Meanwhile in Africa


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Meanwhile in Africa.

Starvation could kill 20 million people as we bitch about gun deaths.

Here ya go........



The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would expand a program that pays farmers to leave land fallow, part of a broader, government-wide effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. The new initiative will incentivize farmers to take land out of production by raising rental rates and incentive payments.


Just look the other way to those who don't want to see the misery of people starving to death as we pay those to not farm.

Put the blindfolds on.

I served and went to Somalia and it went to I understand negative waves..........but same as 2008 millions are about to starve in this world.

And people will just look the other way as our policies DECREASE PRODUCTION..........Imagine that..............

Our gov;t at work..........Cost's triple when the gov't does it...........So who got all that money........politicians or their buddies again..........MOST LIKELY.
How many billions have we sent to educate them to prevent this scenario?
Too many.............and we have lost lives in this fight...........But it still shows how humanity still ignores this............

And when 10 to 15 million die a horrible death.........The world will not care.........MAO would be proud.......starved 50 million of his own by his policies.
Despite the potential of the human race, monumental stupidity threatens our existence. Global warming may be dangerous, but general dimming and dumbing-down are far worse.
What could be less intelligent than to continue to reproduce in a place where existence is already tenuous at best? Yet, everywhere, people do it.
Despite the potential of the human race, monumental stupidity threatens our existence. Global warming may be dangerous, but general dimming and dumbing-down are far worse.
What could be less intelligent than to continue to reproduce in a place where existence is already tenuous at best? Yet, everywhere, people do it.
As many in our own country live in a desert in California........and are running out of water............Because the system was not designed to be used so many.

California has major problems and they need to desal quickly. But stupid people just keep being stupid.
This is why stopping Putin and Russia before they blew up all of Europe's bread basket was so important and a national security issue that Biden missed big time.....
And Biden increased the amount of land in our country to not be farmed.............For the they talk of FOOD SHORTAGES.

Imagine that.........make policy that lowers production then go WHY THE SHORTAGE..............Baby formula being another great example. This WAS NO ACCIDENT.
Agriculture technology in irrigation and soil reclamation can turn those drought-stricken nations into food-producing paradises if their governments would just let it happen.
Agriculture technology in irrigation and soil reclamation can turn those drought-stricken nations into food-producing paradises if their governments would just let it happen.
Hell even back in 1993 they could have fished more.........The Ocean was loaded with fish there. You could put a shiny hook in the water and catch a fish there. Tabboo or whatever as their people starve.............

Insanity.........and could be solved................The world doesn't want to and they bite the hands that try to save them.........CATCH 22


Food and Economy​

Food in Daily Life. Milk from camels, goats, and cows is a major food for Somali herdsmen and nomadic families. Young men tending camel herds during the rainy season may drink up to ten quarts of milk a day. Aging camels may be slaughtered for their meat, especially when guests are expected for a celebration, and the fatty camel's hump is considered a delicacy. Meat, including liver, from sheep and goats also is popular, but meat is served only a few times a month, usually on special occasions. Durra (a grain sorghum), honey, dates, rice, and tea are other food staples for nomads. Farmers in southern Somalia grow corn, beans, sorghum, millet, squash, and a few other vegetables and fruits. Boiled millet and rice are staples, but rice must be imported. The most popular bread is muufo, a flat bread made from ground corn flour. Somalis season their food with butter and ghee, the clear liquid skimmed from melted butter. They also sweeten their food with sugar, sorghum, or honey. A holdover from Italian occupation in the south is a love for pasta and marinara sauce. Although fish is plentiful in the waters off the Somali coast, Somalis generally do not like fish. In accordance with the Muslim faith, they do not eat pork or drink alcohol. Milk, tea, coffee, and water are favorite drinks. Carbonated drinks are available in cities.
Meanwhile in Africa.

Starvation could kill 20 million people as we bitch about gun deaths.

Here ya go........

So, if there is a giant wildfire elsewhere in the world you shouldn't be concerned about your own house burning down from faulty wiring?
So, if there is a giant wildfire elsewhere in the world you shouldn't be concerned about your own house burning down from faulty wiring?
I'll respond just this once to you. iggied for a while now.

This thread is about how the world just looks the other way as up to 20 million might soon starve to death. While the water situation in California is dire it DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE to what is happening there.

How can you even think to do that? Starvation has to be a Painful way to go.
I'll respond just this once to you. iggied for a while now.

This thread is about how the world just looks the other way as up to 20 million might soon starve to death. While the water situation in California is dire it DOESN'T EVEN COMPARE to what is happening there.

How can you even think to do that? Starvation has to be a Painful way to go.
I'll explain what I meant, since you seem a bit slow. Recognizing troubles and tragedies abroad does not necessitate ignoring troubles and tragedies at home. Not a difficult concept.

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