Merkel-Roach says "Army of Islam" ain´t terrorists but civilians


Nov 14, 2012
All roaches agreeing with Mama Roach can donate their children to Eastern Ghouta´s air defense:


Merkel held a speech in the German parliament in favor of the so-called rebels, which is Jaysh al-Islam (Army of Islam) in the Eastern Ghouta. They are one of the largest and strongest group.
Notice that all the "journalists" and "politicians" never call their name, they are always "rebels" or "opposition".
When the Coalition reduced Kobani, Manbij and Ar-Raqqa to ashes, all the roaches that now pretend to be on a humanitarian mission against a reckless regime, were silent.

"Syrian armed groups are endangering civilians, including women, and detaining soldiers by placing them in metal cages throughout Eastern Ghouta. The armed groups say they are doing that to deter indiscriminate government attacks on the area."
Syria: Armed Groups Use Caged Hostages to Deter Attacks

Although HRW has a history of reckless propaganda (for example they blamed the destroyed Kobani on "Syrian barrelbombs"), sometimes, they do their job to some extent.
The same Trump who destroyed Raqqa and burned civilians with white phosphorus finds the war on terror in the Eastern Ghouta a "disgrace".
US Raqqa offensive killing more civilians than claimed – airstrike monitor



Raqqa has almost completely been destroyed, hundreds, if not thousands of civilians were killed by the Coalition airstrikes, 160000 civilians fled the city.

Newsmax on Raqqa:
"Raqqa experienced a ferocity of urban combat rarely seen since World War II. Think of newsreels of Stalingrad in 1943 or Berlin in 1945. Those cities are symbols of the fury of war and the cost of liberation, and Raqqa should be, too.

Raqqa's liberators were members of the Syrian Democratic Forces, a Kurdish-led militia that captured the city one building at a time. They surrounded Raqqa in late June and then squeezed it, ever tighter, until October, when resistance finally collapsed. Brave as they were, the SDF fighters couldn't have won without devastating fire support from U.S. warplanes, armed drones and artillery. It was a brutally effective combination."
Raqqa Nearly Destroyed While Being Liberated From ISIS

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