Media silent on homegrown leftist terror


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Media Silent On Homegrown Leftist Terror
19 year old San Diego, California Nursing student John T. Earnest, wearing a tactical vest shot up the Poway Synagogue near San Diego killing one and injuring multiple worshipers including the Rabbi and children. It was an off-duty Border Patrol agent, viewed by the left as nothing short of a Nazi that returned fire and stopped the carnage.

A 19 yr old student wearing his tactical vest shot up a Poway synagogue near San Diego killing one.
Oh, the democratic assholes are going to start their little shooting ppl up game so then their idiots support their total ANTI AMERICAN GUN GRAB!! KEEP SHOOTING THEM MOTHER FKRS WE ARENN'T GIVING UP OUR 2ND AMENDMENT EVER IT'S THE ONLY THING LEFT THAT MAKES AMERICA AMERICA BITCH ANDN WE'RE NEVER GETTING RID OF IT!!!

Media silent on homegrown leftist terror

That's because shooting up Jews is right-wing terrorism DUMBASS.
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?

I didn't say it was left or right, I was responding to you who said it was "right wing" fucking asshole. Don't make something "right or left wing" and then in same fucking thread ask "why make it right or left wing?" Answer that question yourself dumbass. You're the one that brought it up.

And here is your link. Try getting your fucking news from something other than CNN.

Trump is 'traitorous, Zionist,' suspected Poway synagogue shooter writes in online manifesto
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?

I didn't say it was left or right, I was responding to someone who did.

And here is your link. Try getting your fucking news from something other than CNN.

Trump is 'traitorous, Zionist,' suspected Poway synagogue shooter writes in online manifesto

No but the OP DID, Schmuck. And you couldn't be bothered to fucking quote anybody, apparently believing everybody else can hear the voices in your head too, so since my post is the ONLY OTHER FUCKING ONE HERE guess who you were talking to.

I don't have a TV, Dipshit, but the title of your link ALONE confirms my post 2. Now GO LEARN TO READ.
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?
Jew hating is all the rage with libs these days....just listen to new dem Congress critters and read latest NYT which they had to promptly apologize for
Media Silent On Homegrown Leftist Terror
19 year old San Diego, California Nursing student John T. Earnest, wearing a tactical vest shot up the Poway Synagogue near San Diego killing one and injuring multiple worshipers including the Rabbi and children. It was an off-duty Border Patrol agent, viewed by the left as nothing short of a Nazi that returned fire and stopped the carnage.

A 19 yr old student wearing his tactical vest shot up a Poway synagogue near San Diego killing one.
Oh, the democratic assholes are going to start their little shooting ppl up game so then their idiots support their total ANTI AMERICAN GUN GRAB!! KEEP SHOOTING THEM MOTHER FKRS WE ARENN'T GIVING UP OUR 2ND AMENDMENT EVER IT'S THE ONLY THING LEFT THAT MAKES AMERICA AMERICA BITCH ANDN WE'RE NEVER GETTING RID OF IT!!!

A white nationalist who, in his manifesto, said that donnie wasn't supportive enough of whites. And you call him a leftist. How desperate can you be? :71:
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?
Jew hating is all the rage with libs these days....just listen to new dem Congress critters and read latest NYT which they had to promptly apologize for
Yeah...that's why most American Jews vote Democrat. That's why almost all Jews in Politics are Democrats. :blahblah:
Media silent on homegrown leftist terror

That's because shooting up Jews is right-wing terrorism DUMBASS.

Yeah, as right-wing as Islamic terror . . . moron.
Islamic terrorists are very very very con-servative. Far right members of all patriarchal religions are just opposite sides of the same radical coin.

Thank you for describing the ideological qualities of your party's favored faith. Dog chase tail. Sniff domestic ground for the white supremacist bogeyman, all the while walking arm and arm with the devil in flowing robes.
Media Silent On Homegrown Leftist Terror
19 year old San Diego, California Nursing student John T. Earnest, wearing a tactical vest shot up the Poway Synagogue near San Diego killing one and injuring multiple worshipers including the Rabbi and children. It was an off-duty Border Patrol agent, viewed by the left as nothing short of a Nazi that returned fire and stopped the carnage.

A 19 yr old student wearing his tactical vest shot up a Poway synagogue near San Diego killing one.
Oh, the democratic assholes are going to start their little shooting ppl up game so then their idiots support their total ANTI AMERICAN GUN GRAB!! KEEP SHOOTING THEM MOTHER FKRS WE ARENN'T GIVING UP OUR 2ND AMENDMENT EVER IT'S THE ONLY THING LEFT THAT MAKES AMERICA AMERICA BITCH ANDN WE'RE NEVER GETTING RID OF IT!!!

There is no ‘the media.’

There is no ‘media conspiracy.’

‘The media’ don’t function as a single entity.

‘The media’ care only about profit. Period.

And this has nothing to do with the Second Amendment, no one wants to ‘take away’ your guns.

The problem is this sort of rightwing lunacy.
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?
Jew hating is all the rage with libs these days....just listen to new dem Congress critters and read latest NYT which they had to promptly apologize for
Yeah...that's why most American Jews vote Democrat. That's why almost all Jews in Politics are Democrats. :blahblah:
A, that may be changing
B doesn't mean repubs are anti semitic is damn worried that Jewish voters is next dem block Trump cuts into.....its all fading away as reality sets in
Really? Funny he said he hated Donald Trump.

Didn't say he hated Obama.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does any of that have to do with "right-wing" or "left wing"?

And btw ------------------------- Link?


He seems to have hated Jews. What does that tell you?
Jew hating is all the rage with libs these days....just listen to new dem Congress critters and read latest NYT which they had to promptly apologize for

Actually links to what the fuck you purport to be talking about are all the rage, and without them your post amounts to:

Apparently Ass-ociation Fallacies are all the rage ass well.
Not surprised libs know nothing of current events,,,,,and then claim to be the smart ones.....
Media silent on homegrown leftist terror

That's because shooting up Jews is right-wing terrorism DUMBASS.

Yeah, as right-wing as Islamic terror . . . moron.

Religion is not "right" or "left" Noob.

However if you were to correctly categorize terrorism as political, then you'd have a point.

Nazis... skinheads.... "Jews will not replace us" .... the Klan.... David Duke.... Madison Grant and sycophants.... any of these sound "left wing" to you?


By the way it's not necessary to sign your posts. You've already made it clear you're a moron.

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