Microsoft, I have to think, but cannot!

I amso IR

"Well Yea, Duh"!
Jul 11, 2015
My two cents worth, which has been devalued over the past 75 years. I tried Windows 10 and just reverted back to Win 7, as Microsoft said I would be able to do. That, to my way of thinking is the best feature of Win 10. Enough snidery.

I personally don't see Win 10 worth the headaches of trying to figure it out. Perhaps the version which was allocated to me is the problem, but the system seemed to be lacking. It was faster than 7, that I will state. Perhaps I need to throw my three ancient laptops out and shell out $500.00 for a newer computer? (not)! The system just did not have the proper feel for me. Win 10 is far more advanced than 7 in that if it detects an error starting up, it tells you it will attempt to fix that error on the next start up. After two or three restarts it seemingly does just that as it no longer gives you the "critical error" indicator. It does not explain the error. The search feature was hit and miss in that on some starts it functioned and others did not appear or function. Cortina or what ever the personnel assistance name is kept connecting me with web sites when all I wanted was to know where a certain function could be found as the search feature in 7 does. There is no doubt that Microsoft intends for 10 to learn about the users desires and lean towards, gasp, an AI type of interface. I do not need that. Now my lovely bride of 53 years wants to go shopping. TA TA as I will return, hopefully, with more of my feel with regards to 10.
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
Perfectly happy with Win 7 here.
No plans to upgrade until I absolutely have to.
Win 10 has some "features" that I'm a little wary of, such as using a person's internet connection (without their knowledge) to help distribute updates.
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward
I know what I'm missing, Cortana is an annoyance at best, Edge is nothing more than IE repackaged and I hate the GUI........ I'm fed up with M$, finished with them. From now on it's Hackentosh for me. Sorry but your M$ stocks are gonna have to suffer with the loss on one more user, well probably hundreds of thousands of users........ :eusa_whistle:
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward

Haha!!....Jesus, every single version they have came out with is the same - "best one EVAH!!!
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward
I know what I'm missing, Cortana is an annoyance at best, Edge is nothing more than IE repackaged and I hate the GUI........ I'm fed up with M$, finished with them. From now on it's Hackentosh for me. Sorry but your M$ stocks are gonna have to suffer with the loss on one more user, well probably hundreds of thousands of users........ :eusa_whistle:
ahhh you're an Apple fanboy ;) I use OS X in the office and use Windows 10 at home. I like both OS's but Windows 10 is a much more "exciting" OS than OS X. Couldn't say that before.

I own ZERO stock in MSFT :) but do own some AAPL, so please continue :lol: :lol:
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward
I know what I'm missing, Cortana is an annoyance at best, Edge is nothing more than IE repackaged and I hate the GUI........ I'm fed up with M$, finished with them. From now on it's Hackentosh for me. Sorry but your M$ stocks are gonna have to suffer with the loss on one more user, well probably hundreds of thousands of users........ :eusa_whistle:
ahhh you're an Apple fanboy ;) I use OS X in the office and use Windows 10 at home. I like both OS's but Windows 10 is a much more "exciting" OS than OS X. Couldn't say that before.

I own ZERO stock in MSFT :) but do own some AAPL, so please continue :lol: :lol:

Just sayin...not thinking one would be a Appleboy if they use Hackentosh?
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  • #9
My two cents worth, which has been devalued over the past 75 years. I tried Windows 10 and just reverted back to Win 7, as Microsoft said I would be able to do. That, to my way of thinking is the best feature of Win 10. Enough snidery.

I personally don't see Win 10 worth the headaches of trying to figure it out. Perhaps the version which was allocated to me is the problem, but the system seemed to be lacking. It was faster than 7, that I will state. Perhaps I need to throw my three ancient laptops out and shell out $500.00 for a newer computer? (not)! The system just did not have the proper feel for me. Win 10 is far more advanced than 7 in that if it detects an error starting up, it tells you it will attempt to fix that error on the next start up. After two or three restarts it seemingly does just that as it no longer gives you the "critical error" indicator. It does not explain the error. The search feature was hit and miss in that on some starts it functioned and others did not appear or function. Cortina or what ever the personnel assistance name is kept connecting me with web sites when all I wanted was to know where a certain function could be found as the search feature in 7 does. There is no doubt that Microsoft intends for 10 to learn about the users desires and lean towards, gasp, an AI type of interface. I do not need that. Now my lovely bride of 53 years wants to go shopping. TA TA as I will return, hopefully, with more of my feel with regards to 10.

