Michigan Government Lying To Your Faces


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Michigan Government Lying To Your Faces "

* Partisan Organization Declared Non Partisan By Partisan Governor *

Michigan.gov -
Civic groups cannot log into, access, edit or modify the state’s Qualified Voter File. This includes Rock the Vote.
As was announced in June, the Michigan Department of State (MDOS) has
worked with the nonpartisan voter education group Rock the Vote to build a secure API (“application programming interface”) to facilitate the voter registration of eligible Michigan citizens.

When a voter registration application was submitted to the online voter registration tool by a group using the API, that organization’s name is indicated only for record-keeping purposes. This does not mean the group can log into or edit the Qualified Voter File – they can’t.

Rock the Vote is a non-profit progressive, far Left-aligned organization in the United States whose stated mission is "to engage and build the political power of young people."[2]
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
A Democrat will always lie if they feel it will politically help them. If Biden is seated he won't follow through on 10% of his promises. The workers will suffer greatly under Biden but our outsourcing corporations will get richer. (I thought Democrats wanted the rich to pay their fair share).Our country is about to see what totalitarian promises actually mean. That is, nothing.
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
And here I thought this was about the Michigan governor.

I don't advocate the people of Michigan try to scheme to kidnap their governor, but I do understand their anger when they are told they can't work by their governor, or prevented from working by other issues the state has created, and then not pay them.

That is not humane.

Politicians need to understand that when you put a knife to the throats of the American people, they need to start living behind bullet proof glass and like it for the rest of their lives, along with their families.
I've been at my current address for six years. Every year ballets come in the mail for someone who doesn't live there anymore. I write Return to sender/not at this address. The ballets just keep on coming. In fact there were more ballets this year. They update the files? LOL
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
And here I thought this was about the Michigan governor.

I don't advocate the people of Michigan try to scheme to kidnap their governor, but I do understand their anger when they are told they can't work by their governor, or prevented from working by other issues the state has created, and then not pay them.

That is not humane.

Politicians need to understand that when you put a knife to the throats of the American people, they need to start living behind bullet proof glass and like it for the rest of their lives, along with their families.
The people of Michigan did not scheme to kidnap the governor. It was a handful of jackasses talking tough.

Meanwhile there is a recall Whitmer petition available for Michiganders to sign....
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
And here I thought this was about the Michigan governor.

I don't advocate the people of Michigan try to scheme to kidnap their governor, but I do understand their anger when they are told they can't work by their governor, or prevented from working by other issues the state has created, and then not pay them.

That is not humane.

Politicians need to understand that when you put a knife to the throats of the American people, they need to start living behind bullet proof glass and like it for the rest of their lives, along with their families.
Why the people there haven't legally petitioned to recall that witch is beyond me. Denying people the right to make a living is about as unconstitutional as it gets.
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
you must mean that there will be a pedophile leading the USA. that piece of shit aint no statesman. xiden is a corrupt waste of oxygen. you retarded demonRATs will figure that out. also, you must mean the put AMERICA first economy, that was booming b4 the asswipe demonRATs started the covid hoax...dont forget to thank TRUMP for everything he has done to make AMERICA great. unlike your home wrecking whore,kamel toe and your pedophile chinese asshole xiden
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
And here I thought this was about the Michigan governor.

I don't advocate the people of Michigan try to scheme to kidnap their governor, but I do understand their anger when they are told they can't work by their governor, or prevented from working by other issues the state has created, and then not pay them.

That is not humane.

Politicians need to understand that when you put a knife to the throats of the American people, they need to start living behind bullet proof glass and like it for the rest of their lives, along with their families.
politicians also need to understand that they can be taken out by more ways than 1
A Democrat will always lie if they feel it will politically help them. If Biden is seated he won't follow through on 10% of his promises. The workers will suffer greatly under Biden but our outsourcing corporations will get richer. (I thought Democrats wanted the rich to pay their fair share).Our country is about to see what totalitarian promises actually mean. That is, nothing.
Democrats lie when there is no need to lie. They lie because it's as natural as breathing to them. If they aren't lying, they feel ill at ease and something just isn't right.
Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.

Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
You’re not a Marxist. If you were, you’d know Joe is a fucking Neocon corporatist asshole.

You’re just another dyed in the wool duped democrat.
And here I thought this was about the Michigan governor.

I don't advocate the people of Michigan try to scheme to kidnap their governor, but I do understand their anger when they are told they can't work by their governor, or prevented from working by other issues the state has created, and then not pay them.

That is not humane.

Politicians need to understand that when you put a knife to the throats of the American people, they need to start living behind bullet proof glass and like it for the rest of their lives, along with their families.

You need to understand that when educated and informed authority makes a decision it is in your best interest to comply.

