Michigan Elections Forensics Report Says Over 66,000 Unregistered Ballots Counted in 2020 Election

The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
For the last two decades turds like you have been arguing that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Algore won the 2000 elections
Get a life, bripat. Deal with reality not made up shit. You and your ilk are pathetic. Your relevance is fading, quickly, as the embarrassing chapter of US history, the Trump presidency, fades away.
I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Debunked, fucking moron...

It's behind a pay wall, and furthermore WAPO is the source.

Why dont you take your shit to the police. Whilst they are reading it and laughing they will stop killing the public.
Why don't you worry about your own country and we'll worry about ours?
Its no problem mate. I am not worried about your country, its all going better over there now you have dumped the clown.
It's going far worse, NAZI.

If you aren't worried about our country, then what are you doing on this message board?
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Debunked, fucking moron...

It's behind a pay wall, and furthermore WAPO is the source.


As always, fucking moron, you fail on each count. But since you're too scared to look at it, I'll highlight one of their points....

Frank contends there were over 66,000 unregistered voters. He reached this conclusion by subtracting the number of votes from the number of voters registered by last October. But as the Washington Post so eloquently points out, Michigan law allows voters to register on the same day they vote.

So how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Again, fuckimg moron.... how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?
I posted an article. Deal with it.

So? I also posted an article. Only my article debunks yours. Want proof? You can't answer such a simple question...

How many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Debate yourself, NAZI.

Keep running from your own claims, fucking moron.

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

Of course you are, fucking moron. Everybody here sees it too as I royally bitch slapped you silly by pointing out the ridiculousness of contending there were 66,000+ unregistered voters in Michigan because you mindlessly glommed onto an article which didn't account for same day registrations on election day in November.

Declaring yourself the victor is one of your favorite tactics.
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Debunked, fucking moron...

It's behind a pay wall, and furthermore WAPO is the source.


As always, fucking moron, you fail on each count. But since you're too scared to look at it, I'll highlight one of their points....

Frank contends there were over 66,000 unregistered voters. He reached this conclusion by subtracting the number of votes from the number of voters registered by last October. But as the Washington Post so eloquently points out, Michigan law allows voters to register on the same day they vote.

So how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Again, fuckimg moron.... how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?
I posted an article. Deal with it.

So? I also posted an article. Only my article debunks yours. Want proof? You can't answer such a simple question...

How many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Debate yourself, NAZI.

Keep running from your own claims, fucking moron.

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

Of course you are, fucking moron. Everybody here sees it too as I royally bitch slapped you silly by pointing out the ridiculousness of contending there were 66,000+ unregistered voters in Michigan because you mindlessly glommed onto an article which didn't account for same day registrations on election day in November.

Declaring yourself the victor is one of your favorite tactics.

I didn't declare me the victor, fucking moron. You did...

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
The leftyvirus mailins that were forged by the Dim election workers....lots more than that I bet.

What is an unregistered ballot? I ask because I've never heard of it, and I can't find a definition of it on-line.

Now that I think of it, when I mentioned "on-line," it made me recall about 30 years ago when I got my first computer with Windows 3.1. That first computer had 8MB of RAM and a whopping 120MB of memory, and it cost me $2,000. The Information Age was all the rage then, and I remember how remarkable it seemed to be able to access so much information on-line without the need to wade through card catalogues at the library. Yeah, it was a real marvel. Not only could you access information, anyone could set up a website with a minimum investment. And millions of people did just that. I really don't think a lot of people thought much about it at the time (I sure know I didn't), but the Internet had the potential to be a source of disinformation like the world had never seen before. Think about it! What would people with an agenda do in earlier times? They might buy an offset printer, print up pages and then stick them on telephone polls, or under windshield wipers, or in mail boxes. It was time-consuming, expensive, and not very effective since most people would toss them out. Besides, there was no feedback unless the person was willing to list personal information on the paper. Others who were more sophisticated might manage to get on late night radio shows like Coast to Coast and talk to Art Bell or George Noory about angels, or the paranormal, or aliens among us, but it was late at night while most people slept.

Looking back now, I'd have to say that it was inevitable that the brave new world of the Information Age would end up giving way to the cowardly new world of the Disinformation Age. And here we are! Unfortunately, we're immersed in it from anti-vaxxers to phony news and BS statistics Frankly, I'm personally sick of it, and I'm dismayed that there are so many gullible people in the world. Of course, it's not ALL about gullibility. Like I said in another thread, conservatives don't care about the truth and, en masse, they'll jump on any whacky idea if they think it will further their agenda.

