Syrian army declares victory in the Eastern Ghouta


Nov 14, 2012
Except for the town of Douma, where negotiations are still ongoing, the Syrian government regained control of the Eastern Ghouta after years of war with violent Islamist jihadists. In the latest offensive, the jihadists were literally blown away even before they could launch their belts. After intense battles, more and more "rebels" agreed to surrender. The victory ends the terrorist threat to Damascus, reopens important infrastructure and has also a symbolic character.


The Jaysh al-Islam "rebels" in Douma could go to Jarabulus instead of Idlib. There, they would be the SDF´s problem.

- 38.000 "rebels" including their families left the Eastern Ghouta for Idlib - more to come.
- ~ 150.000 civilians reached government positions since Februar.

Related news:
- Syrian troops could launch an offensive in Daraa any minute now.
- Humanitarian crisis and civil uprising against SDF occupiers develop in the city of Raqqa.
- In Idlib, demonstrators with Turkey flags called Turkey to take over.
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Following failed negotiations with Jaysh al-Islam, the army began to storm Douma.
Turkey wants to cooperate with Damascus.

"At approximately 5:45 P.M. (Damascus Time, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) kicked off their long-awaited operation in the East Ghouta town of Douma, following the collapse of peace talks with Jaysh Al-Islam.

Led by their Republican Guard forces (104th, 105th, 106th brigades), the Syrian Army stormed the Douma Orchards from all axes, scoring a big advance from the western flank.

According to an Al-Masdar field correspondent, the Syrian Army was able to make this big advance after SyAAF and Russian jets heavily bombarded Jaysh Al-Islam’s positions in the area.

The Syrian Army’s Republican Guard forces are now attempting to capture the remaining parts of the Douma Orchards that are under the control of Jaysh Al-Islam."
Developing: Syrian Army scores big advance against Jaysh Al-Islam in Douma

"“Iran understands Turkey’s sensitivity to the national security issues, [at the same time] it supports Syria’s territorial integrity. But we have disagreements with Tehran: it wants the work to be coordinated with the Syrian regime and in doing so it defends it. We currently have no direct contacts with [the Syrian] regime, but it is up to the Syrian people to decide [on its future],” the official told reporters, commenting on the outcome of the trilateral summit of Syria’s ceasefire guarantor states."
Assad's fate should be decided by Syrian people - Turkish Foreign Ministry
News Update:

- Turkey rejects idea of Jaysh al-Islam being transferred to Jarabulus. They will probably go to Idlib, instead
- Up to 100 buses entered Douma to transport militants to Idlib free of charge
- While Jaysh al-Islam has surrendered, its head, Phrump, doesn´t and rages and rumbles
- McQaeda wants Phrump to attack Syria

All this shits have in common is that they act upon claims made by Islamist terrorist groups, exposing their ties to global terrorism, their false flags, crimes against humanity.

Breaking: Turkey rejects Jaysh Al-Islam's evacuation to northern Aleppo
Buses enter Douma to transport militants, captives following Jaysh al-Islam surrender
Trump says 'animal Assad' will pay 'big price' for Douma attack
US Senator John McCain calls on Trump to carry out attack in Syria
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