I amso IR continues where he left off.

I have to feel that Microsoft is on to something with regards to producing a system which will take care of itself in terms of downloads, error elimination, and even 24/7 tracking of users. The constant downloading of updates one experiences with 7 is a pain. The speed of 7 is not the best. I found the upgraded and improved Edge really comfortable and usable. It seems more human and able in the sense that it is aware? I realize it is not but feel it has been developed to interface with requirements imposed on it in a smoother or more efficient way. That younger users find 10 a breeze is not astounding to me at all. This program was written with a more self sufficient platform in mind. 7 leaves a lot to be desired from that line of thought. I suppose that may be the crux of my wanting to use 7 in place of 10. Being older I relate to a more hands on control system of things. And with respects to an automobile driving itself while I read a book, forget it. I also believe an airplane should be landed by a pilot and not a computer. The final problem or any concern to me is the computer freeze. Several times over a period of two weeks, the system crashed for the lack of a better word. It would not take input and would just sit there. I could see the processor was working by the blinking of the little light which tells you it's mind is functioning. It simply froze and looked back at me. No warning other than I would move the cursor and ask it to respond and it just sat there. I found this very frustrating. One minute it was responding and zap, it went to sleep. The few icons in the task bar went dead as did the desktop search features. Really weird. and difficult to explain. No blue out, black out, no white out, simply NO Nothing! Screen freeze! Also, 10 somehow canceled operating instructions written by Toshiba. The button shutting down the finger pad control for the mouse did not work. Hence the finger pad was hot all the time. Last night while on message board, my right hand touched the touch pad and my screen shrank down so small I could not read it.It had done this before, but always came back to normal size. Last night however it did not. I shut Herbie, my computer down, rebooted and came back on line. The problem continued to exist. I could not get back to a normal screen, asked help for help, none. Shut the damned thing down and went to bed. Turned Herb on this morning, all is well in la la land. I at that point took Microsoft at it's word and reinstalled Win 7. Seems to be working fine. And that is my experience with Win 10. I will continue with Win 7, something I understand, if only a little bit.
And again I say, as I did in the other is not wise to upgrade an OS early. M$ has a looooooonnnnggg history of releasing OS's way too soon and remarkably untested.
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward
I know what I'm missing, Cortana is an annoyance at best, Edge is nothing more than IE repackaged and I hate the GUI........ I'm fed up with M$, finished with them. From now on it's Hackentosh for me. Sorry but your M$ stocks are gonna have to suffer with the loss on one more user, well probably hundreds of thousands of users........ :eusa_whistle:
ahhh you're an Apple fanboy ;) I use OS X in the office and use Windows 10 at home. I like both OS's but Windows 10 is a much more "exciting" OS than OS X. Couldn't say that before.

I own ZERO stock in MSFT :) but do own some AAPL, so please continue :lol: :lol:
Nope, never owned an Apple in my life, way overpriced hence the Hackentosh idea, OS X has so many more options than Linux and I like Linux.
Win 7 is great for desktops and laptops, Win 8.1 is great for tablets and phones, Win 10 is a bastardized compromise and since I don't use tablets and I don't use my smartphone for anything other than calling, texting, hotspotting and the rare google search I have no need of Win 8 or 10.
Pretty much made up my mind I'm not updating, sticking with Win 7. Disabled the constant update notifications and that will be that.
You don't know what your missing. Windows 10 is by far their best OS ever. Fast, great looking GUI, Cortana is phenomenal, Edge browser is fast and "light". A+++++++ for Windows 10. Cannot imagine going back to 8.1 or 7. It would be a giant step backward
I know what I'm missing, Cortana is an annoyance at best, Edge is nothing more than IE repackaged and I hate the GUI........ I'm fed up with M$, finished with them. From now on it's Hackentosh for me. Sorry but your M$ stocks are gonna have to suffer with the loss on one more user, well probably hundreds of thousands of users........ :eusa_whistle:
ahhh you're an Apple fanboy ;) I use OS X in the office and use Windows 10 at home. I like both OS's but Windows 10 is a much more "exciting" OS than OS X. Couldn't say that before.

