Men Need Contracts


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
When they put their penis in a vagina. Men have 0 rights over sexual relations. If you are a single male, sticking your penis in a vagina comes with liability.

If you do this, get a signed contract to protect yourself.
Why don't you try again if or when you ever get near a vagina. I suspect you're discussing something in which you have no experience.
Why don't you try again if or when you ever get near a vagina. I suspect you're discussing something in which you have no experience.

Your assumptions are wrong.
If your sexual relations result in a pregnancy, you have to pay child support. The fact that so many have to be forced to do so is pitiful.

You sound like some poor Incel.
All men have to do is to never trust a woman when it comes to birth control.
I tell my son that frequently. He needs to assume responsibility from the get go.

There is a little surgery that men can get if they don't want children. Really.
I tell my son that frequently. He needs to assume responsibility from the get go.

There is a little surgery that men can get if they don't want children. Really.
There is also work being done on a male contraceptive pill and injection

A vasectomy is not really an option for men who want to have kids in the future.

I was sure I didn't want kids and I had a vasectomy at 26 but most young men eventually want kids
Anyone who doesn't use a condom when getting laid is a fool. Yes, I know they are not 100%. But it is not just about birth control.
when religious fundies obstruct school based sex education, this is the result.
It's more than that.

It's about conversations we should be having but aren't.

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