Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House

A second White House? You are making up stuff. Now that's " a dick move".
The White House is where the President and his family live. The President's family, and the President on most days, will now be living in the middle of 5th Avenue. Sorry business and people who work on 5th Avenue. You'll just have to suck it up.
No. You'll have to suck it up. And you didn't answer my questions. Color me surprised.
I did answer your questions. And again, it's not me you have to tell to suck it up. It's the people of New York who will have to tolerate this inconvenience as Trump wages war on their jobs.
No you didn't. You are a liar and in discussions, you consistently chose to parrot leftist partisan lines rather than engage with the person you are talking to. In short. You have jettisoned common sense, and judging by every conversation I've had with you, have given up all effort to listen to any view that doesn't agree with the view you've been assigned. I pity you.

Yes I did answer your questions. You compared living on 5th Avenue all year to spending a few weekends on a ranch in the middle of nowhere and a kid going to school, and I responded that was dumb af. You said we shouldn't care about inconveniencing New Yorkers, and I said it's a dick move for Trump not to care about inconveniencing a bunch of peasants. You said it wouldn't be a second White House, I explained to you what the White House is.

Maybe you only see what you want to. Oh well.
You may want to go back and actually read. For example. I asked if you were ok with the secret service AND ALL THAT INCONVENIENCE was ok when guarding the POTUS' kids at school.

Never mind. You aren't really interested in the what might be best for some little kid who just happens to be Donald Trump's son, are you?
The White House is where the President and his family live. The President's family, and the President on most days, will now be living in the middle of 5th Avenue. Sorry business and people who work on 5th Avenue. You'll just have to suck it up.
No. You'll have to suck it up. And you didn't answer my questions. Color me surprised.
I did answer your questions. And again, it's not me you have to tell to suck it up. It's the people of New York who will have to tolerate this inconvenience as Trump wages war on their jobs.
No you didn't. You are a liar and in discussions, you consistently chose to parrot leftist partisan lines rather than engage with the person you are talking to. In short. You have jettisoned common sense, and judging by every conversation I've had with you, have given up all effort to listen to any view that doesn't agree with the view you've been assigned. I pity you.

Yes I did answer your questions. You compared living on 5th Avenue all year to spending a few weekends on a ranch in the middle of nowhere and a kid going to school, and I responded that was dumb af. You said we shouldn't care about inconveniencing New Yorkers, and I said it's a dick move for Trump not to care about inconveniencing a bunch of peasants. You said it wouldn't be a second White House, I explained to you what the White House is.

Maybe you only see what you want to. Oh well.
You may want to go back and actually read. For example. I asked if you were ok with the secret service AND ALL THAT INCONVENIENCE was ok when guarding the POTUS' kids at school.

Never mind. You aren't really interested in the what might be best for some little kid who just happens to be Donald Trump's son, are you?
And I responded to that by telling you that your comparison was stupid as fuck, because you cannot compare a child going to school to a 1st family wreaking havoc on one of the busiest places in the world 365 days a year by asking them to install massive security in a place that is not prepared for it. Do I need to hold your hand through this conversation?
No. You'll have to suck it up. And you didn't answer my questions. Color me surprised.
I did answer your questions. And again, it's not me you have to tell to suck it up. It's the people of New York who will have to tolerate this inconvenience as Trump wages war on their jobs.
No you didn't. You are a liar and in discussions, you consistently chose to parrot leftist partisan lines rather than engage with the person you are talking to. In short. You have jettisoned common sense, and judging by every conversation I've had with you, have given up all effort to listen to any view that doesn't agree with the view you've been assigned. I pity you.

Yes I did answer your questions. You compared living on 5th Avenue all year to spending a few weekends on a ranch in the middle of nowhere and a kid going to school, and I responded that was dumb af. You said we shouldn't care about inconveniencing New Yorkers, and I said it's a dick move for Trump not to care about inconveniencing a bunch of peasants. You said it wouldn't be a second White House, I explained to you what the White House is.

Maybe you only see what you want to. Oh well.
You may want to go back and actually read. For example. I asked if you were ok with the secret service AND ALL THAT INCONVENIENCE was ok when guarding the POTUS' kids at school.

