Mentally Ill


May 23, 2014
I think this is an interesting question: What is the most humane way to deal with mentally ill? Nazi Germany would terminate them as a more humane treatment rather than having them languish in a world where they needed constant attention and could not even care for themselves in the most basic ways. What would you want for a loved one. life long institutionalization, life on the streets, or would you want to have them "put to sleep" to end misery? What would YOU do?
The mentally ill can care for themselves in the most basic ways. Only the severely nonfunctional cannot, and they live in group homes. Many of the semi-functional do too, for that matter.

Isn't that already humane?
What do you mean " deal " with them. Hopefully you understand that there are varying degrees and types of mental illnesses. Are they requesting to be "dealt" with or are we just deciding that something needs to be done with them without their consent ?
I think this is an interesting question: What is the most humane way to deal with mentally ill? Nazi Germany would terminate them as a more humane treatment rather than having them languish in a world where they needed constant attention and could not even care for themselves in the most basic ways. What would you want for a loved one. life long institutionalization, life on the streets, or would you want to have them "put to sleep" to end misery? What would YOU do?

1. For cases of mental illness that can be treated and cured,
Forgiveness and recovery therapy works over time. Not judgment or coercion/punishment (which does nothing for mental illness)
but truly working with people to resolve issues and manage whatever conditions they face.

See books by Dr. Francis MacNutt and Dr. Scott Peck on treating and curing
Schizophrenia using spiritual healing and deliverance to address generational symptoms.
(Healing by Francis MacNutt; Glimpses of the Devil by Scott Peck; websites on healing mental and physical illness: Healing Is Yours Home - Christian Healing Ministries)

2. For cases that cannot be treated or cured, instead of wasting money on prisons and failed mental health and halfway houses that don't work, I propose investing in co-ops combining student interns in mental health and social services with supervised and assisted living. In a campus setting, both the patients and the service providers can benefit from educational programs, and combine costs of housing, health care and education. Example model for embedding student service internships into public housing to reform welfare:

If clients and families can work toward independence, that should be the goal.
For those who need constant supervision and assistance, this should be set up in a sustainable way, such as by combining with internships in medical education and social services, where students get credits, jobs, or housing in exchange for supervised work.

This would allow individualized treatment and training, instead of warehousing large populations kept on medication without support to become functional or independent.
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I think this is an interesting question: What is the most humane way to deal with mentally ill? Nazi Germany would terminate them as a more humane treatment rather than having them languish in a world where they needed constant attention and could not even care for themselves in the most basic ways. What would you want for a loved one. life long institutionalization, life on the streets, or would you want to have them "put to sleep" to end misery? What would YOU do?

Like most things in this world it should be handled on a case by case basis.
The right question should be what would Jesus do in all of His compassion for people? And I think we all know the answer. He would find ways to heal them and put them out of harm's way which is what humanity needs to do and learn from.

P.S. I would have rather said "... what would Jesus do in all of His LOVE and compassion for people?" However, realizing that mankind has little love for their fellow man I did not interject that word. As for healing them, Jesus would not have had to 'find ways' to heal them, He would have healed them immediately as He did the many. But again, how many people would move to do just that in today's world?
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What do you mean " deal " with them. Hopefully you understand that there are varying degrees and types of mental illnesses. Are they requesting to be "dealt" with or are we just deciding that something needs to be done with them without their consent ?

And thanks to the pussy progressive generation we have more made up illnesses than ever.

The right question should be what would Jesus do in all of His compassion for people? And I think we all know the answer. He would find ways to heal them and put them out of harm's way which is what humanity needs to do and learn from.

He would do the same thing he has done for me. Oh wait he's done nothing.
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The mentally ill can care for themselves in the most basic ways. Only the severely nonfunctional cannot, and they live in group homes. Many of the semi-functional do too, for that matter.

Isn't that already humane?

The backlog and abuses in mental health and prison facilities,
the addictions to medications that do not cure causes,
and the waste of resources fighting symptoms,
while people FIGHT over paying for health care
(that could easily be covered by these resources being wasted)

are NOT humane, sustainable or ethical,
but in some cases are criminally unlawful or negligent, if not deadly.