I own ZERO stock in MSFT :) but do own some AAPL, so please continue :lol: :lol:

Just sayin...not thinking one would be a Appleboy if they use Hackentosh?
And again I say, as I did in the other is not wise to upgrade an OS early. M$ has a looooooonnnnggg history of releasing OS's way too soon and remarkably untested.

I amso IR responds

Cannot argue that point. However, I now have a much better sense as to where MS is going and how they intend to get there. They are much further down the road than with any operating system prior to 10. And that is a good thing. I have a hunch 10 will be very stable within a year and far more usable with less heartburn than now, as it does work with a few glitches. Plus, how many of those was due to my lack of understanding what the system required? While I came back to 7 on my primary laptop, I have another older computer about to go on 10. Gonna play with it and see what happens. Also I plan on keeping Opera handy on both.
And again I say, as I did in the other is not wise to upgrade an OS early. M$ has a looooooonnnnggg history of releasing OS's way too soon and remarkably untested.

I amso IR responds

Cannot argue that point. However, I now have a much better sense as to where MS is going and how they intend to get there. They are much further down the road than with any operating system prior to 10. And that is a good thing. I have a hunch 10 will be very stable within a year and far more usable with less heartburn than now, as it does work with a few glitches. Plus, how many of those was due to my lack of understanding what the system required? While I came back to 7 on my primary laptop, I have another older computer about to go on 10. Gonna play with it and see what happens.

Much farther down the road than any operating system??
A bit early to make that claim don't you think??
It has been out for about 10 minutes.
I have been involved with computers since the 1980's.
As far as M$ is concerned, like with Cereal Killer, every single release of theirs I hear the claims "it is the best Windows yet!!!...oohhh...aahhh..." and then reality sets in.

I am here to tell you what M$ is doing, and what they are doing is trying to figure out how to turn your computer into an ad revenue machine.
Mark my words. It is going to happen.

Install your own browser, I prefer mozilla, install ad block plus.

Now how you think MS is going to advertise anything to you??

Oh yeah, put on your tin foil hat and let me ask that again.

W10 has DirectX12 wich will double the frame rate on GPU's ..............

It is faster, those who have robust machines have no problems running this system, we got a whole house full of tech running on this system sans advertising.

Nvm, go back to the stone age .............
Tested: DirectX 12's potential performance leap is insane

Gordon Mah Ung |
Executive Editor, PCWorld
  • Mar 26, 2015 6:00 AM
We already know DirectX 12 will drastically improve game performance when Windows 10 ships later this year, but just how much of a "free" boost you'll get isn't exactly known.

Microsoft execs expect frame rates to more than double when comparing DX12 to the current DX11 API. But that estimate looks to be conservative if Futuremark's new API Overhead Feature test is to be believed.

Microsoft and Futuremark gave us early access to the latest 3DMark test, which lets us measure just how much more efficient Microsoft's Windows 10-only gaming API is than its predecessor, and whoa mama, does it perform. But before we get too carried way and the hype train leaves the station with a big toot toot, remember that this is a theoretical test, and not based on an actual game engine.

Tested DirectX 12 s potential performance leap is insane PCWorld

Which in layman speak means you will need a cut above built in or low end video cards.
remember that this is a theoretical test, and not based on an actual game engine.
Amen to that.
I'll wait until I've seen real-world benchmarks from all chipset manufacturers before I buy into what may possibly be a lot of hype.
I remember when Nvidia wrote drivers specifically to maximize their 3DMark scores, giving an unrealistic impression of performance.
M$ isn't innocent of deception, either. They've made things artificially backwards-incompatible in the past in order to "encourage" sales of a new OS.

Install your own browser, I prefer mozilla, install ad block plus.

Now how you think MS is going to advertise anything to you??

Oh yeah, put on your tin foil hat and let me ask that again.

Nvm, go back to the stone age .............

