Memo to American Muslims: Erase the Doctrine of Jihad or Get Out!

There are many brave Muslims who are advocating for a Reformation, at the risk of their own lives, of course. Many honest American liberals are supporting them, even though the Regressives (of course) continue to fun interference against it.
what are you talking about? I couldn't hear you over your slaughter of our vocabulary.
Nothing, thanks. I'm sure you're right.
There are many brave Muslims who are advocating for a Reformation, at the risk of their own lives, of course. Many honest American liberals are supporting them, even though the Regressives (of course) continue to fun interference against it.
what are you talking about? I couldn't hear you over your slaughter of our vocabulary.
Nothing, thanks. I'm sure you're right.

maybe if you stopped spitefully misusing the word regressive instead of applying it to the people who want to return us to 1950

you're capable of using actual vocabulary. I've seen you.
maybe if you stopped spitefully misusing the word regressive instead of applying it to the people who want to return us to 1950
The term was coined by an honest liberal Muslim Brit, and supported by several other actual liberals who are horrified by what they're seeing the Left become.

So I'm pretty comfy with it.

the term was mis-coined. couldn't care less who the person was. regressive means going backward and applies to the rightwing extremists who want to return us to the '50's so they can go back to enjoying their all white lunch counters, three martini lunches and smacking women on the asses
maybe if you stopped spitefully misusing the word regressive instead of applying it to the people who want to return us to 1950
The term was coined by an honest liberal Muslim Brit, and supported by several other actual liberals who are horrified by what they're seeing the Left become.

So I'm pretty comfy with it.

the term was mis-coined. couldn't care less who the person was. regressive means going backward and applies to the rightwing extremists who want to return us to the '50's so they can go back to enjoying their all white lunch counters, three martini lunches and smacking women on the asses
Looks like we disagree then.
maybe if you stopped spitefully misusing the word regressive instead of applying it to the people who want to return us to 1950
The term was coined by an honest liberal Muslim Brit, and supported by several other actual liberals who are horrified by what they're seeing the Left become.

So I'm pretty comfy with it.

the term was mis-coined. couldn't care less who the person was. regressive means going backward and applies to the rightwing extremists who want to return us to the '50's so they can go back to enjoying their all white lunch counters, three martini lunches and smacking women on the asses
Looks like we disagree then.

You use it any time someone points out that not every Muslim is a terrorist. It gets old and worn and meaningless.
White gun nuts are closely analogous to terrorists as well as more deadly.

Is there a constitutional fix that you would accept?
Read up on who commits murders with guns then get back to me. Young black males, about 3.5% of the population commit almost half the murders in America (yes, with guns), but you don't give a rat's ass because they're black.

but you don't give a rat's ass because they're black.

I don't give a rat's ass because that has nothing to do with my point.

Afraid to address it, loser?
You simply don't have a valid point. We both understand this.

It's absolutely valid. White folks publicly shoot masses of people over and over. It's the only crime in our society that's directly analogous to terrorism.

Is there a constitutional fix that you would accept?

Granted we have a problem with Americans that cause crime and do mass shootings. Thing is, they're home grown and already here. The law of averages says we'll have a certain amount of problems with our own populace. That being said, we can control who comes here from other countries. So.... why allow a violent group like muslims, who cause an inordinate amount of trouble where ever they go, come here?
Since the loss of nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and countless Islamic terrorist attacks since then, America has been subjected to an increasing Muslim population along with the growth of 3,000 mosques throughout our country, with the majority funded by Saudi Arabia. In the age of spineless and perilously non-judgmental multiculturalism, many Americans have not blinked at the sight of burkas and hijabs within our midst. Yet, if we continue to ignore the potential peril presented by a growing but largely unvetted Muslim population, we here in America will likely suffer the same fate as that of our Western European brethren, who are enduring a pulsating wave of violence stirred up in a cauldron of festering Islamic radicalism.

Why on earth should we import a religion that clearly calls for jihad? That's like importing Nazis.
Why should we even allow mosques to exist when they preach the hateful Koranic verses? This is simply growing a dangerous sedition within our midst.

We had another jihad attack today.....and we will have another and another and another in our tomorrows unless we stamp out this hateful so-called 'religion'. Either they change (doubtful) or they get out!

Read more: Memo to American Muslims: Erase the Doctrine of Jihad or Get Out!

Memo to Muslims. Don't commit terrorist attacks, just kill people with guns and don't shout allah akbah and you'll be supported by the right.
Since the loss of nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and countless Islamic terrorist attacks since then, America has been subjected to an increasing Muslim population along with the growth of 3,000 mosques throughout our country, with the majority funded by Saudi Arabia. In the age of spineless and perilously non-judgmental multiculturalism, many Americans have not blinked at the sight of burkas and hijabs within our midst. Yet, if we continue to ignore the potential peril presented by a growing but largely unvetted Muslim population, we here in America will likely suffer the same fate as that of our Western European brethren, who are enduring a pulsating wave of violence stirred up in a cauldron of festering Islamic radicalism.

