Mid-Term "Solution" to Covid 19 Restrictions


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I posted this idea six months ago and it is still the best way to go.

The Governors should eliminate all restrictions on behaviors and activities related to the pandemic.

The Chamber of Commerce should devise and publish a short "Waiver and Release" form that businesses will ask customers to sign before entering. The W&R will state that the person knows the risks of Covid 19, and chooses to come in anyway, releases the business owner from any liability, and WAIVES THE RIGHT TO SUE the business owner for contraction of the disease (or anything related to same). The employees of the business would also be protected from suit.

If you wanted to go to a movie, a sporting event, a concert, into a restaurant, or whatever else, you would be asked to sign the W&R before entering - otherwise you will be denied entry. Picture ID required.

Then, "we" do whatever we think is prudent. Stay home, avoid certain venues, wear a mask, avoid people who are not wearing a mask...it's all up to you.

The best part of this plan is that Democrats will all stay home, so the rest of us can enjoy life again.

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