#Metoo Movement Was Nothing More Than A Conspiracy To Install Socialism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Sure, a lot of their friends got caught up in the scandals that erupted all over the globe, but it was for a good cause.
What was the purpose of the #Metoo movement anyway?

All they needed was enough women willing to stick their necks out and accuse people in key positions in government (and in the media) of sexual misconduct. After the troublemakers were removed, they installed their puppets. Then anything they try can be excused.
After all....It worked in New Zealand. All they needed was to have the right people in power and overnight, after a real or staged attack, they can take your guns and turn your country into a totalitarian/socialist state. America has no idea that we are an inch away from being like New Zealand (thank the founders for the 2nd Amendment)....and eventually Venezuela.

New Zealand had one attack, and the right spineless leaders were already put in place. Now every day they have to observe the Muslim Call To Prayer everywhere in their country. Barack Obama must feel so proud.

In Nashville TN, our mayor, a woman, was caught going on vacations with her bodyguard and was embroiled in a sex scandal. She had to resign in shame. She was replaced with a milk-toast mayor with no guts to stand up to the left. A couple weeks ago a bunch of thugs on 4X4 ATVs took control of downtown Nashville and ran roughshod over the place, with no response from the mayor's office. A couple of months ago the cops in Nashville came under attack over a shooting that went wrong. Nobody wants to enforce the law anymore. If they do they'll come under attack from armies of lawyers.

As this lawlessness spreads everywhere, the Constitution will become useless. Democrats are trying to change election laws at the state level so that it will be impossible for a Republican to win anywhere. This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of. This was the goal all along. And after the Democrats take back every bit of power out there, all of those crazy ideas about padding the court and installing the Green New Deal will become a reality. It's all based around sexual accusations, race-baiting, and gun-grabbing. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...an_censorship_on_wake_of_mosque_massacre.html

"........today comes news that the heavy hand of censorship already is being imposed in New Zealand, with the ominous possibility of more drastic repression of thought on the way, thanks to the announcement that a Royal Commission is being convened. News.com.au reports:

New Zealand’s prime minister has announced a top-level inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the massacre of 50 people in two Christchurch mosques.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country’s highest form of investigation, a royal commission of inquiry, was appropriate for “matters of the gravest public importance.”
She said the Cabinet agreed on Monday that a royal commission of inquiry “will look at what could have or should have been done to prevent the attack.”

Those words, “what should have been done to prevent the attack” worry me. The country already has announced draconian gun control, including mandatory buybacks, so what’s left? How about banning criticism of Islam – as sharia law demands. What makes this probability look high is that New Zealand already has banned the shooter’s manifesto:

New Zealand is also debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned the 74-page manifesto written and released by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city.

The ban, issued on Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
Ten years in prison for having a copy on your computer? That is incredible, and suggests an iron hand of repression. It is a short step from this measure to an outright ban of criticism of Islam, because it might lead to another attack… supposedly. Meanwhile, Kiwis who love liberty already have cause for grave concern, even anger.

Given the fact that Mein Kampf remains openly sold in New Zealand while “.. one New Zealand book chain has pulled the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson simply because he dared to pose with some fan who had a t-shirt on which was critical of Islam,” it is not unthinkable to worryabout seirous thought-control being prospect down under."​
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This is the ultimate plan.....to be New Zealand. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...tting_the_new_zealand_crisis_go_to_waste.html


The timing was perfect since the left was losing the narrative and needed a distraction. The Russian collusion hoax is rapidly unraveling with rumors of sealed indictments for deep state tricksters being soon unsealed after Mueller finally released his “no additional indictments” report. Democrat hopefuls announcing their bids for the White House have become a clown show with Robert O’Rourke’s past fantasies of “running over children” to John Hickenlooper’s admission that at age 18, he took his mother to see a hard core porn movie, “Deep Throat”.

For the American Left, gun control is one of their holy grails, after open borders, reparations, infanticide, transgender bathrooms, confiscatory taxes, banning planes and cows, and so on. The New Zealand shooting is a gift to the left, wrapped up in a pretty bow, ready to be opened on Christmas morning.

