Meanwhile, in Chicago..

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Move along, nothing to see here folks. Just another day in the life of Chicago. No political clout to be gained by this, just move on along now. What a shame right ?
The Shame is that this is happening in America. And becomes an every day occurrence.

We have gun violence in Toronto also. I suppose what I don't get is the lack of respect for life, or the ease some have in taking another persons life. These aren't young people screaming bravado or making general threats like some do when they are angry, they are going through with the violence which takes lives. Some are random and cowardly against innocent people, others, targeted because of a beef, gang violence or what have you.

You may have seen the shopkeeper you just shot a guy dead who attempted to rob him at his store. He shot the man, who fell to the ground and wasn't moving, he shot another 8 shots or so, whatever his clip held. He wasn't charged, it was justified since he was protecting his shop. I suppose I just wonder what goes through a mans mind when he pulls the trigger on a human being, albeit a bad guy; who is lying on the ground motionless, not a threat, but he "finishes the job".

There have been many occasions when I save a bug and throw it outside if it is in our house. I just feel that squishing it is so unnecessary if I can just toss it outside. I can't imagine emptying so many bullets on a guy who isn't moving. This isn't a video game or a movie, it's real life you are taking. This same guy who killed another in what started as a normal work day, will now walk among everyone. As I often believe, it comes down to peoples own confidence, logical thinking, state of mind and emotions. Confidence to me is huge. It allows you to know when you are in control of a situation or when an escalation might occur/is needed, but not over reaction.

Even for someone who defends themselves in self defense, but they take a life. Do they not need to be debriefed as a former soldier might or a cop who had to take a life? Will his actions not impact him in some manner in the future, that could put others in danger?

You have to defend yourself from someone with a gun, but, I think these are important consideration. How many have killed another who was unarmed and claimed self defense, or that they "stood their ground"? In doing so, how much greater is the risk of a simple disagreement or argument to turn to death by gun because one guy feels "threatened"? Who defines that threat? You cannot take a life back after it is gone. Do we all want to run around scared and everything is a threat, or do we want sound judgement and cool emotions to prevail?

Meh, I go on about it, but, these truly are vital issues. Society is just not logical and calm as it once was, everyone is amped up constantly. Coupled with weapons, we see the outcomes. Go watch old game shows from the 1980's or documentaries, TV interviews. People were thoughtful, relaxed, laughed more. Watch the same activities today, people in a live unscripted environment and its all emotion and rapid fire discussion. It cannot be healthy for anyone, let alone those most susceptible. It's not just happening in America, I assure you.

Thank you for your time.
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