Michele Bachmann: Obama Desecrates U.S. Dead By Ending Iraq War


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
MIchele Bachmann Berates President Obama For Honoring American - Iraqi Pact Drawn Up During Bush Administration … Also Flubs Anti-Terror Policies

By Brian Beutler

Expanding on her statements during Saturday night’s foreign policy debate, GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann attacked President Obama for fully drawing down U.S. forces in Iraq, and claimed incorrectly that his war policies have left the country with a choice between releasing terrorists or killing them.

“President Obama was given a war that is won in Iraq, and he’s choosing to lose the peace,” Bachmann claimed on Meet the Press. “That’s a desecration of the memory of forty-four-hundred Americans that gave their lives to liberate Iraq.”

Obama is removing all troops from Iraq by year’s end, pursuant to an agreement between the two countries that dates back to the Bush administration. U.S. and Iraqi officials had discussed allowing a small number of troops to remain in Iraq past the deadline, but those discussions deadlocked over U.S. concerns that American troops would not be given immunity in Iraqi courts.

More: Bachmann: Obama Ending Iraq War Is Desecration Of American Dead | TPM 2012
Considering that Bush illegally invaded Iraq based on manufactured evidence to falsely claim that Saddam was connected to 9/11, this makes the following especially crazy.

Bachmann Wants Iraqis To Pay ‘Several Million Dollars Per Life’ For Every American Who Died In Iraq

By Ian Millhiser

In an interview this morning with Meet the Press’ David Gregory, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) repeated her claim that the Iraq should pay America for the privilege of having their nation invaded and occupied for most of the last decade — and then doubled down by calling for Iraq to pay millions of dollars for each American killed in that country:

More: Bachmann Wants Iraqis To Pay 'Several Million Dollars Per Life' For Every American Who Died In Iraq | ThinkProgress
Bachmann: Obama Favors American Protesters Over Israel

By Ali Gharib

During tonight’s national security and foreign policy GOP presidential debate on CBS, Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) said that President Obama favors Americans protesting against income inequality over Israel, the U.S.’s chief ally in the Middle East. Bachmann said:

President Obama has been more than willing to stand with Occupy Wall Street, but he hasn’t been willing to stand with Israel. Israel looks at President Obama, and they do not see a friend.

After the Israeli embassy in Cairo was stormed this past September and Obama stepped in, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netnyahu said, “We owe [Obama] a special measure of gratitude. This attests to the strong alliance between Israel and the United States.” In May, at AIPAC’s annual conference, Netanyahu said U.S.-Israel “security cooperation is unprecedented.”

More: Bachmann: Obama Favors American Protesters Over Israel | ThinkProgress
Dumb fucking ****.
The meatheads desecrate themselves for not reading the constitution.
Booosch, Cheeney,Tommy,Gates, Rummy and the half breeds should have been rounded up and publicly executed in the passing of the patriot acts.Congress-Senate should have been jailed for not reviewing them properly. The Jews sherpas(Bahhhhnkazzzz) should have been next. Bail out blood. It's far more effective.
Following orders far surpasses any oath in todaze murka.
I LOVE being old. I wont have to deal with this ignorance very much longer.
Bachmann: Obama Favors American Protesters Over Israel

By Ali Gharib

During tonight’s national security and foreign policy GOP presidential debate on CBS, Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) said that President Obama favors Americans protesting against income inequality over Israel, the U.S.’s chief ally in the Middle East. Bachmann said:

President Obama has been more than willing to stand with Occupy Wall Street, but he hasn’t been willing to stand with Israel. Israel looks at President Obama, and they do not see a friend.

After the Israeli embassy in Cairo was stormed this past September and Obama stepped in, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netnyahu said, “We owe [Obama] a special measure of gratitude. This attests to the strong alliance between Israel and the United States.” In May, at AIPAC’s annual conference, Netanyahu said U.S.-Israel “security cooperation is unprecedented.”

More: Bachmann: Obama Favors American Protesters Over Israel | ThinkProgress

These religious, right wing-nuts just keep topping-out the crazy-meter. :cuckoo:
I'm just curious why we need a new thread every time the village idiot says something stupid.
Bachmann: The ACLU Is Running The CIA Under Obama

By Adam Serwer

The American Civil Liberties Union is running the Central Intelligence Agency, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) told the CBS GOP primary debate audience Saturday night. Apparently, not CIA Director David Petraeus.

"[Obama] is allowing the ACLU to run the CIA" Bachmann asserted. "We have decided we are going to lose the war on terror under Obama." The ACLU, which issued a scathing report on Obama's civil liberties record earlier this year, would probably disagree. The ACLU concluded that "most [Bush-era] policies...remain core elements of our national security strategy today." Bachmann also said the CIA was no longer interrogating anyone, which is false. The CIA is part of the interagency High Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG. Also, prior to 9/11, the CIA didn't actually have an interrogation program.

The moderators then pivoted to the killing of American extremist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. Mitt Romney said killing al-Awlaki was "absolutely" the right thing to do. Newt Gingrich emphasized that the killing was consistent with the rule of law, because it was approved by the president and a secret unaccountable panel of national security officials. Which is exactly how the ACLU would do things, right?

More: Bachmann: The ACLU Is Running The CIA Under Obama | Mother Jones
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I'm just curious why we need a new thread every time the village idiot says something stupid.

Maybe such threads would disappear if Minnesota would institutionalize her.

Perhaps you wouldn't feel the need to beat a straw man- or in this case, a straw woman- if your president wasn't such an unprecedented failure.

I'm just curious why we need a new thread every time the village idiot says something stupid.

Maybe such threads would disappear if Minnesota would institutionalize her.

Perhaps you wouldn't feel the need to beat a straw man- or in this case, a straw woman- if your president wasn't such an unprecedented failure.


He's also YOUR president. He's better than Bush. We haven't had another 9/11 on Obama's watch.
He's also YOUR president. He's better than Bush. We haven't had another 9/11 on Obama's watch.

He ain't my president. I didn't vote for him.

And frankly, I'd much rather be living in the worst Bush year than the best Obama year. I know I was making more money.

We haven't had another "9-11" because Bush took apart Al Qaeda.

Oh, yeah, I guess Obama killed Bin Laden who was hiding in a house with no phones because he didn't want anyone to track him. But the fact Bin Laden was reduced to that was because of what Bush did.
Bachmann's campaign has reached such a low ebb that she's reduced to making "off-the-wall" statements to generate press coverage.

Now, if she could only arrange to have 3 or 4 harrassment complaints made against her, the Republican/Tea Party faithful would close ranks and pour millions of dollars in contributions into her campaign!
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