Members Of trump's Criminal Organization Have Been Busy This Week


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Given their busy week, there are many interesting and humorous items to discuss. Here are four.

First, another rat is abandoning the sinking trump ship. This time it’s the idiot trump junior’s wifey.

She obviously has a better understanding of her father-in-laws narcissism than that by his own son. She knows the idiot trump senior will be throwing everyone he can under the bus as he tries to save his own a$$ from the Mueller probe.

Vanessa Trump might change her mind and stick around. But as often as the idiot trump junior has admitted publicly to illegal activities, the little wifey should gather up junior’s 5 spawn, grab as much cash as she can, and run away. She knows full well idiot junior is going up the river months before idiot senior.

Second, the idiot trump’s personal assistant, John McEntee, was escorted from the White House on Monday and told never to return.

McEntee was one of the few remaining staff members whose undying loyalty the idiot trump could count on. But, a slight gambling addiction made the him security risk.

Surprisingly, his firing did not end McEntee's professional association with the idiot trump, which began shortly after the idiot trump launched his campaign.

“ ‘I bought into the message,’ McEntee told Bloomberg News in 2015 of his decision to join Trump. ‘I was sick of the career politicians.’ ”

However, despite his statement to Bloomberg, McEntee remains impressed with the corrupt and incompetent “swamp rats” the idiot trump chose as his team when he “drained the swamp”. On Tuesday, the idiot trump’s reelection committee announced that McEntee would join the campaign as a senior adviser for operations.

But that job might be short lived. Apparently McEntee is every bit as corrupt as the other “swamp rats” in the idiot trump's gang, and has some legal problems of his own. McEntee is “facing a federal investigation over unspecified 'serious financial crimes.' ” The probe seems to have nothing to do with idiot trump, and the alleged crimes have yet to be made public.

Given the revolving door of the idiot trump's administration, McEntee was just another fleeting face in the ever-changing corrupt crowd.

Third, it now appears CBS executives have chosen March 25 as the date “60 Minutes” will air its interview with porn star Stormy Daniels. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Gregory Clifford, has alleged she had an affair with the idiot trump?

It is difficult for any rational person to understand why any woman would debase herself in an affair with the boorish, selfish, and narcissistic idiot trump. It is even more difficult to understand why the woman would further demean herself by publicly admitting to the affair.

An answer to these ponderings could come from Callum Borchers of the Washington Post, who writes: “Stormy Daniels is a master at keeping herself in the news.” Concerning Daniels' accusations and lawsuit against the idiot trump, Borchers adds, “In this and other moves, Daniels has practiced the art of the tease, making headlines with incremental developments while hinting at more to come.”

In the suit filed by attorney Michael Avenatti for Daniels, against the idiot trump, the first hearing is scheduled for July 12 in a Los Angeles court. So, Daniels’ fifteen minutes of fame will last at least until the middle of summer.

In addition to his representation of Daniels, her attorney, Michael Avenatti reported he has been approached by several women considering legal action against the idiot trump.

The idiot trump is a well known serial adulterer, having been caught cheating on all three of his wives. He had been married to his third and current wife only a year when he had the affair with Daniels. An affair which he has denied, of course.

However, his denials mean nothing, because, he is already a proven serial adulterer. And during his brief tenure in the White House, he has proven himself to be a serial liar as well.

So, it can be agreed the idiot trump is no stranger to these types of allegations, and denying them. Since 1980, and up to and including 2013, nineteen women have accused the idiot trump of some form of sexual misconduct. There are undoubtedly many, many more, but they are likely restrained by legal agreements and are unable to make any admissions or accusations, or have been intimidated into remaining silent.

More will be learned about this issue in weeks to come.

Fourth, there are some questions about the new subpoena issued concerning the idiot trump's Russian scandal:

Did special counsel Robert Mueller not read the memo the idiot trump sent to him shortly after being appointed to the position?

If Mueller DID read the memo, has he forgotten it was a stern warning from the idiot trump, AND his lawyers, forbidding Mueller from looking into the trump crime family’s crooked shenanigans that occurred before the idiot trump began his campaign, or regarding any aspect of his shady real estate business?

If the weeks of Mueller’s investigation DID lead him to the idiot trump’s many questionable dealings with the Russian mob (Putin), has Mueller crossed the idiot trump’s “red line” on Russia?

Is the evidence already gathered by Mueller and his team so damning against the idiot trump, that Mueller can feel free to disregard the idiot trump's threats?

Finally, as Mueller begins looking straight at the idiot trump, will this lead to the idiot trump’s ultimate act that proves his guilt? Will he fire Mueller?

Progressives can only hope the idiot trump sh!tcans Mueller. That will guarantee a record turnout of Democrats for the 2018 mid-terms, and end the Republicans' stranglehold on average Americans. Also, Mueller’s departure will not end the investigation, it will only postpone the inevitable for the idiot trump, his crooked family, and their openly corrupt cronies.

Did Robert Mueller just cross Donald Trump's red line on Russia?

In closing, it will indeed confuse conservatives why a woman like Vanessa Trump would want to divorce the idiot trump junior. After all, he is a Republican, so he is above the law, and is permitted a complete lack of honor and ethics.