Never mind. You aren't really interested in the what might be best for some little kid who just happens to be Donald Trump's son, are you?
And I responded to that by telling you that your comparison was stupid as fuck, because you cannot compare a child going to school to a 1st family wreaking havoc on one of the busiest places in the world 365 days a year by asking them to install massive security in a place that is not prepared for it.
Oh golly! My bad. Yes. You DID respond, and oh so intelligently and carefully with, "stupid as fuck".

Again. My apologies. Have a nice day in your prepared place.
I did answer your questions. And again, it's not me you have to tell to suck it up. It's the people of New York who will have to tolerate this inconvenience as Trump wages war on their jobs.
No you didn't. You are a liar and in discussions, you consistently chose to parrot leftist partisan lines rather than engage with the person you are talking to. In short. You have jettisoned common sense, and judging by every conversation I've had with you, have given up all effort to listen to any view that doesn't agree with the view you've been assigned. I pity you.

Yes I did answer your questions. You compared living on 5th Avenue all year to spending a few weekends on a ranch in the middle of nowhere and a kid going to school, and I responded that was dumb af. You said we shouldn't care about inconveniencing New Yorkers, and I said it's a dick move for Trump not to care about inconveniencing a bunch of peasants. You said it wouldn't be a second White House, I explained to you what the White House is.

Maybe you only see what you want to. Oh well.
You may want to go back and actually read. For example. I asked if you were ok with the secret service AND ALL THAT INCONVENIENCE was ok when guarding the POTUS' kids at school.

Never mind. You aren't really interested in the what might be best for some little kid who just happens to be Donald Trump's son, are you?
And I responded to that by telling you that your comparison was stupid as fuck, because you cannot compare a child going to school to a 1st family wreaking havoc on one of the busiest places in the world 365 days a year by asking them to install massive security in a place that is not prepared for it.
Oh golly! My bad. Yes. You DID respond, and oh so intelligently and carefully with, "stupid as fuck".

Again. My apologies. Have a nice day in your prepared place.
You too sugar
Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House

Future First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron will not be moving to the White House after Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, The Post has learned.

The president-elect’s 46-year-old wife and their 10-year-old son are staying put at the family’s glitzy Trump Tower penthouse so that Barron can continue attending his Upper West Side private school, sources told The Post.

“Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign,” said a source close to Trump’s transition team. “The campaign has been difficult for Barron, and she is really hoping to keep disruption to a minimum.”

Another source said Melania Trump will travel to the White House as needed, but that her primary focus is on Barron.

“Melania is very supportive of her husband and is fully on board of doing everything that’s needed as first lady,” said the second source familiar with the Trump transition.

That source said also that there is a possibility that Melania and Barron may move to the White House at the end of the school year, but no plans are in place.

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House | New York Post

My gut reaction to this is that there are sacrifices to be made when a man becomes president. In this case, the sacrifice is that the entire family moves to the WH and the First Lady becomes the focus of planning on what causes she will bring to the President's message.

It's too easy for criticism of a wife not wanting to leave their opulent lifestyle resulting in a more traditional setting. There are private schools in the DC area and the SS wouldn't be burdened with providing security in New York City for Melania and Baron. Suck it up, Melania!

It's a private matter for the Trumps to decide what is best for their child. If that means keeping him in his current school, it is none of our business.
My gut reaction to this is that there are sacrifices to be made when a man becomes president. In this case, the sacrifice is that the entire family moves to the WH and the First Lady becomes the focus of planning on what causes she will bring to the President's message.

It's too easy for criticism of a wife not wanting to leave their opulent lifestyle resulting in a more traditional setting. There are private schools in the DC area and the SS wouldn't be burdened with providing security in New York City for Melania and Baron. Suck it up, Melania!

I think this may be indicative of something larger than the boy's school. I guess we can stay tuned.
No matter what the Trump family does in the next four years, someone won't approve. phfffff. Evidently Donald and Melena think it is best for the youngster to stay where he is right now. I just can't help but think that this is their decision and really none of our business.
$10,000,000 says it is our business.
Without the old lady around, President Trump will be free to grab as much pussy as he wants.
When you become President, you and your family make sacrifices.
I still strongly believe that Trump never intended to be President. He did this as a lark, to be the center of attention and have some laughs. When he got the nomination, he became a bit more serious, but even many Republicans thought he'd lose to Hillary, albeit not by much. Remember all the jokes about how Hillary didn't have a fucking chance except against Trump? The two most deplorable candidates in living history? I guess we now know who's the most deplorable, eh? LOL

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me a bit to see Trump resign in a year or so for "undisclosed health reasons" so he can go back to his gilded apartment and billionaire lifestyle leaving the WH in the hands of Pence and a Republican Congress.
Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House

Future First Lady Melania Trump and son Barron will not be moving to the White House after Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, The Post has learned.