If you do not know about rampant mental health abuses in prisons,
if you do not consider the suicides and homicides by mentally ill left untreated,
or you do not count the rapes, abuses and trafficking of countless victims
by criminally ill people who aren't getting help for their sick addictions,
then maybe the current system looks sufficient to you?
What do you mean " deal " with them. Hopefully you understand that there are varying degrees and types of mental illnesses. Are they requesting to be "dealt" with or are we just deciding that something needs to be done with them without their consent ?

And thanks to the pussy progressive generation we have more made up illnesses than ever.

The right question should be what would Jesus do in all of His compassion for people? And I think we all know the answer. He would find ways to heal them and put them out of harm's way which is what humanity needs to do and learn from.

He would do the same thing he has done for me. Oh wait he's done nothing.

No, the problem with liberals is the REJECTION of spiritual healing which has
been used to cure people of schizophrenia, addictions and other conditions
(where medications can only placate symptoms).

The liberals only focus on the symptoms, and have pushed this trend
of rejecting anything related to religious, Christian or conservative approaches.

Unfortunately, this means censoring public knowledge and access to
NATURAL therapy and healing methods that work WITH medicine can be
proven by scientific study, like any other form of mental or medical treatment.

Your outright rejection of "Jesus as having done nothing for you"
is based on having sought no knowledge or research into spiritual healing.

This is the same problem as the secular liberals who "assume"
this spiritually based methods are just "religious" and have no clue
this is natural science that can be proven, in order to cure causes of many diseases.

Some sources listed at: freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

I plan to propose adding research into spiritual healing to replace "conversion therapy"
in the sections of the Texas Democrat Party Platform that state opposition to that.
Instead of just opposing fraudulent or harmful policies, these should be replaced
with medical research into natural therapy and treatment that is effective and used freely.
The right question should be what would Jesus do in all of His compassion for people? And I think we all know the answer. He would find ways to heal them and put them out of harm's way which is what humanity needs to do and learn from.

He would do the same thing he has done for me. Oh wait he's done nothing.
Then that should be a strong message that it's high time you asked yourself the "Why?" of it as it concerns you. As for others, in His immeasurable compassion and Love He was never known to have refused anyone from being healed. Perhaps approaching Him in prayer and in a more reverent way would be the thing to do as a start for you and others.
OK, given that a majority of voting Americans insanely put an inexperienced community organizer of dubious citizenship into office then that same majority rule means that all people ordinarily considered sane are nuts. So the obvious answer is to immediately release all convicted criminals and incarcerate all those newly-nuts folks so the majority - the truly insane - can rule.
What do you mean " deal " with them. Hopefully you understand that there are varying degrees and types of mental illnesses. Are they requesting to be "dealt" with or are we just deciding that something needs to be done with them without their consent ?

And thanks to the pussy progressive generation we have more made up illnesses than ever.

The right question should be what would Jesus do in all of His compassion for people? And I think we all know the answer. He would find ways to heal them and put them out of harm's way which is what humanity needs to do and learn from.

He would do the same thing he has done for me. Oh wait he's done nothing.

Its called progress. Once you realize that thoughts are merely electrochemical in nature you start to realize that a little less or too much chemical can render you mentally ill. Consider as well that if you are introduced to stress over a prolonged period it can alter your brain. I though everyone already knew this?
What do you mean " deal " with them. Hopefully you understand that there are varying degrees and types of mental illnesses. Are they requesting to be "dealt" with or are we just deciding that something needs to be done with them without their consent ?

And thanks to the pussy progressive generation we have more made up illnesses than ever.

The right question should be what would Jesus do in all of His compassion for people? And I think we all know the answer. He would find ways to heal them and put them out of harm's way which is what humanity needs to do and learn from.

He would do the same thing he has done for me. Oh wait he's done nothing.

Its called progress. Once you realize that thoughts are merely electrochemical in nature you start to realize that a little less or too much chemical can render you mentally ill. Consider as well that if you are introduced to stress over a prolonged period it can alter your brain. I though everyone already knew this?

