

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I've been divorced a long time. 31 years as of this writing, give or take a couple of months.
I'm 72. I have dated a few women and had relationships, physically and mentally, that lasted a while- and some that lasted a few weeks.
In dating as an adult life stories are exchanged in the getting to know process - if one is open to honest discussion a lot can be learned in a short period of time. The learning can be used for future use. I'm also a thinker, so I dig deeper for the Bigger Picture effect trying to discern a direction that might be helpful to navigate life's trials and tribulations- or, maybe get laid- LOL -
However, in "thinking" there are conclusions arrived at.

One of the conclusions I arrived at was not very flattering to men. Listening to some of the stories from the women I dated made me embarrassed to be of the same species, never mind the same gender, as those I heard the stories about.
YES, I know here are two sides to every story and I was hearing just one. But, at some point one has to realize, something ain't right here-

This link indisputably points out the trouble with men. I dare you to read it and offer a thinkers perspective.

It's a Man's World The Truth and its Consequences

ā€œYou go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didnā€™t wear a veil,ā€ Mattis said. ā€œYou know guys like that ainā€™t got no manhood left anyway. So itā€™s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ā€™em.ā€

The first rule of human thought is that everything is somebody elseā€™s fault. American whites note that violent crime is mostly committed by blacks or Hispanics, who see all their problems as due to whites. Terrorism is the domain of Muslems. Democrats blame everything on Republicans and vice versa.

Most of the world points out that America causes most of avoidable destruction and suffering on the planet. The Americans believe themselves virtuous, indispensable, exceptional, and entirely dedicated to promulgating democracy. No group is itself guilty of anything.

Nobody (except feminists) says the obvious, that all of these evils are committed byā€¦.

I've been divorced a long time. 31 years as of this writing, give or take a couple of months.
I'm 72. I have dated a few women and had relationships, physically and mentally, that lasted a while- and some that lasted a few weeks.
In dating as an adult life stories are exchanged in the getting to know process - if one is open to honest discussion a lot can be learned in a short period of time. The learning can be used for future use. I'm also a thinker, so I dig deeper for the Bigger Picture effect trying to discern a direction that might be helpful to navigate life's trials and tribulations- or, maybe get laid- LOL -
However, in "thinking" there are conclusions arrived at.

One of the conclusions I arrived at was not very flattering to men. Listening to some of the stories from the women I dated made me embarrassed to be of the same species, never mind the same gender, as those I heard the stories about.
YES, I know here are two sides to every story and I was hearing just one. But, at some point one has to realize, something ain't right here-

This link indisputably points out the trouble with men. I dare you to read it and offer a thinkers perspective.

It's a Man's World The Truth and its Consequences

ā€œYou go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didnā€™t wear a veil,ā€ Mattis said. ā€œYou know guys like that ainā€™t got no manhood left anyway. So itā€™s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ā€™em.ā€

The first rule of human thought is that everything is somebody elseā€™s fault. American whites note that violent crime is mostly committed by blacks or Hispanics, who see all their problems as due to whites. Terrorism is the domain of Muslems. Democrats blame everything on Republicans and vice versa.

Most of the world points out that America causes most of avoidable destruction and suffering on the planet. The Americans believe themselves virtuous, indispensable, exceptional, and entirely dedicated to promulgating democracy. No group is itself guilty of anything.

Nobody (except feminists) says the obvious, that all of these evils are committed byā€¦.


The answer is obvious.
Feminazi started in school the public school system. They were on a mission to destroy the family when you figure out how all these dots connect the world of evil is destroy the family. We've warned over and over how all of this is filtered into our indoctrination ....
Leftist are teaching their little girls to hate me....... " Potty mouthed princess drops f bombs" look it up youtube...


So now when you go ouut with womenn you are going out with those who even if they don't know it " indoctrinated " bring home the bacon" hate men feminazis.

IF you went out with an infowarrior. lol you'd find they aren't these pathetic ass women who blame all their issues on fkn men!!


Women are trained to blame the freaking man never looking with in themselves as to wtf is wrong with them FIRST!

I'll b b on this one LOL..
I've been divorced a long time. 31 years as of this writing, give or take a couple of months.
I'm 72. I have dated a few women and had relationships, physically and mentally, that lasted a while- and some that lasted a few weeks.
In dating as an adult life stories are exchanged in the getting to know process - if one is open to honest discussion a lot can be learned in a short period of time. The learning can be used for future use. I'm also a thinker, so I dig deeper for the Bigger Picture effect trying to discern a direction that might be helpful to navigate life's trials and tribulations- or, maybe get laid- LOL -
However, in "thinking" there are conclusions arrived at.