New Zealand has announced a plan to ban assault weapons, however they are defined. “Assault weapon” is a politically contrived term that sounds scary but doesn’t describe actual firearms. It’s actually a ban on semi-automatic weapons, which include most modern handguns that require a trigger pull for each bullet fired, even if reloading is not required after each shot. It also bans fully automatic machine guns, which at least in the US are virtually impossible to legally obtain.

So the Democrats have used several methods to effectively illuminate the will of the people.

  • Accuse anyone who puts up a fight with sexual misconduct
  • Accuse anyone who cannot be blackmailed or bullied with racism
  • Rig election laws so that Democrats can run unopposed
  • Allow 100% mail-in elections eliminating the need for proper I. D.
  • Flood blue states and battleground states with illegal voters
  • Manufacture votes where needed after the election is decided

This is why Democrats aren't hiding their true beliefs anymore. ....because they are certain they have it in the bag.
All that’s missing from those retarded and convoluted articles are windows to lick.

Sure, a lot of their friends got caught up in the scandals that erupted all over the globe, but it was for a good cause.
What was the purpose of the #Metoo movement anyway?

All they needed was enough women willing to stick their necks out and accuse people in key positions in government (and in the media) of sexual misconduct. After the troublemakers were removed, they installed their puppets. Then anything they try can be excused.
After all....It worked in New Zealand. All they needed was to have the right people in power and overnight, after a real or staged attack, they can take your guns and turn your country into a totalitarian/socialist state. America has no idea that we are an inch away from being like New Zealand (thank the founders for the 2nd Amendment)....and eventually Venezuela.

New Zealand had one attack, and the right spineless leaders were already put in place. Now every day they have to observe the Muslim Call To Prayer everywhere in their country. Barack Obama must feel so proud.

In Nashville TN, our mayor, a woman, was caught going on vacations with her bodyguard and was embroiled in a sex scandal. She had to resign in shame. She was replaced with a milk-toast mayor with no guts to stand up to the left. A couple weeks ago a bunch of thugs on 4X4 ATVs took control of downtown Nashville and ran roughshod over the place, with no response from the mayor's office. A couple of months ago the cops in Nashville came under attack over a shooting that went wrong. Nobody wants to enforce the law anymore. If they do they'll come under attack from armies of lawyers.

As this lawlessness spreads everywhere, the Constitution will become useless. Democrats are trying to change election laws at the state level so that it will be impossible for a Republican to win anywhere. This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of. This was the goal all along. And after the Democrats take back every bit of power out there, all of those crazy ideas about padding the court and installing the Green New Deal will become a reality. It's all based around sexual accusations, race-baiting, and gun-grabbing. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...an_censorship_on_wake_of_mosque_massacre.html

"........today comes news that the heavy hand of censorship already is being imposed in New Zealand, with the ominous possibility of more drastic repression of thought on the way, thanks to the announcement that a Royal Commission is being convened. News.com.au reports:

New Zealand’s prime minister has announced a top-level inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the massacre of 50 people in two Christchurch mosques.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country’s highest form of investigation, a royal commission of inquiry, was appropriate for “matters of the gravest public importance.”
She said the Cabinet agreed on Monday that a royal commission of inquiry “will look at what could have or should have been done to prevent the attack.”

Those words, “what should have been done to prevent the attack” worry me. The country already has announced draconian gun control, including mandatory buybacks, so what’s left? How about banning criticism of Islam – as sharia law demands. What makes this probability look high is that New Zealand already has banned the shooter’s manifesto:

New Zealand is also debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned the 74-page manifesto written and released by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city.

The ban, issued on Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
Ten years in prison for having a copy on your computer? That is incredible, and suggests an iron hand of repression. It is a short step from this measure to an outright ban of criticism of Islam, because it might lead to another attack… supposedly. Meanwhile, Kiwis who love liberty already have cause for grave concern, even anger.