As for me, I doubt very seriously that there is any such thing as an unregistered ballot, or I think I would have heard about it before. Until proven otherwise by a reliable source (and not someone's blog entry), that leads me to believe that this "story" by Debra Heine on AG is nothing more than the latest RW nonsense shoveled out to the masses in the hope that people will swallow it hook, line, and sinker.
Now that I think about it, that should be the symbol of the on-line Disinformation Age: a fish on the line getting hooked by a lure that isn't even real fish food.
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Debunked, fucking moron...

It's behind a pay wall, and furthermore WAPO is the source.


As always, fucking moron, you fail on each count. But since you're too scared to look at it, I'll highlight one of their points....

Frank contends there were over 66,000 unregistered voters. He reached this conclusion by subtracting the number of votes from the number of voters registered by last October. But as the Washington Post so eloquently points out, Michigan law allows voters to register on the same day they vote.

So how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Again, fuckimg moron.... how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?
I posted an article. Deal with it.

So? I also posted an article. Only my article debunks yours. Want proof? You can't answer such a simple question...

How many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Debate yourself, NAZI.

Keep running from your own claims, fucking moron.

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

Of course you are, fucking moron. Everybody here sees it too as I royally bitch slapped you silly by pointing out the ridiculousness of contending there were 66,000+ unregistered voters in Michigan because you mindlessly glommed onto an article which didn't account for same day registrations on election day in November.

Declaring yourself the victor is one of your favorite tactics.

I didn't declare me the victor, fucking moron. You did...

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

You're fucking hilarious, FAUX
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Debunked, fucking moron...

It's behind a pay wall, and furthermore WAPO is the source.


As always, fucking moron, you fail on each count. But since you're too scared to look at it, I'll highlight one of their points....

Frank contends there were over 66,000 unregistered voters. He reached this conclusion by subtracting the number of votes from the number of voters registered by last October. But as the Washington Post so eloquently points out, Michigan law allows voters to register on the same day they vote.

So how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Again, fuckimg moron.... how many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?
I posted an article. Deal with it.

So? I also posted an article. Only my article debunks yours. Want proof? You can't answer such a simple question...

How many of those 66,000 didn't register when they voted?

Debate yourself, NAZI.

Keep running from your own claims, fucking moron.

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

Of course you are, fucking moron. Everybody here sees it too as I royally bitch slapped you silly by pointing out the ridiculousness of contending there were 66,000+ unregistered voters in Michigan because you mindlessly glommed onto an article which didn't account for same day registrations on election day in November.

Declaring yourself the victor is one of your favorite tactics.

I didn't declare me the victor, fucking moron. You did...

I'm simply ignoring you, NAZI.

You're fucking hilarious, FAUX

Yet you're the one cracking me up.
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
For the last two decades turds like you have been arguing that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Algore won the 2000 elections
Get a life, bripat. Deal with reality not made up shit. You and your ilk are pathetic. Your relevance is fading, quickly, as the embarrassing chapter of US history, the Trump presidency, fades away.
I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
You did the same in 2016. Then you put on a pussy hat, and yelled at the sky!
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
For the last two decades turds like you have been arguing that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Algore won the 2000 elections
Get a life, bripat. Deal with reality not made up shit. You and your ilk are pathetic. Your relevance is fading, quickly, as the embarrassing chapter of US history, the Trump presidency, fades away.
I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
You did the same in 2016. Then you put on a pussy hat, and yelled at the sky!

Idiot, I never predicted a president who was kicked out of office by a record busting 81 million Americans was going to win the next election. That takes a special kind of stupid.

But even dumber is you thinking Trump can even be president in 2024 given the next presidential election winner won't be sworn in until 2025.

Are ya feeling stupid yet???
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
For the last two decades turds like you have been arguing that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Algore won the 2000 elections
Get a life, bripat. Deal with reality not made up shit. You and your ilk are pathetic. Your relevance is fading, quickly, as the embarrassing chapter of US history, the Trump presidency, fades away.
I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
You did the same in 2016. Then you put on a pussy hat, and yelled at the sky!

Idiot, I never predicted a president who was kicked out of office by a record busting 81 million Americans was going to win the next election. That takes a special kind of stupid.

