Men have no rights when it comes to womens health concerning

Well, lets face it, they can't carry a fetus or have kids. We really do hold all the cards and now the old men on the Supreme Court and the GOP men want to control us females. Yet they love their affairs.
Rich women have more abortions than poor women, study finds
Hold all the cards? You can't make a baby without male not really.

As for affairs with rich's not like you little liberal gold diggers don't search them out.

True, but why should women have to take an internal medication when men can just don a condom? Why are men not in control of this stuff. If men want sex, carry good quality condoms. Women are not dogs to be taken in to get their shots.
I thought women wanted to be "in control of their own bodies"? If you don't want " babies " go get birth control. They make it easy now for you forgetful morons. 1 shot every three months or an IUD for the long term. No excuse for women who are allegedly "in control of their own bodies". To get pregnant because they are lazy.

Very few women can take those shots. They are extremely high risk and have vicious side effects. BCP’s are, at best, 85% effective, and again, a lot of women cannot take them. IUD’s also about 85% effective and they can cause very painful cramping and bleeding and are not for everyone.

Men think that birth control is so easy and keeping from getting pregnant is a piece of cake. It’s not. You have to find the right method and use it properly, without fail, without a weak moment, or a forgetful moment. You system has to tolerate strong hormone therapy well, the condoms can’t break.

I can’t take strong hormones. I cramp so badly I had to take time off work with them and that’s without an IUD. The Pill made me so sick I couldn’t take them. Since my daughter is going through similar problems and with similar results, (her surprise celebrated his first birthday last month, mine celebrated his 46th the day before his nephew), Little has changed since the 90’s.
Your stats are not correct. But then what does one expect from a liar.

She is correct, many women and teens have adverse effect from the BC pill. How would men and male teens like to take hormones.
What make you think she wants him as a husband, forced to marry, no way. Women fought hard for their rights and we are not going to let them be taken away.

What makes you think I care what she thinks or wants. If she didn’t want to potentially marry him, she shouldn’t have been in bed with him.

Don’t worry Kavanaugh and whoever replaces RBG will help Conservatives undo the improper “women’s rights” debacle; or we’ll undo it by force if necessary.
I listened to her and it made me ill. Who does she think she is that she found religion to declare when a fetus is a viable infant, and also who is she to talk about contraception being against her opinion. I could careless what she says since she has found religion.

You keep ignoring everything. I repeat, it is a scientific fact (not opinion) that the pre-born baby is a human being, simply in a different stage of life than you and I. It is also a fact, (not opinion) that birth-control does not always work, especially when we're talking about younger people who are not yet mature and responsible. So as she correctly stated, your view is akin to playing Russian roulette.

Everything she said was true, and if you don't think so, then point out specifically what she said that you think is untrue. Waving her entire speech off just because you don't like your views being challenged is lazy and closed-minded.
.You won't see how it works because the politicians don't do long term things, because the whole system is messed up and it's in no politician and rich person's interests to change that.

The Peasabts don’t need to understand most things, they just need to understand that if they do certain things, there will be unpleasant consequences.
I listened to her and it made me ill. Who does she think she is that she found religion to declare when a fetus is a viable infant, and also who is she to talk about contraception being against her opinion. I could careless what she says since she has found religion.

You keep ignoring everything. I repeat, it is a scientific fact (not opinion) that the pre-born baby is a human being, simply in a different stage of life than you and I. It is also a fact, (not opinion) that birth-control does not always work, especially when we're talking about younger people who are not yet mature and responsible. So as she correctly stated, your view is akin to playing Russian roulette.

Everything she said was true, and if you don't think so, then point out specifically what she said that you think is untrue. Waving her entire speech off just because you don't like your views being challenged is lazy and closed-minded.

She found religion and in the next several years she may lose it. Her opinion is just that , her opinion. My opinion is based on equal rights.

Most jews think a baby is a human when they take their first breath, on their own, a cry. How about that. Jesus was a jew , I bet he felt the same way. There is an abortion curse in the OT.
When Does Life Begin? A Jewish View | Reclaiming Judaism
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abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.

