Millions of new guns in American hands....accidental gun deaths?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
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The CDC Wisqars site has finally put up the 2020 numbers........

Millions of new gun owners in 2020......accidental gun deaths?


Car deaths.......




Even Bikes??????

806....ban them...

We really, really need to ban privately owned cars and trucks...only the government and the democrat party should have cars and trucks...everyone else can use buses and trains......

The CDC Wisqars site has finally put up the 2020 numbers........

Millions of new gun owners in 2020......accidental gun deaths?


Car deaths.......




Even Bikes??????

806....ban them...

We really, really need to ban privately owned cars and trucks...only the government and the democrat party should have cars and trucks...everyone else can use buses and trains......

Guns in the hands of private citizens are the ultimate question mark in the minds of all politicians. The idea of guns in the hands of the American People keep politicians up at night and fuel the majority of their nightmares. See, crime is good for our elected officials, and inner-city gun crime is even better. How else can the average newly elected district attorney make a name for his or herself more easily than by having a steady stream of violent gun crime to prosecute. So, guns in the hands of criminals directly aid the aspirations of our elected officials. Guns in the hands of responsible private citizens, however, serve no purpose toward aiding politicians in moving up the ladder of their political careers. Private citizens with guns just might STOP crime on their own, long before our local district attorneys get to prosecute gun criminals. And what about the careers of our hallowed law enforcement officials? How can they ascend to the upper ranks of their departments without gun crime arrests to bolster them? Face it, our government monetized our Second Amendment ages ago, commercialized it for their own benefit, not for ours, much like every other constitutional right we supposedly possess in this nation of ours.
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The CDC Wisqars site has finally put up the 2020 numbers........

Millions of new gun owners in 2020......accidental gun deaths?


Car deaths.......




Even Bikes??????

806....ban them...

We really, really need to ban privately owned cars and trucks...only the government and the democrat party should have cars and trucks...everyone else can use buses and trains......

Leftist D.A.'s no longer want to prosecute traffic misdemeanors, so expect the automobile death rate to climb.
I bet that Black Lives Matter hitman in St. Louis walks because the Leftist DA doesn't charge him.

The clinton minions in charge of the BLM 60 million just bailed him out......democrats encouraging political assassins.....sends a message to democrats who might not toe the party line...
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