One of the conclusions I arrived at was not very flattering to men. Listening to some of the stories from the women I dated made me embarrassed to be of the same species, never mind the same gender, as those I heard the stories about.
YES, I know here are two sides to every story and I was hearing just one. But, at some point one has to realize, something ain't right here-

This link indisputably points out the trouble with men. I dare you to read it and offer a thinkers perspective.

It's a Man's World The Truth and its Consequences

ā€œYou go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didnā€™t wear a veil,ā€ Mattis said. ā€œYou know guys like that ainā€™t got no manhood left anyway. So itā€™s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ā€™em.ā€

The first rule of human thought is that everything is somebody elseā€™s fault. American whites note that violent crime is mostly committed by blacks or Hispanics, who see all their problems as due to whites. Terrorism is the domain of Muslems. Democrats blame everything on Republicans and vice versa.

Most of the world points out that America causes most of avoidable destruction and suffering on the planet. The Americans believe themselves virtuous, indispensable, exceptional, and entirely dedicated to promulgating democracy. No group is itself guilty of anything.

Nobody (except feminists) says the obvious, that all of these evils are committed byā€¦.

Gender is not a species, stupid.
I've been divorced a long time. 31 years as of this writing, give or take a couple of months.
I'm 72. I have dated a few women and had relationships, physically and mentally, that lasted a while- and some that lasted a few weeks.
In dating as an adult life stories are exchanged in the getting to know process - if one is open to honest discussion a lot can be learned in a short period of time. The learning can be used for future use. I'm also a thinker, so I dig deeper for the Bigger Picture effect trying to discern a direction that might be helpful to navigate life's trials and tribulations- or, maybe get laid- LOL -
However, in "thinking" there are conclusions arrived at.

One of the conclusions I arrived at was not very flattering to men. Listening to some of the stories from the women I dated made me embarrassed to be of the same species, never mind the same gender, as those I heard the stories about.
YES, I know here are two sides to every story and I was hearing just one. But, at some point one has to realize, something ain't right here-

This link indisputably points out the trouble with men. I dare you to read it and offer a thinkers perspective.

It's a Man's World The Truth and its Consequences

ā€œYou go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didnā€™t wear a veil,ā€ Mattis said. ā€œYou know guys like that ainā€™t got no manhood left anyway. So itā€™s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ā€™em.ā€

The first rule of human thought is that everything is somebody elseā€™s fault. American whites note that violent crime is mostly committed by blacks or Hispanics, who see all their problems as due to whites. Terrorism is the domain of Muslems. Democrats blame everything on Republicans and vice versa.

Most of the world points out that America causes most of avoidable destruction and suffering on the planet. The Americans believe themselves virtuous, indispensable, exceptional, and entirely dedicated to promulgating democracy. No group is itself guilty of anything.

Nobody (except feminists) says the obvious, that all of these evils are committed byā€¦.

There are times psychotherapy is called for......... Ya might want to check into it........
The author is in dire need of help.
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  • #7
Feminazi started in school the public school system. They were on a mission to destroy the family when you figure out how all these dots connect the world of evil is destroy the family. We've warned over and over how all of this is filtered into our indoctrination ....
Leftist are teaching their little girls to hate me....... " Potty mouthed princess drops f bombs" look it up youtube...
That is completely immaterial to what I said or what the article says. Jesus H Christ. Do you not have a fucking brain at all?
I've been divorced a long time. 31 years as of this writing, give or take a couple of months.
I'm 72. I have dated a few women and had relationships, physically and mentally, that lasted a while- and some that lasted a few weeks.
In dating as an adult life stories are exchanged in the getting to know process - if one is open to honest discussion a lot can be learned in a short period of time. The learning can be used for future use. I'm also a thinker, so I dig deeper for the Bigger Picture effect trying to discern a direction that might be helpful to navigate life's trials and tribulations- or, maybe get laid- LOL -
However, in "thinking" there are conclusions arrived at.

One of the conclusions I arrived at was not very flattering to men. Listening to some of the stories from the women I dated made me embarrassed to be of the same species, never mind the same gender, as those I heard the stories about.
YES, I know here are two sides to every story and I was hearing just one. But, at some point one has to realize, something ain't right here-

This link indisputably points out the trouble with men. I dare you to read it and offer a thinkers perspective.