Regarding the idiot trump’s (former) personal assistant, John McEntee. Conservatives easily accept that Putin has plenty of dirt on the idiot trump, and don't care if their heroes (Putin and his big orange puppet) destroy our democracy. So, why fire a low level aid who could be compromised by mob enforcers tasked with collecting a gambling debt.

Now, we come... not like the idiot trump did in or on Stormy Daniels, but to her allegations and disgusting admission about her affair with the idiot trump. Everyone knows conservatives, from the poor, ultra-religious, ignorant, Southern white trash, to the righteous conservative evangelical clergy-- will state their admiration and will defend and justify every sexual misdeed already known and yet to be proven that has been committed by the idiot trump. At the same time, they will condemn President Clinton for receiving a mutually consensual BJ in the Oval Office. And, they will blame Hillary for it. (And, in their alternate reality will find some convoluted reason to blame Hillary for the idiot trump's many acts of adultery.)

Finally. It won't matter to conservatives how many volumes of evidence Mueller uncovers (photos, Emails, voice recordings, written documents, eye witnesses, etc.), that prove beyond any form of doubt, the idiot trump's treasonous crimes, those committed by family members, and those by his henchmen (before, during, and after the fact). The idiot trump's myopic supporters will still be calling the Mueller inquiry a “witch hunt”. There is just no getting through to those people.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.
(Note to conservatives: This OP was intended to be funny. True, and funny.)



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The size of these liberal hate manifesto's is increasing, the libs grow more unhinged with each passing day. I love it when the left tells us who they truly are and what they really think. :eusa_clap:
The usual trolls get more steeped in bullshit daily.

Given their busy week, there are many interesting and humorous items to discuss. Here are four.

First, another rat is abandoning the sinking trump ship. This time it’s the idiot trump junior’s wifey.

She obviously has a better understanding of her father-in-laws narcissism than that by his own son. She knows the idiot trump senior will be throwing everyone he can under the bus as he tries to save his own a$$ from the Mueller probe.

Vanessa Trump might change her mind and stick around. But as often as the idiot trump junior has admitted publicly to illegal activities, the little wifey should gather up junior’s 5 spawn, grab as much cash as she can, and run away. She knows full well idiot junior is going up the river months before idiot senior.

Second, the idiot trump’s personal assistant, John McEntee, was escorted from the White House on Monday and told never to return.

McEntee was one of the few remaining staff members whose undying loyalty the idiot trump could count on. But, a slight gambling addiction made the him security risk.

Surprisingly, his firing did not end McEntee's professional association with the idiot trump, which began shortly after the idiot trump launched his campaign.

“ ‘I bought into the message,’ McEntee told Bloomberg News in 2015 of his decision to join Trump. ‘I was sick of the career politicians.’ ”

However, despite his statement to Bloomberg, McEntee remains impressed with the corrupt and incompetent “swamp rats” the idiot trump chose as his team when he “drained the swamp”. On Tuesday, the idiot trump’s reelection committee announced that McEntee would join the campaign as a senior adviser for operations.

But that job might be short lived. Apparently McEntee is every bit as corrupt as the other “swamp rats” in the idiot trump's gang, and has some legal problems of his own. McEntee is “facing a federal investigation over unspecified 'serious financial crimes.' ” The probe seems to have nothing to do with idiot trump, and the alleged crimes have yet to be made public.

Given the revolving door of the idiot trump's administration, McEntee was just another fleeting face in the ever-changing corrupt crowd.

Third, it now appears CBS executives have chosen March 25 as the date “60 Minutes” will air its interview with porn star Stormy Daniels. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Gregory Clifford, has alleged she had an affair with the idiot trump?

It is difficult for any rational person to understand why any woman would debase herself in an affair with the boorish, selfish, and narcissistic idiot trump. It is even more difficult to understand why the woman would further demean herself by publicly admitting to the affair.

An answer to these ponderings could come from Callum Borchers of the Washington Post, who writes: “Stormy Daniels is a master at keeping herself in the news.” Concerning Daniels' accusations and lawsuit against the idiot trump, Borchers adds, “In this and other moves, Daniels has practiced the art of the tease, making headlines with incremental developments while hinting at more to come.”

In the suit filed by attorney Michael Avenatti for Daniels, against the idiot trump, the first hearing is scheduled for July 12 in a Los Angeles court. So, Daniels’ fifteen minutes of fame will last at least until the middle of summer.

In addition to his representation of Daniels, her attorney, Michael Avenatti reported he has been approached by several women considering legal action against the idiot trump.

The idiot trump is a well known serial adulterer, having been caught cheating on all three of his wives. He had been married to his third and current wife only a year when he had the affair with Daniels. An affair which he has denied, of course.

However, his denials mean nothing, because, he is already a proven serial adulterer. And during his brief tenure in the White House, he has proven himself to be a serial liar as well.

So, it can be agreed the idiot trump is no stranger to these types of allegations, and denying them. Since 1980, and up to and including 2013, nineteen women have accused the idiot trump of some form of sexual misconduct. There are undoubtedly many, many more, but they are likely restrained by legal agreements and are unable to make any admissions or accusations, or have been intimidated into remaining silent.