Given the fact that Mein Kampf remains openly sold in New Zealand while “.. one New Zealand book chain has pulled the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson simply because he dared to pose with some fan who had a t-shirt on which was critical of Islam,” it is not unthinkable to worryabout seirous thought-control being prospect down under."​

Everything in your head is 'Conspiracy To Install Socialism'
This is the ultimate plan.....to be New Zealand. https://www.americanthinker.com/art...tting_the_new_zealand_crisis_go_to_waste.html


The timing was perfect since the left was losing the narrative and needed a distraction. The Russian collusion hoax is rapidly unraveling with rumors of sealed indictments for deep state tricksters being soon unsealed after Mueller finally released his “no additional indictments” report. Democrat hopefuls announcing their bids for the White House have become a clown show with Robert O’Rourke’s past fantasies of “running over children” to John Hickenlooper’s admission that at age 18, he took his mother to see a hard core porn movie, “Deep Throat”.

For the American Left, gun control is one of their holy grails, after open borders, reparations, infanticide, transgender bathrooms, confiscatory taxes, banning planes and cows, and so on. The New Zealand shooting is a gift to the left, wrapped up in a pretty bow, ready to be opened on Christmas morning.

New Zealand has announced a plan to ban assault weapons, however they are defined. “Assault weapon” is a politically contrived term that sounds scary but doesn’t describe actual firearms. It’s actually a ban on semi-automatic weapons, which include most modern handguns that require a trigger pull for each bullet fired, even if reloading is not required after each shot. It also bans fully automatic machine guns, which at least in the US are virtually impossible to legally obtain.


That's what dictatorship looks like. Take away the guns .

Sure, a lot of their friends got caught up in the scandals that erupted all over the globe, but it was for a good cause.
What was the purpose of the #Metoo movement anyway?

All they needed was enough women willing to stick their necks out and accuse people in key positions in government (and in the media) of sexual misconduct. After the troublemakers were removed, they installed their puppets. Then anything they try can be excused.
After all....It worked in New Zealand. All they needed was to have the right people in power and overnight, after a real or staged attack, they can take your guns and turn your country into a totalitarian/socialist state. America has no idea that we are an inch away from being like New Zealand (thank the founders for the 2nd Amendment)....and eventually Venezuela.

New Zealand had one attack, and the right spineless leaders were already put in place. Now every day they have to observe the Muslim Call To Prayer everywhere in their country. Barack Obama must feel so proud.

In Nashville TN, our mayor, a woman, was caught going on vacations with her bodyguard and was embroiled in a sex scandal. She had to resign in shame. She was replaced with a milk-toast mayor with no guts to stand up to the left. A couple weeks ago a bunch of thugs on 4X4 ATVs took control of downtown Nashville and ran roughshod over the place, with no response from the mayor's office. A couple of months ago the cops in Nashville came under attack over a shooting that went wrong. Nobody wants to enforce the law anymore. If they do they'll come under attack from armies of lawyers.

As this lawlessness spreads everywhere, the Constitution will become useless. Democrats are trying to change election laws at the state level so that it will be impossible for a Republican to win anywhere. This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of. This was the goal all along. And after the Democrats take back every bit of power out there, all of those crazy ideas about padding the court and installing the Green New Deal will become a reality. It's all based around sexual accusations, race-baiting, and gun-grabbing. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...an_censorship_on_wake_of_mosque_massacre.html

"........today comes news that the heavy hand of censorship already is being imposed in New Zealand, with the ominous possibility of more drastic repression of thought on the way, thanks to the announcement that a Royal Commission is being convened. News.com.au reports:

New Zealand’s prime minister has announced a top-level inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the massacre of 50 people in two Christchurch mosques.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country’s highest form of investigation, a royal commission of inquiry, was appropriate for “matters of the gravest public importance.”
She said the Cabinet agreed on Monday that a royal commission of inquiry “will look at what could have or should have been done to prevent the attack.”

Those words, “what should have been done to prevent the attack” worry me. The country already has announced draconian gun control, including mandatory buybacks, so what’s left? How about banning criticism of Islam – as sharia law demands. What makes this probability look high is that New Zealand already has banned the shooter’s manifesto:

New Zealand is also debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned the 74-page manifesto written and released by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city.

The ban, issued on Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
Ten years in prison for having a copy on your computer? That is incredible, and suggests an iron hand of repression. It is a short step from this measure to an outright ban of criticism of Islam, because it might lead to another attack… supposedly. Meanwhile, Kiwis who love liberty already have cause for grave concern, even anger.

