Mike Bloomberg says China is not a dictatorship


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

I'm not sure what Little Mike is smok'in, but when you see red China send out a column of tanks to stop a protester who simply wants to have the right to free speech, or citizens in Hong Kong waving American flags in protest of their captors, China is, in fact, a dictatorship.


Mikey is going by the Progressive delusional notion that if the people are not behind the government, (unless it is Trump) the government cannot stand. Well guess what Mikey, this sort of crap goes on all over the world. That's why immigrants will traverse the very depths of hell in the deepest parts of South America to come all the way to the US for freedom, or why a Cuban gets on an inner tube and hopes to float to Florida.

I can't believe he really believes this. My guess is that his business dealings are the reason China has little Mike in his back pocket.


Who else does China own in the US government?
Technically he is correct. China is an authoritarian government just like little Mikey would like it to be here where he has the controls.
Technically he is correct. China is an authoritarian government just like little Mikey would like it to be here where he has the controls.

Democrats are the party of regulation. Regulation is controls.
Technically he is correct. China is an authoritarian government just like little Mikey would like it to be here where he has the controls.

I find it equally as troubling as Progressives like Little Mike who failed to speak out in favor for the freedoms of those in Hong Kong.

Something is horribly wrong with Progressivism that favors such despotism.
Anyone notice how socialists/dictators/communists always refer to themselves as the people's party but they're never for the people, lol and are always degrading the citizens by calling them the workers.

He plans to spend a few more $billion just to beat Trump. Not sure that make any sense?! He probably considers it chump change.
He's blowing the money on the Leftwing Fake News Corporatists that allow him to air his ads, what do I care?

Democrats’ circular firing squad must have made Trump smile.

The crowd visibly gasped at the answer while Elizabeth Warren — who just days ago put herself out as the great unifier of the party — launched the strongest attacks on Bloomberg of anyone on stage.

“Democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another,”
Warren said in one of several roundhouse blows aimed at Bloomberg.

Warren didn’t stop there — going after Pete Buttigieg and even Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s health care plans, referring to Buttigieg’s plan as a “PowerPoint presentation” and Klobuchar’s plan a “Post-it note.”

Slumping in the polls and trying to recover from her disastrous fourth-place showing in New Hampshire, War Dance Warren took wild swings at her opponents all night. . . .

It was an ugly night all around for Democrats, and Trump had to be smiling if he was watching.

Democrats have a long way to go to unify their party and defeat Trump, and that was the real takeaway from this debate.


“In what can only be described as a demolition derby—with a bunch of amped-up Yugos crashing into each, other over and over again, until engine fires forced the drivers out onto their roofs while sirens blared—Democrats took to the stage to eviscerate one another and pave the way for Trump’s reelection. . . . Not only did Dems unselfconsciously brag about their Marxist/socialist plans, but they displayed their utter contempt for capitalism. When Bloomberg tried to defend the economic system that has raised more people out of poverty than any system in the history of the world, the other candidates on the stage groaned—and many in the audience booed.”​

Meanwhile, Trump’s rally in Arizona last night was filled with love.



I'm not sure what Little Mike is smok'in, but when you see red China send out a column of tanks to stop a protester who simply wants to have the right to free speech, or citizens in Hong Kong waving American flags in protest of their captors, China is, in fact, a dictatorship.


Mikey is going by the Progressive delusional notion that if the people are not behind the government, (unless it is Trump) the government cannot stand. Well guess what Mikey, this sort of crap goes on all over the world. That's why immigrants will traverse the very depths of hell in the deepest parts of South America to come all the way to the US for freedom, or why a Cuban gets on an inner tube and hopes to float to Florida.

I can't believe he really believes this. My guess is that his business dealings are the reason China has little Mike in his back pocket.


Who else does China own in the US government?
Bloomberg is a wannabe totalitarian.

But, so was everyone on the stage for the Dems.

The 2020 Dems’ Groans in Response to Bloomberg’s Defense of Capitalism Tells Us All What We Need To Know.

Technically he is correct. China is an authoritarian government just like little Mikey would like it to be here where he has the controls.
'Dictator for life': Xi Jinping's power grab condemned as step towards tyranny.