More will be learned about this issue in weeks to come.

Fourth, there are some questions about the new subpoena issued concerning the idiot trump's Russian scandal:

Did special counsel Robert Mueller not read the memo the idiot trump sent to him shortly after being appointed to the position?

If Mueller DID read the memo, has he forgotten it was a stern warning from the idiot trump, AND his lawyers, forbidding Mueller from looking into the trump crime family’s crooked shenanigans that occurred before the idiot trump began his campaign, or regarding any aspect of his shady real estate business?

If the weeks of Mueller’s investigation DID lead him to the idiot trump’s many questionable dealings with the Russian mob (Putin), has Mueller crossed the idiot trump’s “red line” on Russia?

Is the evidence already gathered by Mueller and his team so damning against the idiot trump, that Mueller can feel free to disregard the idiot trump's threats?

Finally, as Mueller begins looking straight at the idiot trump, will this lead to the idiot trump’s ultimate act that proves his guilt? Will he fire Mueller?

Progressives can only hope the idiot trump sh!tcans Mueller. That will guarantee a record turnout of Democrats for the 2018 mid-terms, and end the Republicans' stranglehold on average Americans. Also, Mueller’s departure will not end the investigation, it will only postpone the inevitable for the idiot trump, his crooked family, and their openly corrupt cronies.

Did Robert Mueller just cross Donald Trump's red line on Russia?

In closing, it will indeed confuse conservatives why a woman like Vanessa Trump would want to divorce the idiot trump junior. After all, he is a Republican, so he is above the law, and is permitted a complete lack of honor and ethics.

Regarding the idiot trump’s (former) personal assistant, John McEntee. Conservatives easily accept that Putin has plenty of dirt on the idiot trump, and don't care if their heroes (Putin and his big orange puppet) destroy our democracy. So, why fire a low level aid who could be compromised by mob enforcers tasked with collecting a gambling debt.

Now, we come... not like the idiot trump did in or on Stormy Daniels, but to her allegations and disgusting admission about her affair with the idiot trump. Everyone knows conservatives, from the poor, ultra-religious, ignorant, Southern white trash, to the righteous conservative evangelical clergy-- will state their admiration and will defend and justify every sexual misdeed already known and yet to be proven that has been committed by the idiot trump. At the same time, they will condemn President Clinton for receiving a mutually consensual BJ in the Oval Office. And, they will blame Hillary for it. (And, in their alternate reality will find some convoluted reason to blame Hillary for the idiot trump's many acts of adultery.)

Finally. It won't matter to conservatives how many volumes of evidence Mueller uncovers (photos, Emails, voice recordings, written documents, eye witnesses, etc.), that prove beyond any form of doubt, the idiot trump's treasonous crimes, those committed by family members, and those by his henchmen (before, during, and after the fact). The idiot trump's myopic supporters will still be calling the Mueller inquiry a “witch hunt”. There is just no getting through to those people.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). The conservatives' mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.
(Note to conservatives: This OP was intended to be funny. True, and funny.)


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Contained in the third and fourth topics in the OP are examples of extremely plausible accusations being leveled at the idiot trump. As expected. he has denied everything related to these accusations.

While it’s true the idiot trump denies any illegal contact with the Russians, and the affair with porn star Stormy Daniels, he also denies every other accusation thrown his way. The public already knows many of the accusations are true.

Because the idiot trump has been caught in so many lies and misleading statements, he has no credibility with rational Americans or our allies.

His time in the White House is now a few days short of fourteen months. During this time the idiot trump’s ratio of truth vs lies has the number of truthful statements he’s made greatly surpassed by the number of lies.

As the months have worn on, the idiot trump has shown he is having more and more difficulty separating fact from the fiction generated in his deteriorating noodle.

The Washington Post is reporting the idiot trump is not really sure who any of his top people are or what they're doing.

Speaking to the Post, a senior administration official explained the idiot trump often confuses federal agencies’ functions, which secretaries are in charge, and the requirements of their duties. The official described an instance when the idiot trump complained to EPA chief Scott Pruitt about regulatory processes for construction projects, although the EPA is not in charge of the regulations.

The idiot trump’s baffled babble to staff members goes something like this, Rick Perry, is he the environmental one? Is he the globalist? No, wait, that guy’s gone. Who are you, anyway? How’d you get in here??

Being POTUS is a pressure filled existence when the individual is intelligent, honorable, and behaves like a responsible world leader. The idiot trump has none of these qualities, and is instead using his position to benefit his businesses and line his pockets illegally.

For this reason, and others, Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel. The recent subpoena Mueller laid on the idiot trump’s criminal organization, which demands certain materials, indicates the investigation is turning its focus on the idiot trump’s involvement in the Russian collusion scandal.

As his brain turns to cottage cheese, the idiot trump is beginning to break under the pressure as Mueller closes in. The conservatives' endless denial cannot change this.

It's been understood for decades, voting is just like driving. If you want to go backwards, choose R. If you want to go forward, choose D.


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