It's a Man's World The Truth and its Consequences

ā€œYou go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didnā€™t wear a veil,ā€ Mattis said. ā€œYou know guys like that ainā€™t got no manhood left anyway. So itā€™s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ā€™em.ā€

The first rule of human thought is that everything is somebody elseā€™s fault. American whites note that violent crime is mostly committed by blacks or Hispanics, who see all their problems as due to whites. Terrorism is the domain of Muslems. Democrats blame everything on Republicans and vice versa.

Most of the world points out that America causes most of avoidable destruction and suffering on the planet. The Americans believe themselves virtuous, indispensable, exceptional, and entirely dedicated to promulgating democracy. No group is itself guilty of anything.

Nobody (except feminists) says the obvious, that all of these evils are committed byā€¦.


The answer is obvious.
We should all become women.
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  • #9
There are times psychotherapy is called for......... Ya might want to check into it........
The author is in dire need of help.
You might want to provide evidence you're qualified to make that determination- NOW, can you dispute what I or the author said?
There are times psychotherapy is called for......... Ya might want to check into it........
The author is in dire need of help.
You might want to provide evidence you're qualified to make that determination- NOW, can you dispute what I or the author said?
Yeah, it's full of generalities and stereotypes. You want to buy into that go for it. And am I qualified? Yeah but not as much as my wife who's a psychologist......... It was only one of my minors.......
If two people get along and dig each other why does there need to be a long term anything ?
Is sport fucking out-dated or something ?
CALL: Hey. Haven't talked in a while. 'supp ?
RRR : Nothing. Ol man is working in XXX right now for 3 months. I'm bored.
OK. Wanna go to the hot springs and chill a couple days ?
AWESOME..........end of story.
No "wish we were married" 'lets move in" "can you stay for a week "?

That was killer. Thanks for the fun. Gimme a shout sometime.
Back to "normal".... whatever that is ?
Yeah, it's full of generalities and stereotypes. You want to buy into that go for it. And am I qualified? Yeah but not as much as my wife who's a psychologist......... It was only one of my minors.......
Your wife being "trained" means nothing to me- and in case your training failed to mention it, generalities are what occur because of specific events/occurences make them obvious. Maybe you should seek counsel for why so many people publicly display shallow minded and always want to blame others for their problems. That is, right after you show her the article and my opinion/experience. Then, if either of you, or any poster here can legitimately (as in honestly) refute either I will reconsider my assessment.
If two people get along and dig each other why does there need to be a long term anything ?
Is sport fucking out-dated or something ?
CALL: Hey. Haven't talked in a while. 'supp ?
RRR : Nothing. Ol man is working in XXX right now for 3 months. I'm bored.
OK. Wanna go to the hot springs and chill a couple days ?
AWESOME..........end of story.
No "wish we were married" 'lets move in" "can you stay for a week "?

That was killer. Thanks for the fun. Gimme a shout sometime.
Back to "normal".... whatever that is ?
Didn't read the link did you?
Yeah, it's full of generalities and stereotypes. You want to buy into that go for it. And am I qualified? Yeah but not as much as my wife who's a psychologist......... It was only one of my minors.......
Your wife being "trained" means nothing to me- and in case your training failed to mention it, generalities are what occur because of specific events/occurences make them obvious. Maybe you should seek counsel for why so many people publicly display shallow minded and always want to blame others for their problems. That is, right after you show her the article and my opinion/experience. Then, if either of you, or any poster here can legitimately (as in honestly) refute either I will reconsider my assessment.
Generalities are only "obvious" to the narrow minded when using them to make rationalizations.
If two people get along and dig each other why does there need to be a long term anything ?
Is sport fucking out-dated or something ?
CALL: Hey. Haven't talked in a while. 'supp ?
RRR : Nothing. Ol man is working in XXX right now for 3 months. I'm bored.
OK. Wanna go to the hot springs and chill a couple days ?
AWESOME..........end of story.
No "wish we were married" 'lets move in" "can you stay for a week "?

That was killer. Thanks for the fun. Gimme a shout sometime.
Back to "normal".... whatever that is ?
Didn't read the link did you?
OOOPS. Noop. Just did.
Mine is still applicable for life :cool:

The article says "so called men make the best meatheads"
That's a well known fact.
If Tulsi got a dike makeover and a cowboy hat and changed her name to Tulsa, she'd be up against trump in Nov
Generalities are only "obvious" to the narrow minded when using them to make rationalizations.
You should know about narrow minded- that I'll grant- however, your lack of intellectual depth is showing it's ugly head- show my opinion and the article to your wife- I'll argue with her if need be.
You're too shallow-

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