Military Bombs A Hospital ...Media Quiet, Obama Ignored


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Here’s What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed the Hospital in Afghanistan

The news out of the Perpetual War on Terror is pretty grim these days. The US military knowingly but “accidentally” bombed a hospital in Afghanistan, killing 22 doctors and patients. Just days later, the president decided not to draw down troops in the country as previously planned, but will instead keep nearly 6,000 of our sons and daughters in the country until at least 2017 when his term ends. At the same time, the inner workings of the president’s drone war, including questionable intel, lax target timeframes, and horrifying collateral damage ratios, have been brought to light by a whistleblower. But you’d be forgiven for not noticing any of this. While it has been reported in the news media, there has been almost no secondary public reaction. I think that’s entirely because of one factor: Barack Obama won the last election, not Mitt Romney.

The Hypocrisy Explained:
If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares. When the One, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the Lightbringer, the Calmer of Seas, the History-maker, the Healer of Wounds, He Who Will Make Us Respected Again bombs a hospital, extends a war he said he already ended (Promise Fulfilled!™), and uses flying death robots to kill bystanders and labels them “enemies” anyway, we assume it’s a bug, not a feature, and we excuse it. Shame on us.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
Says the supporter of the taliban!!!!!

Truth be told we've been bombing the shit out of innocent people for the past 14 years. It wasn't a problem when Bush done it.

War is ugly and people die. Should we get the fuck out???
Actually Liberals have made it a very big thing about it under Bush. Those same Liberals didn't say a word about the casualties resulting from Obama taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, when he had our military bombing the crab out of that country. And again, after hitting this hospital the libs are silent again.
They have been extremely transparent. The very minute O was sworn in, the quiet was deafening and defining.
Says the supporter of the taliban!!!!!

Truth be told we've been bombing the shit out of innocent people for the past 14 years. It wasn't a problem when Bush done it.

War is ugly and people die. Should we get the fuck out???
Actually Liberals have made it a very big thing about it under Bush. Those same Liberals didn't say a word about the casualties resulting from Obama taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, when he had our military bombing the crab out of that country. And again, after hitting this hospital the libs are silent again.
Obama has the distinction of being the only Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner, Doctors without Borders.
Another historic achievement by this transformational figure@

:eusa_eh: Oh NO you di'int! That's some FUNNY shi-ite right there! :lmao:
NEWS: "Obama keeps ignoring advice of military commanders..."

...maybe THAT' explains why 'he' bombed a hospital?!
CCJo, how many times was it again that Liberals called W a 'war monger' and wanted to Impeach him? I ask because I lost count.

Obama took the country to war to help Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, take over Libya. He even hired Al Qaeida to 'protect' the NOW DEAD Ambassador Stevens, and Liberals brushed right past it without raising an eyebrow.

So the assertion made in the article has already been proven to be FACT.
Did you support Bush invading Iraq?

War against an oppressive dictator is a lot different than Bombing Doctors Without Borders....or didn't Liberals know that?! Not that they care, as seen by Obama/Hillary's response to 4 Americans dead in Benghazi:

"The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

"What does it matter?!"
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