Given the fact that Mein Kampf remains openly sold in New Zealand while “.. one New Zealand book chain has pulled the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson simply because he dared to pose with some fan who had a t-shirt on which was critical of Islam,” it is not unthinkable to worryabout seirous thought-control being prospect down under."​

I see it less as a grab for socialism, and more progressive women as a bloc trying to improve their status on the victim totem pole via the concept of intersectionality.

They have been losing that spot to other progressive minority blocs for decades. This was a chance to up their status.

Sure, a lot of their friends got caught up in the scandals that erupted all over the globe, but it was for a good cause.
What was the purpose of the #Metoo movement anyway?

All they needed was enough women willing to stick their necks out and accuse people in key positions in government (and in the media) of sexual misconduct. After the troublemakers were removed, they installed their puppets. Then anything they try can be excused.
After all....It worked in New Zealand. All they needed was to have the right people in power and overnight, after a real or staged attack, they can take your guns and turn your country into a totalitarian/socialist state. America has no idea that we are an inch away from being like New Zealand (thank the founders for the 2nd Amendment)....and eventually Venezuela.

New Zealand had one attack, and the right spineless leaders were already put in place. Now every day they have to observe the Muslim Call To Prayer everywhere in their country. Barack Obama must feel so proud.

In Nashville TN, our mayor, a woman, was caught going on vacations with her bodyguard and was embroiled in a sex scandal. She had to resign in shame. She was replaced with a milk-toast mayor with no guts to stand up to the left. A couple weeks ago a bunch of thugs on 4X4 ATVs took control of downtown Nashville and ran roughshod over the place, with no response from the mayor's office. A couple of months ago the cops in Nashville came under attack over a shooting that went wrong. Nobody wants to enforce the law anymore. If they do they'll come under attack from armies of lawyers.

As this lawlessness spreads everywhere, the Constitution will become useless. Democrats are trying to change election laws at the state level so that it will be impossible for a Republican to win anywhere. This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of. This was the goal all along. And after the Democrats take back every bit of power out there, all of those crazy ideas about padding the court and installing the Green New Deal will become a reality. It's all based around sexual accusations, race-baiting, and gun-grabbing. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...an_censorship_on_wake_of_mosque_massacre.html

"........today comes news that the heavy hand of censorship already is being imposed in New Zealand, with the ominous possibility of more drastic repression of thought on the way, thanks to the announcement that a Royal Commission is being convened. News.com.au reports:

New Zealand’s prime minister has announced a top-level inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the massacre of 50 people in two Christchurch mosques.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country’s highest form of investigation, a royal commission of inquiry, was appropriate for “matters of the gravest public importance.”
She said the Cabinet agreed on Monday that a royal commission of inquiry “will look at what could have or should have been done to prevent the attack.”

Those words, “what should have been done to prevent the attack” worry me. The country already has announced draconian gun control, including mandatory buybacks, so what’s left? How about banning criticism of Islam – as sharia law demands. What makes this probability look high is that New Zealand already has banned the shooter’s manifesto:

New Zealand is also debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned the 74-page manifesto written and released by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city.

The ban, issued on Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
Ten years in prison for having a copy on your computer? That is incredible, and suggests an iron hand of repression. It is a short step from this measure to an outright ban of criticism of Islam, because it might lead to another attack… supposedly. Meanwhile, Kiwis who love liberty already have cause for grave concern, even anger.

Given the fact that Mein Kampf remains openly sold in New Zealand while “.. one New Zealand book chain has pulled the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson simply because he dared to pose with some fan who had a t-shirt on which was critical of Islam,” it is not unthinkable to worryabout seirous thought-control being prospect down under."​

I see it less as a grab for socialism, and more progressive women as a bloc trying to improve their status on the victim totem pole via the concept of intersectionality.

They have been losing that spot to other progressive minority blocs for decades. This was a chance to up their status.
I'm looking at the big picture.
Why would the folks at Mediamatters go back 10-20 years into someone's past to try to destroy them?
Because it puts people on notice.

