Michael Steele Voting For Biden

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
I don't believe the rules allow me to use bad words in the OP.

So I'll follow with another post.

Mr. Steele is an example of someone who drank the Kool-Aid and simply does not see the big grape stain on that bib he's wearing that says "RINO".

Mr. Steele can't vote for Trump for a number of reasons. All of which make no sense.

He's fostering lies and is going to make it more challenging for Trump to govern in his second term.

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From The Article:

Rather than binding up the nation’s wounds, Trump exacerbates division. Rather than standing up to the world’s dictators, Trump cravenly seeks the favor of thugs. Rather than fostering free enterprise, Trump embraces economic principles not only outdated in Lincoln’s time, but made even worse today by a leader who lost close to a billion dollars in a single year running a casino. Rather than seeking to build on the legacy of the Republican Party’s founders, of which Trump is surely ignorant, Trump has posited a single purpose for the GOP — the celebration of him.

Consequently, America has watched as the Republican Party stopped pursuing its animating principles of freedom and opportunity. It has given up its voice on things that mattered and instead bent the arc of the party towards the baser motives of one man, who is neither a Republican nor a conservative.


So Michael Dumbfuck does not seem to recall that no sooner had Trump won than the left was already looking for a way to impeach him. They searched and searched, constantly attacking him until they came up with the Schittshamshow.

Mr. Dumbfuck does not seem to remember that when he was the head of the RINO committee, they ignored conservatives and often fought them in primaries. He helped nominate two Milquetoasts against Obama, essentially giving Obama the elections before campaining ever started.
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Another status quo DC insider votes for the 47 year career politician not shocking.

The stupid bastard says he's an American first.

But he's going to put a fullblown left wing avalanche in the WH ? He doesn't realize that Joe is just a shell, a figurehead ?

He's a moron.
Another status quo DC insider votes for the 47 year career politician not shocking.

The stupid bastard says he's an American first.

But he's going to put a fullblown left wing avalanche in the WH ? He doesn't realize that Joe is just a shell, a figurehead ?

He's a moron.
Such drama. So he is not going to vote for the guy, just because he has an "R" in front of his name on the ballot. Big deal. Lots of Republican (not a majority) also do not approve. When this is all over, if Biden wins and I believe he will, it will not be because of a the former head of republican party endorsed. Can't use foul language in OP Thread posting? Didn't know that. Will bear it in mind, though hate to miss out on a good cussing opportunity, so people really understand my character. Take a pill. The sky ain't falling.
I don't believe the rules allow me to use bad words in the OP.

So I'll follow with another post.

Mr. Steele is an example of someone who drank the Kool-Aid and simply does not see the big grape stain on that bib he's wearing that says "RINO".

Mr. Steele can't vote for Trump for a number of reasons. All of which make no sense.

He's fostering lies and is going to make it more challenging for Trump to govern in his second term.

Would anyone expect anything different for that Hoe? He'll be burning in Hell with the rest of his Traitorous Klan when his life is over, sans a deathbed conversion.
Wonder if SFB Steele still supports Biden:


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