Mexico Pulls Off a Near "10"

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
A near "10", huh? A contested election, and it has never been demonstrated that Calderon is much different from Vicente Fox. I don't think I would classify that as a near "10".

But you have to give the Mexican people credit for choosing the lesser of two evils. Now they--as well as the U.S. government--need to put pressure on Calderon to give priority to creating more jobs in Mexico so the populace doesn’t have to head north and become illegals in order to make a living. Why can't the people of Mexico and the Mexican governments see this as a national disgrace?????????

Democracy Lives
Mexico pulls off a near "10" in electoral order.
July 5, 2006

The big victory in this race goes to the IFE in carrying out a spectacularly clean, transparent and well-organized election. If institutions matter to development, as Nobel laureate Douglass North contends, then Mexico is well on the way to progress. Mr. Calderón echoed the sentiments of millions of Mexicans when he told me yesterday that watching the electoral process made him "proud to be a Mexican." Mexico's next test will be how it stands up to Mr. López Obrador's threat to call street protests if the IFE decision goes against him.

The problem for Mr. López Obrador is that in order to prevail, he has to do more than convince Mexicans that Mr. Calderón is a thieving opponent who managed a massive conspiracy against the will of the people. He also has to portray the IFE and the thousands of citizen volunteers--who on Sunday put on a clinic for the rest of the world on how to run a transparent and orderly election--as enemies of the Mexican people. That won't be easy, and public opinion is fast turning against him.

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