Of course men have rights. Don’t be absurd.
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.

Of course men have rights. Don’t be absurd.

After the birth, not before.
She found religion and in the next several years she may lose it. Her opinion is just that , her opinion. My opinion is based on equal rights.

Most jews think a baby is a human when they take their first breath, on their own, a cry. How about that. Jesus was a jew , I bet he felt the same way. There is an abortion curse in the OT.

Equal rights? I can't believe you're saying that with a straight face. If you were truly for equal rights, you would be pro-life. You wouldn't be trampling all over the the most basic right of all, the right to life… For ALL human beings.

Again, you're ignoring all of her points that cannot be denied. Teaching kids that sex is completely separate from its life given potential, teaching kids that sex is only about having fun, encouraging them to be sexually active and just throwing a condom at them has not worked. Unless you consider 60 million abortions a success. Not to mention all the other issues that go along with your failed philosophy.
Condoms are a form of barrier birth control, and they come in many varieties. Some condoms come coated with spermicide, which is a type of chemical. The spermicide most often used on condoms is nonoxynol-9. When used perfectly, condoms can protect against pregnancy 98 percent of the time.Apr 25, 2017
Do Spermicide Condoms Work? - Healthline
Do Spermicide Condoms Work?

and prevent VD's , cervical ca, and HIV. There isn't any reason a woman should have to even take the pill is there, when the condoms combat both issues. The BC is 99% effective if the woman is diligent.

Why take the chance??

A lot of women who have abortions are very young. Obviously when people are very young, they are irresponsible. Often alcohol is involved, which means people aren't thinking clearly, and birth control is not used properly, if at all. Even when birth control is used properly, it's still not foolproof. So I think it's foolish for people to put all their faith and trust in birth control. In my opinion, people who are not responsible enough to deal with the consequences of having sex, shouldn't be encouraged to have sex in the first place. The typical response to that is, "They are going to have sex no matter what, whether we like it or not." Whether that's true or not, I think that our society overall has failed young people, in what they've been taught about sex, birth control, and abortion.

I'm going to share a link to an audio that I think everyone should listen to. I don't agree with this woman's religious views (she is Catholic, an ex-atheist) but this talk is a must hear. She brings up some excellent points, that are undeniable. (It's 24 minutes long, but I hope people take the time to listen to it.)

Actually very few of the women having abortions are very young - a little over 11% of all abortions are teenagers and alcohol isn’t a major factor. 8% of all abortions are for girls 18 or 19 which means that only 3% are for very young girls. These fallacies being preached by right wingers paint a false picture of who are getting abortions

Here’s the fact sheet on who is getting an abortion. Their ages, races, marital status and the reasons why:

Induced Abortion in the United States

I consider the 20's to be young. And that makes up more than half of all abortions. My point stands.

You have no point. What you consider to be “very young” is irrelevant. What matters is what age society establishes for the age of consent.

18 is the age of consent in most states. It’s old enough to be graduated from high school, and old enough to marry in most states.

You’re also utterly ignoring the information on relationship status, religion and income, as well as the reasons for having the abortion because it doesn’t suit your narrative of young party girls getting taken advantage of.

You can’t ask a fetus how it feels about having its life terminated because it doesn’t have a brain.

And again it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one. It’s very effective. It’s called being pro choice.
You have no point. What you consider to be “very young” is irrelevant. What matters is what age society establishes for the age of consent.

18 is the age of consent in most states. It’s old enough to be graduated from high school, and old enough to marry in most states.

You’re also utterly ignoring the information on relationship status, religion and income, as well as the reasons for having the abortion because it doesn’t suit your narrative of young party girls getting taken advantage of.

You can’t ask a fetus how it feels about having its life terminated because it doesn’t have a brain.

And again it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one. It’s very effective. It’s called being pro choice.

