when the keys were given to Trump, Trump Humpers will eat 10 miles of Trump shit before they will believe the truth.

There are two or three problems in this argument.

Millions of unemployed, doesn't mean that any of those millions are qualified in the position you need.

For example... If I am looking for a high end microprocessor designer, how many people of the unemployed are qualified high skill microprocessor engineers?

Answer... precious few.

From the numbers that we know of, there are significantly more high skill engineer positions open, than there are high skill engineers looking for employment.

So saying that there are millions of employed, so why are they importing high skill people.... is a bit like you asking for an electrician, and someone saying "Well there are a dozen unemployed oil change techs here. Why are you looking elsewhere?"

It does not matter if there are hundred million unemployed, if you need an engineer, and none of them are engineers.

So there are fewer skilled people, than skilled job openings, but also there are shortages in specific areas. Like if you need a Quantum physicist, and there are none, it doesn't matter if there are millions of skilled people unemployed, if none of them have the skill you need.

However, I personally have witnessed that we have a problem with how we're raising our young people. I see this in 3 key areas:

1. People seem to have this idea that they shouldn't have to move find work. Moving across the country, is part of the deal. High end jobs are simply not everywhere. People who sit around in their home town, unable to find work, and a company in Arizona is hiring an immigrant who by their nature, move to where the work is.

I've told the story of my immigrant roommate, and he moved 3 times AFTER he moved to the US. Why? Because where the work was, is where he went. That's how that works.

2. People with engineering degrees, seem to come out of college with this idea that they should walking into an entry level engineering job, with a six-figure income.

This is ridiculous. You are still an entry level engineer, and the company has no idea if you can even tie your shoes.

Which leads to the third problem....

3. A shockingly high percentage of people getting degrees suck.

Sorry to be blunt, and bold with this, but it's a fact. Maybe 50 years ago, no one got a degree unless they were fantastic. Today, people get degrees, and can't figure out how shoe laces work.

Now I want to be clear, that not ALL of them suck... just that an amazing number come out, and are utterly useless. How they got their degree is beyond me, but they certainly didn't earn it. They can't seem to do anything. Half don't show up on time. Others goof off half the day.

There should never be a time where I have to act like a human security camera, to make sure they are doing their job.

They suck. It's that simple.

And this shouldn't be super controversial. We already know people were buying their way into Ivy League schools. If your kid is stupid, and you buy their way into MIT, and they are able to get a degree after you bought their way in..... then obviously the schools are not teaching that much.

So to recap...

Not only do we have far fewer people with STEM degrees, than their are STEM jobs.... and even there we have a shortage of people qualified for specific fields (meaning we might have a thousand mechanical engineers when we need electrical engineers).... but many of them don't want to move to where the work is, and many expect to get paid more than their first job is going to offer, and I would almost guarantee that some of those are unemployed because they are terrible.

Thus... we need more qualified people, and the best way to get them is from other countries.... where people work hard, don't have unreasonable expectations, and are willing to go to where the work is.
There are two or three problems in this argument.

Millions of unemployed, doesn't mean that any of those millions are qualified in the position you need.

For example... If I am looking for a high end microprocessor designer, how many people of the unemployed are qualified high skill microprocessor engineers?

Answer... precious few.

From the numbers that we know of, there are significantly more high skill engineer positions open, than there are high skill engineers looking for employment.

So saying that there are millions of employed, so why are they importing high skill people.... is a bit like you asking for an electrician, and someone saying "Well there are a dozen unemployed oil change techs here. Why are you looking elsewhere?"

It does not matter if there are hundred million unemployed, if you need an engineer, and none of them are engineers.

So there are fewer skilled people, than skilled job openings, but also there are shortages in specific areas. Like if you need a Quantum physicist, and there are none, it doesn't matter if there are millions of skilled people unemployed, if none of them have the skill you need.

However, I personally have witnessed that we have a problem with how we're raising our young people. I see this in 3 key areas:

1. People seem to have this idea that they shouldn't have to move find work. Moving across the country, is part of the deal. High end jobs are simply not everywhere. People who sit around in their home town, unable to find work, and a company in Arizona is hiring an immigrant who by their nature, move to where the work is.