Why on earth should we import a religion that clearly calls for jihad? That's like importing Nazis.
Why should we even allow mosques to exist when they preach the hateful Koranic verses? This is simply growing a dangerous sedition within our midst.

We had another jihad attack today.....and we will have another and another and another in our tomorrows unless we stamp out this hateful so-called 'religion'. Either they change (doubtful) or they get out!

Read more: Memo to American Muslims: Erase the Doctrine of Jihad or Get Out!

Memo to Muslims. Don't commit terrorist attacks, just kill people with guns and don't shout allah akbah and you'll be supported by the right.

We're dealing with two separate problems. Homegrown and imported terrorists and you're combining the two and trying to pretend it's only one problem.
Since the loss of nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and countless Islamic terrorist attacks since then, America has been subjected to an increasing Muslim population along with the growth of 3,000 mosques throughout our country, with the majority funded by Saudi Arabia. In the age of spineless and perilously non-judgmental multiculturalism, many Americans have not blinked at the sight of burkas and hijabs within our midst. Yet, if we continue to ignore the potential peril presented by a growing but largely unvetted Muslim population, we here in America will likely suffer the same fate as that of our Western European brethren, who are enduring a pulsating wave of violence stirred up in a cauldron of festering Islamic radicalism.

Why on earth should we import a religion that clearly calls for jihad? That's like importing Nazis.
Why should we even allow mosques to exist when they preach the hateful Koranic verses? This is simply growing a dangerous sedition within our midst.

We had another jihad attack today.....and we will have another and another and another in our tomorrows unless we stamp out this hateful so-called 'religion'. Either they change (doubtful) or they get out!

Read more: Memo to American Muslims: Erase the Doctrine of Jihad or Get Out!

Memo to Muslims. Don't commit terrorist attacks, just kill people with guns and don't shout allah akbah and you'll be supported by the right.

We're dealing with two separate problems. Homegrown and imported terrorists and you're combining the two and trying to pretend it's only one problem.

No, I'm not.

What I'm saying is there are hypocrites who are compartmentalizing so they can argue one thing here and the contrary there.
White gun nuts are closely analogous to terrorists as well as more deadly.

Is there a constitutional fix that you would accept?
Read up on who commits murders with guns then get back to me. Young black males, about 3.5% of the population commit almost half the murders in America (yes, with guns), but you don't give a rat's ass because they're black.

but you don't give a rat's ass because they're black.

I don't give a rat's ass because that has nothing to do with my point.

Afraid to address it, loser?
You simply don't have a valid point. We both understand this.

It's absolutely valid. White folks publicly shoot masses of people over and over. It's the only crime in our society that's directly analogous to terrorism.

Is there a constitutional fix that you would accept?

Granted we have a problem with Americans that cause crime and do mass shootings. Thing is, they're home grown and already here. The law of averages says we'll have a certain amount of problems with our own populace. That being said, we can control who comes here from other countries. So.... why allow a violent group like muslims, who cause an inordinate amount of trouble where ever they go, come here?

Because most of the time ... they don't cause trouble.
maybe if you stopped spitefully misusing the word regressive instead of applying it to the people who want to return us to 1950
The term was coined by an honest liberal Muslim Brit, and supported by several other actual liberals who are horrified by what they're seeing the Left become.

So I'm pretty comfy with it.

the term was mis-coined. couldn't care less who the person was. regressive means going backward and applies to the rightwing extremists who want to return us to the '50's so they can go back to enjoying their all white lunch counters, three martini lunches and smacking women on the asses
Looks like we disagree then.

You use it any time someone points out that not every Muslim is a terrorist. It gets old and worn and meaningless.
Well, it certainly triggers them as much as it ever has, that's fer damn sure. And I never, ever have to name names or get personal. They self-identify for me, always.

And I use it for more than just the interference-running they do for their pet constituent religion. It applies to the same people on the divisive issues of PC and Identity Politics.

I think they've done great harm to both liberalism and the country, so I'll let them be angry about the word. I don't care.
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Read up on who commits murders with guns then get back to me. Young black males, about 3.5% of the population commit almost half the murders in America (yes, with guns), but you don't give a rat's ass because they're black.

but you don't give a rat's ass because they're black.

I don't give a rat's ass because that has nothing to do with my point.

Afraid to address it, loser?
You simply don't have a valid point. We both understand this.

It's absolutely valid. White folks publicly shoot masses of people over and over. It's the only crime in our society that's directly analogous to terrorism.

Is there a constitutional fix that you would accept?

Granted we have a problem with Americans that cause crime and do mass shootings. Thing is, they're home grown and already here. The law of averages says we'll have a certain amount of problems with our own populace. That being said, we can control who comes here from other countries. So.... why allow a violent group like muslims, who cause an inordinate amount of trouble where ever they go, come here?

Because most of the time ... they don't cause trouble.

But they do cause trouble. This is true in any country in which they go to. Why import these problems is what I ask. If we really need workers, which I don't think we do, then bring in people with a better history of assimilating than muslims. Common sense should be the number one priority, not touchy feely diversity is our strength beliefs, which is b.s. for the most part.

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