Personally I wouldn't care if half the population was wiped out. It actually needs to be done. It needs to be controlled more so that the extremist greedy selfish individuals do not perpetuate the patriarchy and failed institutions that keep people mindlessly feeding and wasting resources while they make the planet uninhabitable for the rest of us.
" Karl Marx Trotsky Paper Tiger "

* Get Ready For The Cold Water *

Flat earth conspiracy nuts are desperate to cling to their conspiracy nonsense. Your clown lost, the real statesman won. He will undo the damage Trump did by undermining the greatest president the US ever elected, Barack Obama. The country was on the verge of facilitating the global order, until the racists made a populist sneak and took the WH from Hillary.
Time to suck it up and take your medicine.
Post something compelling and contrary with the left wing narrative on fake booked and the list of communist monikers that have visited the faced book page come out of the woodwork .

Hopefully posts to socialist , communist , pages on faced booked that lead back to this forum are paying off as faced booked is full of censorship cowards who do not let critical posts stand for the peer pressure and ideological insufficiency ; however , the brain washing and censorship cannot be safeguarded here .

So , let us see what you have to say when scrutiny cannot be censored , and it is any ones guess how long it will be before you run and hide .

Voting integrity should matter to any and all , that is except to thieves - Every Non Voting Machine Ballot Collected Should Require In Person Voter Identification

* Anti-Racist Racist Delusions of The Left *

The left wing fabricates any excuse available to blame all but their own pathetic public policies .

Racism is fabricated by the left wing - Anti-Racist Racism Platform Of The Democratic Party

Posted on facebook :
" http://bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf - see Table 7 page 12 , along with charts 19 , 20a , 20b and statistics on page 13 ; which demographic is victimized by which demographic ? !
A cheap political ploy concocted is to BLaMe whitey scapegoat for sowing racial division the left fabricated .
The 15% of us population is black but according to table 7 page 12 , account for 52.5% of all homicides during the 20 year study .
84% of whites kill whites and 93% of black kill blacks , and given that fbi statistics place all perpetrators ( hispanic included ) into the category of white or black , at a minimum 16% of whites are killed are killed by blacks , while only 7% of blacks killed are killed by whites THAT IS BLACKS KILL WHITES AT LEAST TWICE AS OFTEN at other way around .

Left wing promotes the thug but projects white supremacists militias behind every tree and raves for gun control by sensationalizing mass shootings and any white on black crime for sensationalism for purposes of depriving the public from opposing its demented plans to confiscate wealth and collective ownership for the means of production - Left Wing Mental Degenerates Undermining Reality Of Gangs .

The Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ?

* The National Security Risk Connection *

Beijing biden impotence against chinese hegemony and inability to defend us economic interests - Trump On China Versus Beijing Biden And A History Of Devaluing Economic Policies

Beijing biden with his hands out peddling chinese hegemony - Why Did RNC Not Spend All Its Money On Getting This Run Repeatedly On Prime Time Television ? .

Russian collusion a fabricated lie by clinton to distract from e-mail server says CIA and partisan FBI purposely avoids presenting exculpatory evidence - CSPAN Andrew McCabe November 2020 .

* More To Follow *
you must mean that there will be a pedophile leading the USA. that piece of shit aint no statesman. xiden is a corrupt waste of oxygen. you retarded demonRATs will figure that out. also, you must mean the put AMERICA first economy, that was booming b4 the asswipe demonRATs started the covid hoax...dont forget to thank TRUMP for everything he has done to make AMERICA great. unlike your home wrecking whore,kamel toe and your pedophile chinese asshole xiden
This post is rated retarded.jpg
And here I thought this was about the Michigan governor.

I don't advocate the people of Michigan try to scheme to kidnap their governor, but I do understand their anger when they are told they can't work by their governor, or prevented from working by other issues the state has created, and then not pay them.

That is not humane.

Politicians need to understand that when you put a knife to the throats of the American people, they need to start living behind bullet proof glass and like it for the rest of their lives, along with their families.

You need to understand that when educated and informed authority makes a decision it is in your best interest to comply.

Personally I wouldn't care if half the population was wiped out. It actually needs to be done. It needs to be controlled more so that the extremist greedy selfish individuals do not perpetuate the patriarchy and failed institutions that keep people mindlessly feeding and wasting resources while they make the planet uninhabitable for the rest of us.
So you would not mind half the world population being snuffed out? You think it would help "institutions" if they were wiped out? What is the point of "institutions" other than to help people dolt? It reminds me of your National Socialist buddy Hitler who said that all that matters is the state, and not the people. Hello! There is no state without the people.

You being a Marxist like those in BLM, that does not surprise me since you are a mixture of insanity and stupidity and abject evil.
Personally I wouldn't care if half the population was wiped out. It actually needs to be done. It needs to be controlled more so that the extremist greedy selfish individuals do not perpetuate the patriarchy and failed institutions that keep people mindlessly feeding and wasting resources while they make the planet uninhabitable for the rest of us.
You are either a right wing troll pretending to be a left wing troll, or a moron. I haven’t decided yet.
you must mean that there will be a pedophile leading the USA. that piece of shit aint no statesman. xiden is a corrupt waste of oxygen. you retarded demonRATs will figure that out. also, you must mean the put AMERICA first economy, that was booming b4 the asswipe demonRATs started the covid hoax...dont forget to thank TRUMP for everything he has done to make AMERICA great. unlike your home wrecking whore,kamel toe and your pedophile chinese asshole xiden
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that must be tattooed on your head...

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