Middle-income earners saw biggest percentage tax cuts from 2017 overhaul


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
The only time in my life I actually got a substantial tax cut. Democrats want to obsessively raise my taxs to give it those that dont and wont work, like drug dealers, junkies, ms13 and other gangbangers, prostitutes and general all around scumbags and illegal immigrants. Somehow for some reason I just cant agree with that.

Middle-income taxpayers fared better than millionaires from the 2017 GOP tax overhaul, according to data recently released by the IRS.

Taxpayers earning less than $100,000 saw double-digit percentage decreases in total tax liabilities between 2017 and 2018, the year after tax reform was enacted. Millionaires, on the other hand, saw single-digit decreases over the same time period, according to analysis from the conservative pro-tax cut organization Americans for Tax Reform.

While middle-income earners were the clear winner in terms of percentage declines in tax liability, millionaires received a larger break in terms of dollars.

The average tax liability of millionaires was reduced by roughly $54,000 between 2017 and 2018. Middle-income earners only saw declines ranging from $1,200 to $330.

There is typically a lag of a few years for IRS tax data. The 2018 tax year is the most recent for which data is available

From you buried source (The Washington Examiner)

"While middle-income earners were the clear winner in terms of percentage declines in tax liability, millionaires received a larger break in terms of dollars. "
The percent reduction of tax liability is a silly way to look at the statistics. The far more relevant way is percent increase in after tax income.

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why they didn't do that?

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