Mexican defense secretary General Salvador Cienfuegos arrested on drug trafficking & money laundering charges at Los Angeles International Airport


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

They’re not sending their best!
The headline title forgot something- imagine that- FORMER-

That said this is a job justification article for the great and mighty bureaucracy of the hypocrites who feel/believe they are "just doing their" job- enFORCING the Empty Suit brigades vote buying scheme from long ago-

The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition

The war on marijuana was a product of American's growing prejudice towards the influx of Mexican immigrants after the Mexican Revolution.

Marijuana in America

The drug was introduced into America by the Spanish in 1545, where it became a major commercial force and was grown alongside tobacco. Farmers mostly grew hemp instead of cannabis (a form of the plant that is very low in THC), and by 1890 it had replaced cotton as the major cash crop in southern states.

Hemp continued to flourish in the States until the 1910s when Mexicans began popularizing the recreational use of cannabis.

At the time, cannabis was not primarily used for its psychoactive effects. However, and quite frankly, many "white" Americans did not like the fact that Mexicans were smoking the plant, and they soon demonized the drug.

But hey, you believers in authoritarian doctrine continue to believe Empty Suits with an agenda counter productive to Liberty have your best interests at heart- it does make "just doing their job" easier- and "news" worthy-
Well he got caught but others will keep getti g through because there's a massive market in the us.
The headline title forgot something- imagine that- FORMER-

That said this is a job justification article for the great and mighty bureaucracy of the hypocrites who feel/believe they are "just doing their" job- enFORCING the Empty Suit brigades vote buying scheme from long ago-

The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition

The war on marijuana was a product of American's growing prejudice towards the influx of Mexican immigrants after the Mexican Revolution.

Marijuana in America

The drug was introduced into America by the Spanish in 1545, where it became a major commercial force and was grown alongside tobacco. Farmers mostly grew hemp instead of cannabis (a form of the plant that is very low in THC), and by 1890 it had replaced cotton as the major cash crop in southern states.

Hemp continued to flourish in the States until the 1910s when Mexicans began popularizing the recreational use of cannabis.

At the time, cannabis was not primarily used for its psychoactive effects. However, and quite frankly, many "white" Americans did not like the fact that Mexicans were smoking the plant, and they soon demonized the drug.

But hey, you believers in authoritarian doctrine continue to believe Empty Suits with an agenda counter productive to Liberty have your best interests at heart- it does make "just doing their job" easier- and "news" worthy-
Sleepy Joe refuses to back weed legalization even though a vast majority of D voters support it’s legalization.
The headline title forgot something- imagine that- FORMER-

That said this is a job justification article for the great and mighty bureaucracy of the hypocrites who feel/believe they are "just doing their" job- enFORCING the Empty Suit brigades vote buying scheme from long ago-

The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition

The war on marijuana was a product of American's growing prejudice towards the influx of Mexican immigrants after the Mexican Revolution.

Marijuana in America

The drug was introduced into America by the Spanish in 1545, where it became a major commercial force and was grown alongside tobacco. Farmers mostly grew hemp instead of cannabis (a form of the plant that is very low in THC), and by 1890 it had replaced cotton as the major cash crop in southern states.

Hemp continued to flourish in the States until the 1910s when Mexicans began popularizing the recreational use of cannabis.

At the time, cannabis was not primarily used for its psychoactive effects. However, and quite frankly, many "white" Americans did not like the fact that Mexicans were smoking the plant, and they soon demonized the drug.

But hey, you believers in authoritarian doctrine continue to believe Empty Suits with an agenda counter productive to Liberty have your best interests at heart- it does make "just doing their job" easier- and "news" worthy-
Why do you need drugs to get thru life?
The headline title forgot something- imagine that- FORMER-

That said this is a job justification article for the great and mighty bureaucracy of the hypocrites who feel/believe they are "just doing their" job- enFORCING the Empty Suit brigades vote buying scheme from long ago-

The Racist Roots of Marijuana Prohibition

The war on marijuana was a product of American's growing prejudice towards the influx of Mexican immigrants after the Mexican Revolution.

Marijuana in America

The drug was introduced into America by the Spanish in 1545, where it became a major commercial force and was grown alongside tobacco. Farmers mostly grew hemp instead of cannabis (a form of the plant that is very low in THC), and by 1890 it had replaced cotton as the major cash crop in southern states.

Hemp continued to flourish in the States until the 1910s when Mexicans began popularizing the recreational use of cannabis.

At the time, cannabis was not primarily used for its psychoactive effects. However, and quite frankly, many "white" Americans did not like the fact that Mexicans were smoking the plant, and they soon demonized the drug.

But hey, you believers in authoritarian doctrine continue to believe Empty Suits with an agenda counter productive to Liberty have your best interests at heart- it does make "just doing their job" easier- and "news" worthy-
Gee---why would anyone not like POTHEADS......
Nobody can provide a good reason to not legalize weed. It's rampant in society and people use it as an alternative to alcohol. People are working tirelessly every day. They are full of angst and nerves gone wild. They are looking for an escape. It might not be the best route for sure but as long as peoe are under constant duress it's going to occur.
Nobody can provide a good reason to not legalize weed. It's rampant in society and people use it as an alternative to alcohol. People are working tirelessly every day. They are full of angst and nerves gone wild. They are looking for an escape. It might not be the best route for sure but as long as peoe are under constant duress it's going to occur.
I'm okay. Sorry you think you need to be medicated.
I'm not saying it's the good thing to do. I used to exercise 1 hour before work and 2 hours after work when I was slogging through the godforsaken ratrace. At 88 years of age I still run 5 km per day, not fast, but I still do it. Like millions upon millions anxiety was a terrible force and exercise combatted it.
Why do you need drugs to get thru life?
I don't- coffee and cigarettes are my preference- but, to your stupid question- what gives you the right to tell another what they can or can't enjoy? Who died and left you in charge? What authority was granted where politicians can buy votes with "we have to do something" laws?
First, the General is innocent until proven guilty.

Second, corruption is endemic to Mexico. So this report is not really "news." What IS news is that not more bigwigs in Mexico have been indicted.

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