Might Be Something to Consider

We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?
Russia my ass. This is all about Dumpf and his hate filled rhetoric. He continually poisons the media and enbolders his not so bright supporters to take action against his legions of critics.

But, there is a silver lining; the narrative on fake immigration issues that Dumpf peddles has now changed and just before the midterms. That's a good thing.

Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs peddles conspiracy theory about suspicious packages - CNN
We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?
Russia my ass. This is all about Dumpf and his hate filled rhetoric. He continually poisons the media and enbolders his not so bright supporters to take action against his legions of critics.

But, there is a silver lining; the narrative on fake immigration issues that Dumpf peddles has now changed and just before the midterms. That's a good thing.

Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs peddles conspiracy theory about suspicious packages - CNN

Nope, the media has been pushing hate, division, racism way before trump got there. Next.
More likely an attempt by Democrats to undo the damage they've done to themselves with their calls for violence against Republicans by making Republicans appear to be violent too.

How soon people forget that prominent republicans were sent packages with white powder in them just last month. Of course the MSM has and continues to downplay those incidents. And they wonder why no one trusts them.

That's funny.

When someone sent white powder to some "prominent republicans", I don't recall all the pseudocon tards on here starting a hundred topics to claim it must have been a Republican that sent the powder.

Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
The left has been encouraging violence now for 2 years.






Note the cross in the background, like a good old fashioned Klan meeting:


On sale now!:



Dumb fat Trumpies being Trumpies:


Now show me where elected officials or high profile celebrities participated in any of that.
More likely an attempt by Democrats to undo the damage they've done to themselves with their calls for violence against Republicans by making Republicans appear to be violent too.

How soon people forget that prominent republicans were sent packages with white powder in them just last month. Of course the MSM has and continues to downplay those incidents. And they wonder why no one trusts them.

That's funny.

When someone sent white powder to some "prominent republicans", I don't recall all the pseudocon tards on here starting a hundred topics to claim it must have been a Republican that sent the powder.


And that has what to do with me or what I said, HOW???

We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?
That thought has crossed my mind......the goal was chaos and finger pointing. Who benefits the most from that?
Question: Who benefits by it if Republicans are blamed (which is clearly the goal)?

Answer: Democratic Party candidates.
"which is clearly the goal"?

No....what we see much more than any fingerpointing towards Republicans is all the "false flag" claims made towards Democrats.

Just look at the number of separate threads here making that claim.
Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?

Nope, can't be the Russians.

If the Russians had done it the bombs would have actually worked.
But that would not have been nearly as clever. Think about it....if the bombs had worked, we would have united in our anger over this, right?

Now it's chaos and fingerpointing. The Left is angry that prominent Democrats were targetted and the Right is angry over the apparent fake-ness of these bombs. A perfect storm of chaos.
Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
You can't really be stupid enough to think it's coincidence that these bombs were sent right before the election, can you? Republicans would have had nothing to gain by targeting only prominent but currently useless Democrats but Democrats have every reason to expect this will help their candidates in the midterms.
The left has been encouraging violence now for 2 years.






Note the cross in the background, like a good old fashioned Klan meeting:


On sale now!:



Dumb fat Trumpies being Trumpies:


Now show me where elected officials or high profile celebrities participated in any of that.

Outcry as Trump hails body slam politician

Highly edited and taken out of context. Calling for mob action against cabinet members is not the same as telling people it's okay to defend themselves.
Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
You can't really be stupid enough to think it's coincidence that these bombs were sent right before the election, can you? Republicans would have had nothing to gain by targeting only prominent but currently useless Democrats but Democrats have every reason to expect this will help their candidates in the midterms.

Why the fuck would you be targeting people who aren't even running for anything?
Think about it.
We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?
/——/ Anything is possible, but probably not.
Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
You can't really be stupid enough to think it's coincidence that these bombs were sent right before the election, can you? Republicans would have had nothing to gain by targeting only prominent but currently useless Democrats but Democrats have every reason to expect this will help their candidates in the midterms.

Why the fuck would you be targeting people who aren't even running?
Think about it.
/——/ The sympathy vote to rule up the dem base.
Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
You can't really be stupid enough to think it's coincidence that these bombs were sent right before the election, can you? Republicans would have had nothing to gain by targeting only prominent but currently useless Democrats but Democrats have every reason to expect this will help their candidates in the midterms.

Why the fuck would you be targeting people who aren't even running?
Think about it.
/——/ The sympathy vote to rule up the dem base.

Doesn't work that way. That would require a Composition Fallacy. You know, that state of arrested development where some clown believes that one member of a group is the same as all members of that group.
We all know that Russia wants to cause trouble and chaos in America. Russia wants Americans to be fighting among ourselves.

I have no proof of this but could someone from Russia have sent all those bombs?

For the purpose to cause more chaos and divide in our nation just before the election?

They sure have done a lot of damage via the internet. In 2016 they organized rallies for democrats and republicans. They sent out fake ads about democrats to get people to not vote.

Is it possible that someone from Russia sent those bombs?
That thought has crossed my mind......the goal was chaos and finger pointing. Who benefits the most from that?

Exactly. It seems to follow what Russia has been trying to do for several years.

Create chaos, hate and fighting.

If it turns out to be russia I won't be surprised.
Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
You can't really be stupid enough to think it's coincidence that these bombs were sent right before the election, can you? Republicans would have had nothing to gain by targeting only prominent but currently useless Democrats but Democrats have every reason to expect this will help their candidates in the midterms.

Why the fuck would you be targeting people who aren't even running for anything?
Think about it.
Clearly, the Republicans wouldn't have. They would have targeted Democrats running in close races to make sure they kept control of Congress if they had sent the bombs, but for the Democrats it would have been self defeating to send bombs to other Democrats running for Congress, so it would make sense to send the bombs to prominent Democrats who had no real value to the Party in the election, in order to try to influence the election in their favor.
Here's a post that refutes itself:

Notice that no Democrat currently running for office was targeted, only prominent Democrats who had no influence on the midterms were targeted. Who benefits from this? Obviously, the Democrats


"Purple, because aliens never wear hats"
You can't really be stupid enough to think it's coincidence that these bombs were sent right before the election, can you? Republicans would have had nothing to gain by targeting only prominent but currently useless Democrats but Democrats have every reason to expect this will help their candidates in the midterms.

Why the fuck would you be targeting people who aren't even running?
Think about it.
/——/ The sympathy vote to rule up the dem base.

Doesn't work that way. That would require a Composition Fallacy. You know, that state of arrested development where some clown believes that one member of a group is the same as all members of that group.
Not really. In 2016, the Democrats were willing to destroy any chance of the US and Russia negotiating any solutions to the death and destruction in the ME or eastern Europe with their slanders about Trump's collusion with Russia to try to win the election, despite all the suffering it has caused around the world, so it is not far fetched that these same Democrats would risk killing a few more people to try to win this election. Was it a crazy person who sent those bombs or a Democratic political operative?

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