I think you set a new record for how many blatantly false statements, logical fallacies and red herrings one can fit into one post. Good job!
.You won't see how it works because the politicians don't do long term things, because the whole system is messed up and it's in no politician and rich person's interests to change that.

The Peasabts don’t need to understand most things, they just need to understand that if they do certain things, there will be unpleasant consequences.

And you don't seem to understand that there are better ways of doing things.
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.
You Penelope are forgetting that fetuses (feti) are male sometimes too.

It's just a guy thing, this ethics issue, about questioning the murdering of unborn babies at will.

It's not just a puzzy thing.

Normally your comments are quite thoughtful and smart.

But this time you sold yourself short, I am afraid.
Condoms are a form of barrier birth control, and they come in many varieties. Some condoms come coated with spermicide, which is a type of chemical. The spermicide most often used on condoms is nonoxynol-9. When used perfectly, condoms can protect against pregnancy 98 percent of the time.Apr 25, 2017
Do Spermicide Condoms Work? - Healthline
Do Spermicide Condoms Work?

and prevent VD's , cervical ca, and HIV. There isn't any reason a woman should have to even take the pill is there, when the condoms combat both issues. The BC is 99% effective if the woman is diligent.

Why take the chance??

A lot of women who have abortions are very young. Obviously when people are very young, they are irresponsible. Often alcohol is involved, which means people aren't thinking clearly, and birth control is not used properly, if at all. Even when birth control is used properly, it's still not foolproof. So I think it's foolish for people to put all their faith and trust in birth control. In my opinion, people who are not responsible enough to deal with the consequences of having sex, shouldn't be encouraged to have sex in the first place. The typical response to that is, "They are going to have sex no matter what, whether we like it or not." Whether that's true or not, I think that our society overall has failed young people, in what they've been taught about sex, birth control, and abortion.

I'm going to share a link to an audio that I think everyone should listen to. I don't agree with this woman's religious views (she is Catholic, an ex-atheist) but this talk is a must hear. She brings up some excellent points, that are undeniable. (It's 24 minutes long, but I hope people take the time to listen to it.)

Actually very few of the women having abortions are very young - a little over 11% of all abortions are teenagers and alcohol isn’t a major factor. 8% of all abortions are for girls 18 or 19 which means that only 3% are for very young girls. These fallacies being preached by right wingers paint a false picture of who are getting abortions

Here’s the fact sheet on who is getting an abortion. Their ages, races, marital status and the reasons why:

Induced Abortion in the United States

I consider the 20's to be young. And that makes up more than half of all abortions. My point stands.

You have no point. What you consider to be “very young” is irrelevant. What matters is what age society establishes for the age of consent.

18 is the age of consent in most states. It’s old enough to be graduated from high school, and old enough to marry in most states.

You’re also utterly ignoring the information on relationship status, religion and income, as well as the reasons for having the abortion because it doesn’t suit your narrative of young party girls getting taken advantage of.

You can’t ask a fetus how it feels about having its life terminated because it doesn’t have a brain.

And again it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have one. It’s very effective. It’s called being pro choice.
Children's brains are not fully developed until age 25.

18 is way too young.
abortions. No rights even if the male is married to the female and wants a baby. A women should make it known to men that she is not ready or doesn't' want kids before marriage and a women has a choice to change her mind anytime she wants.

Of course men have rights. Don’t be absurd.

After the birth, not before.
Nothing magical about when a female spreads her legs and pops out a new kid.

My personal view is that if the fetus is viable outside the womb then it should be entitled to human rights. But that's just me.

The whole ethical issue is whether fetuses (feti) are entitled to protection from a host female who wants to murder them. That is a way bigger picture.

It's not just a my-puzzy-is-my-puzzy thing.
My husband had every right concerning his children...fug off and relax on your tirade over abortion. You look like a tool

...I get sick of males telling women what they can and can't do ... I?

Too bad.

Yes it is too bad for men.

You, like everyone else, will continue to be told what you can and can't do. Yes, even by men. Grow the fuck up and deal with it.

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