Military aid exposes the rights double dealing

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

It seems the GOP is desperate for a new speaker so that it can get behind aid for Israel. This contrasts sharply with their opposition to aid for Ukraine.

"We are not the worlds police" spout these hypocrites. That rings a bit hollow today. Maybe they feel some guilt over the invasion ? Maybe they think that blocking the US military wasnt helpful ?. Maybe they think that Tommy Tuberville should be striding the world stage from his Florida condo.

Only joking. they domt do thinking.
But this exposes the isolationist argument for good. they are willing to get involved in any old shit as long as it doesnt involve a GOP hero like Putin.

It seems the GOP is desperate for a new speaker so that it can get behind aid for Israel. This contrasts sharply with their opposition to aid for Ukraine.

"We are not the worlds police" spout these hypocrites. That rings a bit hollow today. Maybe they feel some guilt over the invasion ? Maybe they think that blocking the US military wasnt helpful ?. Maybe they think that Tommy Tuberville should be striding the world stage from his Florida condo.

Only joking. they domt do thinking.
But this exposes the isolationist argument for good. they are willing to get involved in any old shit as long as it doesnt involve a GOP hero like Putin.
Could always divert those billions from the Ukraine to Israel. I don't think it's going to be an issue. I know it's going to piss off an antisemitic like yourself but I'll be sitting back popping some corn and watching Israel fuck Hamas up .
Could always divert those billions from the Ukraine to Israel. I don't think it's going to be an issue. I know it's going to piss off an antisemitic like yourself but I'll be sitting back popping some corn and watching Israel fuck Hamas up .
Thanks for displaying the entire breadth of right wing " thinking".
Thanks for displaying the entire breadth of right wing " thinking".

Nearly all Americans, even most of the more politically-ignorant among us, know much more about how our country is governed, than you do.

This thread is just one more platform for you to use to wave your deep ignorance, hubris, and lack of standing around as if it was a proud banner.

No one-legged British faggot has any place to tell any American anything about how our country is or should be governed. You should worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country and keep your filthy ignorant British nose out of America's business, where it had no cause to be.
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Nearly all Americans, even most of the more politically-ignorant among us, know much more about how our country is governed, than you do.

This thread is just one more platform for you to use to wave your deep ignorance, hubris, and lack of standing around as if it was a proud banner.

No one-legged British faggot has any place to tell any American anything about how our country is or should be governed. You should worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country and keep your filthy ignorant British nose out if America's business, where it had no cause to be.
Im pointing out right wing hypocrisy bob. Its a universal disease.

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