Megyn Kelly moves to NBC News

Good, she was getting real annoying. She belongs at NBC.

Megyn Kelly Will Leave Fox News Perch for NBC News
I wish her luck. She is moving from number one to third place. Perhaps she can add some balance to leftist NBC.

I recall when previous Republican Joe Scarborough of, "Morning Joe" started at MSNBC. He was okay for a while but now he's a raving left wing loon who can't help patting himself on the back for no reason at all.
If Greta goes there she will still be herself.

I'm glad that we agree... :wink_2:
She wants to make everything about her. She's more interested in MAKING news than reporting it. .

OK I got no answer above --- can you cite an example?
She picked a fight with Trump, then made it personal by complaining about how she was treated (when all he did was respond to her attacks). Now she's trying to play the victim. She's an attention whore.
Megyn Kelly On Trump Feud: I Worry About Someone Hurting Me In Front Of My Kids

AH, now we get to it. She stood up for women. Bad Megyn Kelly, BAD!

Of course, how could I forget that Orange Rumple staying up all night to send whiny little bitchyfit tweets over being asked a pointed question (quel horreur!) and then sitting out a debate in his petulantly histrionic Tantrump, means the questioner is "making it all about her". Thanks for this worthy reminder.


Poor beleagured Whiny Little Orange. Got blood coming out of his Wherever... :itsok:
Poor pogo. No matter how much he screams and jumps up and down about Trump, in 15 days Trump is gonna be his President. LMAO :lol:
You are full of shit....
You're typical response to disagreement; all emotion, zero fact. Thanks for, once again, attacking the poster and not the issue.
You are full of shit. I stated facts, no emotion. You lie like you always do and try to cover it up by slinging shit hoping to make it look like someone else's doing.

You dishonestly cut out what I responded to:

You said:

"Isn't Maddow on MSNBC? If Kelly did team up with Maddow, it would raise NBC's beauty factor. Meanwhile, Fox's beauty factor just dropped double digits."

So I said:

"You are full of shit. The FOX babes are in abundance, Kelly was not a player in that dept."

So you came back with me being all emotional? You stupid lying turd. The words are still there. You go out of your way to prove what a stupid asshole you are and then get all huffy when people call you on it. Your "divine wind" stinks to high heaven.

Now Megyn Kelly can team up with Rachel Maddow
Isn't Maddow on MSNBC? If Kelly did team up with Maddow, it would raise NBC's beauty factor. Meanwhile, Fox's beauty factor just dropped double digits.
You are full of shit. The FOX babes are in abundance, Kelly was not a player in that dept.
No wonder your white mops scramble to get away from white men so fast with other ugly pale white men, are too fixated on looks...especially knowing you bald at 12, have dicks the size of rice grains and most of yaw look like clear glad ziplock bags!!
you just described OP & Iceweasel
Here's another zero proving it over and over. You turds can't even see it.
after President Trump embarassed her at the debate, Crooked Megyn cut her hair short like Maddow...SECRET LIBERAL!
She couldn't wait to get away from the crazies at Fox, now she can be honest...
Being around Hanitty and O Liely can drive one crazy

I hate the O'Really show, he actually has a bigger ego than Trump.

His show as well as Tucker Carlson are the only two I watch...on the rare occasions I tune in to cable news.

Carlson is the Bomb!!!

So tough on the Liberals.

If only the Ranger game didn't also start at 7:00
....So you came back with me being all emotional? You stupid lying turd. The words are still there. You go out of your way to prove what a stupid asshole you are and then get all huffy when people call you on it. Your "divine wind" stinks to high heaven.
I rest my case. Have a nice day, Mr. Emotion.
....So you came back with me being all emotional? You stupid lying turd. The words are still there. You go out of your way to prove what a stupid asshole you are and then get all huffy when people call you on it. Your "divine wind" stinks to high heaven.
I rest my case. Have a nice day, Mr. Emotion.
You're a stupid liar. That's the case you made. Resting it is a good idea.
....So you came back with me being all emotional? You stupid lying turd. The words are still there. You go out of your way to prove what a stupid asshole you are and then get all huffy when people call you on it. Your "divine wind" stinks to high heaven.
I rest my case. Have a nice day, Mr. Emotion.
You're a stupid liar. That's the case you made. Resting it is a good idea.
Anything to help you calm down and step back from that ledge, sir.
....So you came back with me being all emotional? You stupid lying turd. The words are still there. You go out of your way to prove what a stupid asshole you are and then get all huffy when people call you on it. Your "divine wind" stinks to high heaven.
I rest my case. Have a nice day, Mr. Emotion.
You're a stupid liar. That's the case you made. Resting it is a good idea.

Stop, you 2 are killing me... :lmao:
....So you came back with me being all emotional? You stupid lying turd. The words are still there. You go out of your way to prove what a stupid asshole you are and then get all huffy when people call you on it. Your "divine wind" stinks to high heaven.
I rest my case. Have a nice day, Mr. Emotion.
You're a stupid liar. That's the case you made. Resting it is a good idea.

Stop, you 2 are killing me... :lmao:
Stupid liars kill me when they think they can get away with it.
I hate that screen name already...
'Care4all', go fuck yourself you trust fund baby...and I know you are, you're the only type that'd succumb to such stupidity masquerading as 'academics'. Lol
Good, she was getting real annoying. She belongs at NBC.

Megyn Kelly Will Leave Fox News Perch for NBC News
I wish her luck. She is moving from number one to third place. Perhaps she can add some balance to leftist NBC.

:rofl: Weasel Word post of the day. "Number one" meaning within cable news channels, "number three" meaning within the far-larger venue of air broadcast. That's more than triple the audience. The equivalent of jumping from Double-A ball to the Major Leagues.
Good, she was getting real annoying. She belongs at NBC.

Megyn Kelly Will Leave Fox News Perch for NBC News
I wish her luck. She is moving from number one to third place. Perhaps she can add some balance to leftist NBC.

:rofl: Weasel Word post of the day. "Number one" meaning within cable news channels, "number three" meaning within the far-larger venue of air broadcast. That's more than triple the audience. The equivalent of jumping from Double-A ball to the Major Leagues.
"Broke people broadcasting...dat beez wur duh monay beez, jack!"

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