I've told the story of my immigrant roommate, and he moved 3 times AFTER he moved to the US. Why? Because where the work was, is where he went. That's how that works.

2. People with engineering degrees, seem to come out of college with this idea that they should walking into an entry level engineering job, with a six-figure income.

This is ridiculous. You are still an entry level engineer, and the company has no idea if you can even tie your shoes.

Which leads to the third problem....

3. A shockingly high percentage of people getting degrees suck.

Sorry to be blunt, and bold with this, but it's a fact. Maybe 50 years ago, no one got a degree unless they were fantastic. Today, people get degrees, and can't figure out how shoe laces work.

Now I want to be clear, that not ALL of them suck... just that an amazing number come out, and are utterly useless. How they got their degree is beyond me, but they certainly didn't earn it. They can't seem to do anything. Half don't show up on time. Others goof off half the day.

There should never be a time where I have to act like a human security camera, to make sure they are doing their job.

They suck. It's that simple.

And this shouldn't be super controversial. We already know people were buying their way into Ivy League schools. If your kid is stupid, and you buy their way into MIT, and they are able to get a degree after you bought their way in..... then obviously the schools are not teaching that much.

So to recap...

Not only do we have far fewer people with STEM degrees, than their are STEM jobs.... and even there we have a shortage of people qualified for specific fields (meaning we might have a thousand mechanical engineers when we need electrical engineers).... but many of them don't want to move to where the work is, and many expect to get paid more than their first job is going to offer, and I would almost guarantee that some of those are unemployed because they are terrible.

Thus... we need more qualified people, and the best way to get them is from other countries.... where people work hard, don't have unreasonable expectations, and are willing to go to where the work is.
I have worked with these "Highly Skilled" Indians, even as an Analyst.
They suck.
They don't speak speak English and don't know the programming language(s) they are supposed to know.
They don't even know how to link 2 or more Tables in a SQL statement.
This is a joke.
There are two or three problems in this argument.

Millions of unemployed, doesn't mean that any of those millions are qualified in the position you need.

For example... If I am looking for a high end microprocessor designer, how many people of the unemployed are qualified high skill microprocessor engineers?

Answer... precious few.

From the numbers that we know of, there are significantly more high skill engineer positions open, than there are high skill engineers looking for employment.

So saying that there are millions of employed, so why are they importing high skill people.... is a bit like you asking for an electrician, and someone saying "Well there are a dozen unemployed oil change techs here. Why are you looking elsewhere?"

It does not matter if there are hundred million unemployed, if you need an engineer, and none of them are engineers.

So there are fewer skilled people, than skilled job openings, but also there are shortages in specific areas. Like if you need a Quantum physicist, and there are none, it doesn't matter if there are millions of skilled people unemployed, if none of them have the skill you need.

However, I personally have witnessed that we have a problem with how we're raising our young people. I see this in 3 key areas:

1. People seem to have this idea that they shouldn't have to move find work. Moving across the country, is part of the deal. High end jobs are simply not everywhere. People who sit around in their home town, unable to find work, and a company in Arizona is hiring an immigrant who by their nature, move to where the work is.

I've told the story of my immigrant roommate, and he moved 3 times AFTER he moved to the US. Why? Because where the work was, is where he went. That's how that works.

2. People with engineering degrees, seem to come out of college with this idea that they should walking into an entry level engineering job, with a six-figure income.

This is ridiculous. You are still an entry level engineer, and the company has no idea if you can even tie your shoes.

Which leads to the third problem....

3. A shockingly high percentage of people getting degrees suck.

Sorry to be blunt, and bold with this, but it's a fact. Maybe 50 years ago, no one got a degree unless they were fantastic. Today, people get degrees, and can't figure out how shoe laces work.

Now I want to be clear, that not ALL of them suck... just that an amazing number come out, and are utterly useless. How they got their degree is beyond me, but they certainly didn't earn it. They can't seem to do anything. Half don't show up on time. Others goof off half the day.

There should never be a time where I have to act like a human security camera, to make sure they are doing their job.

They suck. It's that simple.

And this shouldn't be super controversial. We already know people were buying their way into Ivy League schools. If your kid is stupid, and you buy their way into MIT, and they are able to get a degree after you bought their way in..... then obviously the schools are not teaching that much.

