Medicare for All


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Medicare, like Social Security, escaped from its obvious unconstitutional Hell because it was encased in the Trojan Horse of a "trust fund." Because it's a Trust Fund (hold the laughs), it is not a system where Congress spends TAX dollars; Congress merely collects money, puts it into the Medicare Trust Fund, and supervises its disbursement to the masses of people OVER 55 YEARS OLD to cover their medical expenses. If it were a case of Congress spending tax dollars, it would be unconstitutional, as health care is not listed in Article I as a power of Congress.

Those of us who currently benefit from this huge Government Ponzi scheme know that Medicare only covers MOST of one's medical expenses, and we either "self-insure" the rest, or buy a Medicare Supplement (supplementary health insurance). But that's a minor point. It doesn't cost much.

Medicare for ALL would require a MASSIVE, NEW PAYROLL TAX, arguably large enough to cover the entire cost of medical coverage for EVERYONE up to age 55...otherwise M4A would be unconstitutional. And this new payroll tax - just like FICA - would NOT be deductible from your AGI, hence it would involve AFTER TAX money, coming directly out of everyone's pocket.

This is just me surmising shit, but I think my analysis is Constitutionally correct. Does everyone understanding that M4A is not FREE? That it will be very costly, and all working people will have to pay for it? Just like they do in Canada.
Where do you get age 55? If you haven't read bernie's proposal I will tell you this it would never get passed even by a dem majority unless greatly modified. So it won't happen.
Medicare, like Social Security, escaped from its obvious unconstitutional Hell because it was encased in the Trojan Horse of a "trust fund." Because it's a Trust Fund (hold the laughs), it is not a system where Congress spends TAX dollars; Congress merely collects money, puts it into the Medicare Trust Fund, and supervises its disbursement to the masses of people OVER 55 YEARS OLD to cover their medical expenses. If it were a case of Congress spending tax dollars, it would be unconstitutional, as health care is not listed in Article I as a power of Congress.

Those of us who currently benefit from this huge Government Ponzi scheme know that Medicare only covers MOST of one's medical expenses, and we either "self-insure" the rest, or buy a Medicare Supplement (supplementary health insurance). But that's a minor point. It doesn't cost much.

Medicare for ALL would require a MASSIVE, NEW PAYROLL TAX, arguably large enough to cover the entire cost of medical coverage for EVERYONE up to age 55...otherwise M4A would be unconstitutional. And this new payroll tax - just like FICA - would NOT be deductible from your AGI, hence it would involve AFTER TAX money, coming directly out of everyone's pocket.

This is just me surmising shit, but I think my analysis is Constitutionally correct. Does everyone understanding that M4A is not FREE? That it will be very costly, and all working people will have to pay for it? Just like they do in Canada.
Multiple studies show you would save money over all.
Does everyone understanding that M4A is not FREE? That it will be very costly, and all working people will have to pay for it? Just like they do in Canada.
It should be very cheap since Canada pays 1/3 of what we do for health care. For us it has a huge advantage in that it is simple and efficient compared to the expensive spaghetti mess we have now.

Most importantly, it can easily be switched toward capitalism by raising co pays and mandating published prices.

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