Media can no longer be trusted.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I am saddened by the fact that some of the people here have a dangerously distorted view of world events even as they unfold in real time. This is a tragedy that has been brought about by community newspapers, local radio programming, and liberal arts colleges. Media are important; they can be watchdogs keeping threats on freedom in check. But they can be perverted into convenient bullhorns for oppressive regimes that criminalize criticism as misinformation. The Nazis and the Communists used marshalled media to mesmerize public opinion and it works as well today as it did in past times. Harnessed authoritarian media are the historical hallmark of totalitarian governments since the beginning of human politics and this plays out even in small cities as media gaslights the population.

The people here are told by local media that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero fighting a dangerous virus that threatens civilization. Careful observers have concluded that Fauci used back channels to fund gain of function research even after he was ordered not to do so by the Obama administration. Administration scientists decided that the research was far too dangerous and could unleash uncontrolled pathogens exposing a defenseless world population to another 1918 Spanish Flu-like disaster which is exactly what happened. Fauci should have been dragged before a world court and charged with crimes against humanity, but that narrative runs counter to Washington’s “build back better” plan which is essentially a dismantling of the fundamental principles that created America.

First among those principles is free speech which is now being aggressively prosecuted by America’s security agencies and characterized as a terrorist threat. If this sounds familiar remember what you learned in school decades ago. SARS-Cov-19 has evolved into a political disease created and funded at first by sociopaths for fame and prestige. It got out of hand and is now a power play for absolute control while America suffers calculated destruction from the inside out economically, demographically, politically, and spiritually.

Your local media is betting on the corruption of Washington as the winning formula. They have no scientific training or background, yet they demand that you get vaccinated because those are their marching orders from Washington. That is the textbook definition of propaganda. Media can no longer be trusted to be forthright. No one has any idea of the future ramifications of these vaccinations. Do not trust media, trust yourself.

The truth always comes out when it doesn't matter anymore. Why can't you remember having been misled in the past? I guess it's like the old tabloid game. Accusations scream from the headlines but retractions whisper from page 14.
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