So to recap...

Not only do we have far fewer people with STEM degrees, than their are STEM jobs.... and even there we have a shortage of people qualified for specific fields (meaning we might have a thousand mechanical engineers when we need electrical engineers).... but many of them don't want to move to where the work is, and many expect to get paid more than their first job is going to offer, and I would almost guarantee that some of those are unemployed because they are terrible.

Thus... we need more qualified people, and the best way to get them is from other countries.... where people work hard, don't have unreasonable expectations, and are willing to go to where the work is.
If most of the people you know get hard science degrees and suck maybe you should move.
Of course, Computer and Information Science isn't a hard science degree.
There are two or three problems in this argument.

Millions of unemployed, doesn't mean that any of those millions are qualified in the position you need.

For example... If I am looking for a high end microprocessor designer, how many people of the unemployed are qualified high skill microprocessor engineers?

Answer... precious few.

From the numbers that we know of, there are significantly more high skill engineer positions open, than there are high skill engineers looking for employment.

So saying that there are millions of employed, so why are they importing high skill people.... is a bit like you asking for an electrician, and someone saying "Well there are a dozen unemployed oil change techs here. Why are you looking elsewhere?"

It does not matter if there are hundred million unemployed, if you need an engineer, and none of them are engineers.

So there are fewer skilled people, than skilled job openings, but also there are shortages in specific areas. Like if you need a Quantum physicist, and there are none, it doesn't matter if there are millions of skilled people unemployed, if none of them have the skill you need.

However, I personally have witnessed that we have a problem with how we're raising our young people. I see this in 3 key areas:

1. People seem to have this idea that they shouldn't have to move find work. Moving across the country, is part of the deal. High end jobs are simply not everywhere. People who sit around in their home town, unable to find work, and a company in Arizona is hiring an immigrant who by their nature, move to where the work is.

I've told the story of my immigrant roommate, and he moved 3 times AFTER he moved to the US. Why? Because where the work was, is where he went. That's how that works.

2. People with engineering degrees, seem to come out of college with this idea that they should walking into an entry level engineering job, with a six-figure income.

This is ridiculous. You are still an entry level engineer, and the company has no idea if you can even tie your shoes.

Which leads to the third problem....

3. A shockingly high percentage of people getting degrees suck.

Sorry to be blunt, and bold with this, but it's a fact. Maybe 50 years ago, no one got a degree unless they were fantastic. Today, people get degrees, and can't figure out how shoe laces work.

Now I want to be clear, that not ALL of them suck... just that an amazing number come out, and are utterly useless. How they got their degree is beyond me, but they certainly didn't earn it. They can't seem to do anything. Half don't show up on time. Others goof off half the day.

There should never be a time where I have to act like a human security camera, to make sure they are doing their job.

They suck. It's that simple.

And this shouldn't be super controversial. We already know people were buying their way into Ivy League schools. If your kid is stupid, and you buy their way into MIT, and they are able to get a degree after you bought their way in..... then obviously the schools are not teaching that much.

So to recap...

Not only do we have far fewer people with STEM degrees, than their are STEM jobs.... and even there we have a shortage of people qualified for specific fields (meaning we might have a thousand mechanical engineers when we need electrical engineers).... but many of them don't want to move to where the work is, and many expect to get paid more than their first job is going to offer, and I would almost guarantee that some of those are unemployed because they are terrible.

Thus... we need more qualified people, and the best way to get them is from other countries.... where people work hard, don't have unreasonable expectations, and are willing to go to where the work is.
I have worked with these "Highly Skilled" Indians, even as an Analyst.
They suck.
They don't speak speak English and don't know the programming language(s) they are supposed to know.
They don't even know how to link 2 or more Tables in a SQL statement.
This is a joke.

Well apparently employers think differently.

The fact they are continuing to hire them, proves you wrong.

Doesn't matter what your limited personal experience is, if all the employers are still demanding such people.

If they were incapable or willing to do the job, then they wouldn't keep hiring them, because the company would go bankrupt.

Are the companies still hiring? Are they going bankrupt?

Yes, no? Then you are wrong. Period.

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