A good whack on the noggin works just as well. If you don't believe me ask Hillary. Ask her about Benghazi. Ask her about Obama's pet pawn (traded for terrorists). After the puzzles look she'll just ask what difference it makes.
I think this is an interesting question: What is the most humane way to deal with mentally ill? Nazi Germany would terminate them as a more humane treatment rather than having them languish in a world where they needed constant attention and could not even care for themselves in the most basic ways. What would you want for a loved one. life long institutionalization, life on the streets, or would you want to have them "put to sleep" to end misery? What would YOU do?

They should receive medical treatment. If they are incapable of taking care of themselves, then they should be housed where they can be taken care of.

And thanks to the pussy progressive generation we have more made up illnesses than ever.

He would do the same thing he has done for me. Oh wait he's done nothing.

Its called progress. Once you realize that thoughts are merely electrochemical in nature you start to realize that a little less or too much chemical can render you mentally ill. Consider as well that if you are introduced to stress over a prolonged period it can alter your brain. I though everyone already knew this?

A good whack on the noggin works just as well. If you don't believe me ask Hillary. Ask her about Benghazi. Ask her about Obama's pet pawn (traded for terrorists). After the puzzles look she'll just ask what difference it makes.

I guess I'd have to ask how your post is relevant to the OP. Get back on topic before I report you.
A good whack on the noggin works just as well. If you don't believe me ask Hillary. Ask her about Benghazi. Ask her about Obama's pet pawn (traded for terrorists). After the puzzles look she'll just ask what difference it makes.

I guess I'd have to ask how your post is relevant to the OP. Get back on topic before I report you.

OK, I'll extend the thought. Since a good whack on the noggin can induce a state of mental illness then we should treat such damaged people as we should treat all the insane; with great tenderness and care. Perhaps institutionalize them if they threaten to hurt themselves or others. Not elect them to any office where the threat is so potentially damaging to an entire nation.

Now, do as you did (do?) in grade school and run tell the teacher.
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A good whack on the noggin works just as well. If you don't believe me ask Hillary. Ask her about Benghazi. Ask her about Obama's pet pawn (traded for terrorists). After the puzzles look she'll just ask what difference it makes.

I guess I'd have to ask how your post is relevant to the OP. Get back on topic before I report you.

OK, I'll extend the thought. Since a good whack on the noggin can induce a state of mental illness then we should treat such damaged people as we should treat all the insane; with great tenderness and care. Perhaps institutionalize them if they threaten to hurt themselves or others. Not elect them to any office where the threat is so potentially damaging to an entire nation.

Now, do as you did (do?) in grade school and run tell the teacher.

The only person I can think of that falls into that category would be Regan. He wasnt whacked on the head though. He had some sort of dementia going on while in office and was re-elected. Normally people dont vote mentally ill people into office and its puerile to suggest they do.
This thread is probably getting about the usually amount of attention that mental illness gets in the real world. People would much rather bitch about people guns AFTER some crazy fucker has already done the shooting.
I guess I'd have to ask how your post is relevant to the OP. Get back on topic before I report you.

OK, I'll extend the thought. Since a good whack on the noggin can induce a state of mental illness then we should treat such damaged people as we should treat all the insane; with great tenderness and care. Perhaps institutionalize them if they threaten to hurt themselves or others. Not elect them to any office where the threat is so potentially damaging to an entire nation.

Now, do as you did (do?) in grade school and run tell the teacher.

The only person I can think of that falls into that category would be Regan. He wasnt whacked on the head though. He had some sort of dementia going on while in office and was re-elected. Normally people dont vote mentally ill people into office and its puerile to suggest they do.

The past tense of "do" is did. If you are correct about President Reagan having been impaired when running for term 2 then the total of instances becomes three. Which is not to say it can't happen again, soon.

There is a fine line to be respected. It is quite appropriate for anyone aspire to being a police officer. Ditto for a person applying to join the armed forces (or being drafted as we soon may see once again). Ditto for would-be security officers. Especially for candidates for office.

But then there is the approach that worked so well for Stalin, whose career I feel sure you have studied. Set up a bureaucracy to declare anyone who opposes you or who you just don't like and pack them off to a Gulag - of course for their own good.
Take back our parks from the maniacs that the radical left seems to think of as their voting base and above all prevent the mentally ill from purchasing or obtaining weapons.

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