But even dumber is you thinking Trump can even be president in 2024 given the next presidential election winner won't be sworn in until 2025.

Are ya feeling stupid yet???
Can you tell me what year the next presidential election is, dumbass? But when he wins in 2024, the economy will boom the same as the 2016 election. Can't wait for your meltdown!
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
Ahh the truth hurts the shill.:iyfyus.jpg:
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
For the last two decades turds like you have been arguing that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Algore won the 2000 elections
Get a life, bripat. Deal with reality not made up shit. You and your ilk are pathetic. Your relevance is fading, quickly, as the embarrassing chapter of US history, the Trump presidency, fades away.
I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
You did the same in 2016. Then you put on a pussy hat, and yelled at the sky!
:abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Bripat is a sad example of a waste of a human life. He will spend the rest of his sorry life arguing that Trump won the 2020 election.
It is the equivalent of those arguing Germany won WWII.
For the last two decades turds like you have been arguing that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Algore won the 2000 elections
Get a life, bripat. Deal with reality not made up shit. You and your ilk are pathetic. Your relevance is fading, quickly, as the embarrassing chapter of US history, the Trump presidency, fades away.
I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
You did the same in 2016. Then you put on a pussy hat, and yelled at the sky!

Idiot, I never predicted a president who was kicked out of office by a record busting 81 million Americans was going to win the next election. That takes a special kind of stupid.

But even dumber is you thinking Trump can even be president in 2024 given the next presidential election winner won't be sworn in until 2025.

Are ya feeling stupid yet???
Can you tell me what year the next presidential election is, dumbass? But when he wins in 2024, the economy will boom the same as the 2016 election. Can't wait for your meltdown!

You're such a fucking moron. :lmao:

Imbecile, you didn't say Trump would win the election in 2024, you said he will be president in 2024...

I cannot wait to see your reaction when Trump is your president in 2024!
I mean what kind of idiot even thinks Trump can be president in 2024 even if he were to win the election? :cuckoo:


Looks like your last remaining functioning brain cell died from loneliness.
Stop Americans, and understand this:

Election fraud will or will not be established, based on Biden's success or failure to impress the American people with his huge initiative of showering gifts on them. That is, gifts of all sorts which include social programs, to filling in potholes, to affordable health care, to money enough to buy a bigger screen t.v. set. The American people are hurting badly and they've started to demonstrate that they've had enough. Government was declared to be the enemy of the rioters on Jan.6th. There is no splitting hairs on it being one side of government and not the other!

And so if Biden fails to impress the people firmly enough then Trump's claim of election fraud will become accepted as fact.

And that folks, is how a democracy can be brought down by a would-be fascist.

Is it all too surreal to imagine right now? It won't be if Biden fails. The American people are starting to speak out and they're not going to take much more of being cheated out of a piece of the pie.

For a brighter note on which to speculate.
Will there be a rational segment of the Republican party that understand they are risking everything that has benefitted them and allowed them and wealthy America to thrive at the expense of the working class?

Would a Trump regime do anything more than just solve the racism problem by brute force?
White supremacy gained isn't going to buy bread, it only puts off the inevitably with some termporary satisfaction.
Massive welfare programs aren't how you establish election fraud, moron, and welfare isn't a gift to the American people. It's a con.
The shills are getting desperate.lol :iyfyus.jpg:
The evidence just keeps piling up. Meanwhile, Dem NAZIs continue to maintain that anyone who believes fraud occurred is insane.
Anew election forensics report on the 2020 election in Michigan shows that voter registration in nine counties is either near or exceeds the county population, and over 66,000 recorded ballots in those counties were not associated with a registered voter. Dr. Douglas G. Frank, the expert who conducted the analysis, said he also detected the activity of a “regulating algorithm” in the vote count. His analysis concluded that ballots in Michigan, and other swing states were “harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level.”
Debunked, fucking moron...

It's behind a pay wall, and furthermore WAPO is the source.

Why dont you take your shit to the police. Whilst they are reading it and laughing they will stop killing the public.
Why don't you worry about your own country and we'll worry about ours?
Its no problem mate. I am not worried about your country, its all going better over there now you have dumped the clown.
Hey stupid fuck thanks for posting your lies and showing what a moron you are the fact it’s worse than ever with the clown in office now getting the war machine going again and signing more EOs than any other president ever that take away our libertys shill,comedy thst your so worried about the clown here destroying America instead of of your own country :iyfyus.jpg:

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