The president-elect’s 46-year-old wife and their 10-year-old son are staying put at the family’s glitzy Trump Tower penthouse so that Barron can continue attending his Upper West Side private school, sources told The Post.

“Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign,” said a source close to Trump’s transition team. “The campaign has been difficult for Barron, and she is really hoping to keep disruption to a minimum.”

Another source said Melania Trump will travel to the White House as needed, but that her primary focus is on Barron.

“Melania is very supportive of her husband and is fully on board of doing everything that’s needed as first lady,” said the second source familiar with the Trump transition.

That source said also that there is a possibility that Melania and Barron may move to the White House at the end of the school year, but no plans are in place.

Melania and Barron Trump won’t be moving to the White House | New York Post

My gut reaction to this is that there are sacrifices to be made when a man becomes president. In this case, the sacrifice is that the entire family moves to the WH and the First Lady becomes the focus of planning on what causes she will bring to the President's message.

It's too easy for criticism of a wife not wanting to leave their opulent lifestyle resulting in a more traditional setting. There are private schools in the DC area and the SS wouldn't be burdened with providing security in New York City for Melania and Baron. Suck it up, Melania!

It's a private matter for the Trumps to decide what is best for their child. If that means keeping him in his current school, it is none of our business.
Well said and agreed. Trump was elected President, not the wife, not the kid nor anyone else in the family.

Remember Billy Carter? Was Jimmy responsible for him? No, even though many tried to make political hay of it just as similar assholes are trying to make political hay of a child's education.
Really nice of President and First Lady Trump to allow proper restoration of The White House after the ravages of the last 7+ years. Perhaps it will be ready for their second term? In any case,let's hope Moochelle's sharecropper garden out back gets fully restored while the interior repairs are being done.
Without the old lady around, President Trump will be free to grab as much pussy as he wants.
LOL Funny, but elected officials don't have the same freedoms as a private citizen. Look at pussy-grabber Bill Clinton, what he did as even a governor didn't matter much until he became President...and Slick Willie came into office at 47, not 70. Time waits for no one. ;)
No matter what the Trump family does in the next four years, someone won't approve. phfffff. Evidently Donald and Melena think it is best for the youngster to stay where he is right now. I just can't help but think that this is their decision and really none of our business.
$10,000,000 says it is our business.
Why do you think so? Do you really believe a child should pay for the sins of their fathers? A spouse? Let's be clear and specific. Let's be fair since your rule should apply to every elected official regardless of party, the age of their children or their spouses.
No matter what the Trump family does in the next four years, someone won't approve. phfffff. Evidently Donald and Melena think it is best for the youngster to stay where he is right now. I just can't help but think that this is their decision and really none of our business.
When you become President, you and your family make sacrifices.
And how the sacrifices involving the family of the POTUS are handled are none of our business.
If Obama's wife and kids had not wanted to live in the White House he would have been crucified by the right.
Wow, there is no end to the list of things yhe Snowflakes will be butthurt over, and Trump hasn't even taken his oath of office yet.

We can already see the Snowflakes'strategy is to complain about EVERYTHING...

It's going to be a long 4 years...

In the meantime, the DNC has already begun it's search for another old, decrepid, 'often confused', 'technology challenged', corrupt, un-trustworthy, elitist, self/party-serving Liberal candidate for case Hillary dies before she can run again.

Hillary 2020
'Is it my turn NOW?'

No matter what the Trump family does in the next four years, someone won't approve. phfffff. Evidently Donald and Melena think it is best for the youngster to stay where he is right now. I just can't help but think that this is their decision and really none of our business.
When you become President, you and your family make sacrifices.
And how the sacrifices involving the family of the POTUS are handled are none of our business.
If Obama's wife and kids had not wanted to live in the White House he would have been crucified by the right.
They were essentially what was your Point?

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