Bombshell decision to scrap two-term limit that was designed to guard against Mao-style personality cult in China. Mao remains the biggest mass murderer in history. 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with -- by execution, imprisonment or forced famine.

For Mao, the No. 1 enemy was the intellectual. The so-called Great Helmsman reveled in his blood-letting, boasting, “What’s so unusual about Emperor Shih Huang of the China Dynasty? He had buried alive 460 scholars only, but we have buried alive 46,000 scholars.” Mao was referring to a major “accomplishment” of the Great Cultural Revolution, which from 1966-1976 transformed China into a great House of Fear.

China pours cash into Leftwing politicians, media, think tanks and universities and in exchange the carry water for China on every China/US dispute.

COLLUSION: The Bloomberg China network: Michael Bloomberg’s China baggage is too heavy for the White House.

The business of the New York City billionaire, Bloomberg, gets significant revenue from its financial and data services in China. He is deeply enmeshed with that country’s business and government networks, and it shows.

Bloomberg claimed in September, on a PBS show, that Chinese leader “Xi Jinping is not a dictator. He has to satisfy his constituents or he’s not going to survive.” Bloomberg said, “even in governments that are not what we would call a democracy, there are lots of stakeholders with vested interests, and they have an impact.”

Bloomberg all but admits that China is not a democracy. So, what is it if not a dictatorship? A stakeocracy? Vestocracy? Bloomberg is breaking new ground in political science. But he will find his patch to be very rocky terrain.

What should not be in doubt is precisely what Bloomberg denies.
China is a dictatorship.

Xi Jinping, who reformed the Chinese constitution in 2018 to make himself general secretary for life, leads all of China’s most important political bodies and committees, and has terrorized and imprisoned Chinese elites with an “anti-corruption” crusade that leaves his closest political allies untouched. Given China’s massive economy and military, Xi is now one of history’s most powerful dictators, and arguably today’s most powerful individual.

The Bloomberg China network
The aggressive policing ofGiuliani and Bloomberg saved thousands, if not tens of thousands, of black and Hispanic lives. But to "The Woke," saving such lives is an unforgivable sin if that means a few minutes of humiliation for young men in high-crime neighborhoods.

Bloomberg is tough on China too, my friends!

He plans to spend a few more $billion just to beat Trump. Not sure that make any sense?! He probably considers it chump change.
He's blowing the money on the Leftwing Fake News Corporatists that allow him to air his ads, what do I care?

Democrats’ circular firing squad must have made Trump smile.

The crowd visibly gasped at the answer while Elizabeth Warren — who just days ago put herself out as the great unifier of the party — launched the strongest attacks on Bloomberg of anyone on stage.

“Democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another,”
Warren said in one of several roundhouse blows aimed at Bloomberg.

Warren didn’t stop there — going after Pete Buttigieg and even Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s health care plans, referring to Buttigieg’s plan as a “PowerPoint presentation” and Klobuchar’s plan a “Post-it note.”

Slumping in the polls and trying to recover from her disastrous fourth-place showing in New Hampshire, War Dance Warren took wild swings at her opponents all night. . . .

It was an ugly night all around for Democrats, and Trump had to be smiling if he was watching.

Democrats have a long way to go to unify their party and defeat Trump, and that was the real takeaway from this debate.


“In what can only be described as a demolition derby—with a bunch of amped-up Yugos crashing into each, other over and over again, until engine fires forced the drivers out onto their roofs while sirens blared—Democrats took to the stage to eviscerate one another and pave the way for Trump’s reelection. . . . Not only did Dems unselfconsciously brag about their Marxist/socialist plans, but they displayed their utter contempt for capitalism. When Bloomberg tried to defend the economic system that has raised more people out of poverty than any system in the history of the world, the other candidates on the stage groaned—and many in the audience booed.”​

Meanwhile, Trump’s rally in Arizona last night was filled with love.



Trump rallied in SC and the democrats saw real enthusiasm.
Super-Tuesday will show everyone it will be Biden or Bernie against Trump in November.
I like Trump's chances.

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