The thought-police are out in force.

Anyone decides to think for themselves and the ghost of Blackface will come back to haunt you.

Sure, a lot of their friends got caught up in the scandals that erupted all over the globe, but it was for a good cause.
What was the purpose of the #Metoo movement anyway?

All they needed was enough women willing to stick their necks out and accuse people in key positions in government (and in the media) of sexual misconduct. After the troublemakers were removed, they installed their puppets. Then anything they try can be excused.
After all....It worked in New Zealand. All they needed was to have the right people in power and overnight, after a real or staged attack, they can take your guns and turn your country into a totalitarian/socialist state. America has no idea that we are an inch away from being like New Zealand (thank the founders for the 2nd Amendment)....and eventually Venezuela.

New Zealand had one attack, and the right spineless leaders were already put in place. Now every day they have to observe the Muslim Call To Prayer everywhere in their country. Barack Obama must feel so proud.

In Nashville TN, our mayor, a woman, was caught going on vacations with her bodyguard and was embroiled in a sex scandal. She had to resign in shame. She was replaced with a milk-toast mayor with no guts to stand up to the left. A couple weeks ago a bunch of thugs on 4X4 ATVs took control of downtown Nashville and ran roughshod over the place, with no response from the mayor's office. A couple of months ago the cops in Nashville came under attack over a shooting that went wrong. Nobody wants to enforce the law anymore. If they do they'll come under attack from armies of lawyers.

As this lawlessness spreads everywhere, the Constitution will become useless. Democrats are trying to change election laws at the state level so that it will be impossible for a Republican to win anywhere. This is the transformation of America Obama spoke of. This was the goal all along. And after the Democrats take back every bit of power out there, all of those crazy ideas about padding the court and installing the Green New Deal will become a reality. It's all based around sexual accusations, race-baiting, and gun-grabbing. https://www.americanthinker.com/blo...an_censorship_on_wake_of_mosque_massacre.html

"........today comes news that the heavy hand of censorship already is being imposed in New Zealand, with the ominous possibility of more drastic repression of thought on the way, thanks to the announcement that a Royal Commission is being convened. News.com.au reports:

New Zealand’s prime minister has announced a top-level inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the massacre of 50 people in two Christchurch mosques.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the country’s highest form of investigation, a royal commission of inquiry, was appropriate for “matters of the gravest public importance.”
She said the Cabinet agreed on Monday that a royal commission of inquiry “will look at what could have or should have been done to prevent the attack.”

Those words, “what should have been done to prevent the attack” worry me. The country already has announced draconian gun control, including mandatory buybacks, so what’s left? How about banning criticism of Islam – as sharia law demands. What makes this probability look high is that New Zealand already has banned the shooter’s manifesto:

New Zealand is also debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned the 74-page manifesto written and released by the man accused of slaughtering 50 people at two mosques in the city.

The ban, issued on Saturday, means anybody caught with the document on their computer could face up to 10 years in prison, while anyone caught sending it could face 14 years. Some say the ban goes too far and risks lending both the document and the gunman mystique.
Ten years in prison for having a copy on your computer? That is incredible, and suggests an iron hand of repression. It is a short step from this measure to an outright ban of criticism of Islam, because it might lead to another attack… supposedly. Meanwhile, Kiwis who love liberty already have cause for grave concern, even anger.

Given the fact that Mein Kampf remains openly sold in New Zealand while “.. one New Zealand book chain has pulled the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson simply because he dared to pose with some fan who had a t-shirt on which was critical of Islam,” it is not unthinkable to worryabout seirous thought-control being prospect down under."​

I see it less as a grab for socialism, and more progressive women as a bloc trying to improve their status on the victim totem pole via the concept of intersectionality.

They have been losing that spot to other progressive minority blocs for decades. This was a chance to up their status.
I'm looking at the big picture.
Why would the folks at Mediamatters go back 10-20 years into someone's past to try to destroy them?
Because it puts people on notice.

The thought-police are out in force.

Anyone decides to think for themselves and the ghost of Blackface will come back to haunt you.

Except it seems blackface isn't as lethal as we thought, at least for Democrats.

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