MEDICARE FOR ALL under microscope


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Now how did this happen?

A dependably liberal small-town newspaper has published an item that gives a fair and honest look at The Democrat Socialist Party plan to take away your employer-paid health insurance, to kill Medicare-as-we-know-it and allow no way to escape!

Opinion: No choice, no exit: The truth about 'Medicare for all' proposals

Polls from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health with Politico show a majority of Americans favor “Medicare for All” proposals _ at least in concept, which is simple enough: a single, government-controlled health insurance program that would cover every person residing in the United States.....


But do Americans really understand what such a project would entail? Based on the available survey evidence, the answer is no.

For example, the Kaiser survey found that 55 percent of respondents erroneously think that they would be able to keep their current health insurance. Only 35 percent realize (correctly) that they would lose it. Likewise, a national survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago found that 55 percent of respondents think (incorrectly) that participation in such a plan would be voluntary.

In fact, any American can easily learn “what’s in” the leading “Medicare for All” proposals. The legislative language of the leading Democratic bills (H.R. 676 and S. 1804) is clear.

The House bill prohibits any private health insurer from offering any of the 10 statutorily designated categories of health benefits or specialized services authorized by Congress. According to Title I, Section 104 of the House bill, “It is unlawful for a private health insurer to sell health coverage that duplicates the benefits provided under this Act.”

Interestingly, the article was on the newspaper's home page for only a few hours and now has vanished. But the link still works.

No matter on which side of the issue you stand please read the entire article and consider your feelings about after reading. Then check out the proposed legislation for yourself to be sure it really is as horrible as purported. I did. It is.

Marvelous how The Democrat Socialist Party has managed to top "president" Obama's "If you like your doctor........" lie.
I sure wouldn't trust jack coming from Kaiser these days. They used poor peoples babies for human experimentation like it was no big deal.

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