Of course they are. Google and Amazon (Kindle) are already doing it.
You wait, "consumer experience" tiles will soon appear.
My bad! I did a poor job of explaining my interest level and computer back ground. My interest level is close to the bottom of a scale of 1 to 100. I enjoy turning on the machine and seeing MSN pop up on the screen. I then tap the e mail button and read my mail. I glance over the news and read anything of interest and then shut the damned thing down. I do not play any games as they waste my time, which at 75 years of age is increasing in value. As stated, I do not play senseless games so frame rate is nothing of value to me. My youngest computer is more than five years old, the hard drive is less than 15 % filled and that is that. All I want is to be able to flip the switch and not wait for Herbie to eat lunch while booting up. I use as a browser, Opera, which is simple, uncluttered and functions fairly quickly. Why, you may ask, am I screwing with Win 10? Because it is there and I can. As I stated in another post, I did up load WIN 10, yesterday, onto an even older ACER machine. It is functioning seemingly flawlessly. It is quick, from my point of view and has none of the quirks I related to when loaded onto my newer Toshiba. I take that simple test as a plus. So thirty years or so, of computer experience be damned. I am doing this drill for myself and only thought someone might enjoy hearing from a flat footed user who reads email and news. Games? Screw them as I have enough games playing on Message Board and reading fool's errands. When reading about string theory or other physic's topics I use Kindle, the original version. Works very well and is stable. My tablet which I received free of charge is a Samsung Galaxy 3 and it is a pain in the butt. Good machine but a pain. As I do not text and have a ten year old Samsug flip phone I do not need a phone either. Also, I might add, I never turn the phone on as someone might call and I do not wish to talk. I keep it charged only because an emergency may arise when on the road to nowhere. I lead a very simple life and intend to keep it that way. But, yes, I will continue to play with WIN 10, thank you. Nuff said.
With reference to posts #2,#13 and#19 above. I lamented my experiences with Win10. I pulled and older computer, by a year or so, and downloaded Win10 for the second time. I am happy to report that it seems to be working flawlessly. It downloaded while I slept and did it all by itself. The next morning I woke up Herbie #2 and there was Cortana asking me if I would like to continue and finalize the installation. I replied yes and we did just that with no problems. It is easy to see why I was having difficulties in the first place. The OS had for whatever reason not installed completely for what ever reason. Now, it is working well, as intended, and on an older machine. Again, it is easy to see why folks are saying they like Win10. The biggest positive I find is that the compartmentalization which Windows was based upon years ago, is refined and not so obvious. Cortana allows most anything you want to do to be done from there. It is an system search engine as well as a web search engine. It allows you to search within or without the machine from one location. Opening the search block is no longer needed as it it always there in the lower left hand corner. Bing is no longer needed as it is the same block. No need to go to Google, unless you wish. No Google task bar is required. Cortana is supposed to do it all for you. Kinda neat. Lets assume you are reading about why balls bounce. You can ask Cortina to find more info. It does and then you may use the split screen application, one button and have both pages displayed on the screen, read from one and compare with the other at the same time. Good stuff in that it takes one inquiry and one button. Key strokes have been reduced as well as, "how did I do that before?

Win10 is quicker than Win7 by quite a bit. Less effort and thinking as well as less memory on the operators part. Starts quicker and responds quicker. Also, a feature I found on failed experiment #1 as discussed in #13 above, it can and will attempt to fix errors found on start up Does it by it's little lonesome. No crash, no smash, no bust. Now yes, it may take two reboots, perhaps more to get all fragments back where they belong but is a damn site quicker than Defrag was. Depending upon how much garbage one has on the disc, Defrag could take hours and really did nothing to the Registry. I have the feeling that Win10 does the whole nine yards and does it without the user getting involved. That is huge!

Downloads are automatic and the user has no idea they are happening. No more do you want this, that or the other. It simply downloads while you are looking at whatever and that is that. All of those individual decisions are left to the system. Again, that is huge!

Win10 may customized as one wants but seems less of an option than before. I have not done any so honestly I should not mention it. But it is still there.

What impresses me is that it loaded on an older machine with no failure indicators and runs smoothly. Driver updates were again seamless and work.

I am impressed with what MS has done and see only huge results for the future. Other program oriented folks need take notice as MS is dabbling in the future of AI for home computers and in my estimation coming on strong. The old days are just that, "the old days".