McCain talks of dysfunction in the GOP shutdown

McCain has never been hijacked. He's played his own game too long on Capitol Hill and he's caught out. McCain's been a power tripper for far too long. The young bucks aren't going to eat his shit.

He needs to pull an Arlen Specter and just cross the floor to be at home with the Democrats and get as far away from decent conservatives as possible.

And as far as the House goes. Bullshit. Prove who is trapped and embarrassed considering it was almost unanimously voted for.

If you can't prove it, shut the fuck up.
Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Democrats: “We’ve called their bluff, and they didn’t blink. At this point it would kind of strain logic to assume that going deeper into this when Republicans are likely to get the blame will benefit us more.”

Nonetheless, at noon, House Republican leaders summoned reporters and photographers into a gilded room overlooking the National Mall, directing the cameras to capture the empty seats — for Democrats, they said — at the table.

“The way to resolve our differences is to sit down and talk,” said Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the No. 2 House Republican. “And as you can see here, there’s no one here on the other side of the table.”

The scene so irritated Mr. Reid that he soon strode onto the Senate floor to denounce such “silly, empty Republican stunts.”

His Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, also took to the floor. “Well, Democrat leaders in Congress finally have their prize — a government shutdown that no one seems to want but them,” he said. “House Republicans worked late into the night this weekend to keep the government open. And Senate Democrats dragged their feet.”

Mr. Reid, a former boxer, interrupted with a jab. “My friend the Republican leader spoke as if George Orwell wrote his speech,” he said. “This is ‘1984,’ where up is down, down is up, east is west.” Nobody was happier to have the government closed than the Tea Party, Mr. Reid said, adding, “We had a good day for the anarchists.”

Yeah, I don't understand why when Tea Partiers everywhere are celebrating shutting the government down, the rest of the Republican party is pointing at Democrats, rather than their own deliriously happy fellow congress critters.
I have said the same thing, Eagle. The Republican moderates only hope is for the tea party to get a final divorce from the GOP, which would give the GOP back the credibility that it had in Ford and Reagan days. The Tea party would then get the respect that it deserves, like those who supported Ross in his campaign. Eventually, they would end up in the same graveyard as the Moral Majority.
Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Democrats: “We’ve called their bluff, and they didn’t blink. At this point it would kind of strain logic to assume that going deeper into this when Republicans are likely to get the blame will benefit us more.”

Nonetheless, at noon, House Republican leaders summoned reporters and photographers into a gilded room overlooking the National Mall, directing the cameras to capture the empty seats — for Democrats, they said — at the table.

“The way to resolve our differences is to sit down and talk,” said Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the No. 2 House Republican. “And as you can see here, there’s no one here on the other side of the table.”

The scene so irritated Mr. Reid that he soon strode onto the Senate floor to denounce such “silly, empty Republican stunts.”

His Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, also took to the floor. “Well, Democrat leaders in Congress finally have their prize — a government shutdown that no one seems to want but them,” he said. “House Republicans worked late into the night this weekend to keep the government open. And Senate Democrats dragged their feet.”

Mr. Reid, a former boxer, interrupted with a jab. “My friend the Republican leader spoke as if George Orwell wrote his speech,” he said. “This is ‘1984,’ where up is down, down is up, east is west.” Nobody was happier to have the government closed than the Tea Party, Mr. Reid said, adding, “We had a good day for the anarchists.”

Yeah, I don't understand why when Tea Partiers everywhere are celebrating shutting the government down, the rest of the Republican party is pointing at Democrats, rather than their own deliriously happy fellow congress critters.

It’s a consequence of being insane.

And to ‘celebrate’ the government shutdown is reprehensible.
Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Democrats: “We’ve called their bluff, and they didn’t blink. At this point it would kind of strain logic to assume that going deeper into this when Republicans are likely to get the blame will benefit us more.”

Nonetheless, at noon, House Republican leaders summoned reporters and photographers into a gilded room overlooking the National Mall, directing the cameras to capture the empty seats — for Democrats, they said — at the table.

“The way to resolve our differences is to sit down and talk,” said Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the No. 2 House Republican. “And as you can see here, there’s no one here on the other side of the table.”

The scene so irritated Mr. Reid that he soon strode onto the Senate floor to denounce such “silly, empty Republican stunts.”

His Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, also took to the floor. “Well, Democrat leaders in Congress finally have their prize — a government shutdown that no one seems to want but them,” he said. “House Republicans worked late into the night this weekend to keep the government open. And Senate Democrats dragged their feet.”

Mr. Reid, a former boxer, interrupted with a jab. “My friend the Republican leader spoke as if George Orwell wrote his speech,” he said. “This is ‘1984,’ where up is down, down is up, east is west.” Nobody was happier to have the government closed than the Tea Party, Mr. Reid said, adding, “We had a good day for the anarchists.”

Yeah, I don't understand why when Tea Partiers everywhere are celebrating shutting the government down, the rest of the Republican party is pointing at Democrats, rather than their own deliriously happy fellow congress critters.

Reid has made it clear time and time and time again that it is his way or the highway.

Come on BD you know this to be true. The old bastard should have been tossed long ago. Reid et al are really beginning to think they rule Rome instead of being public servants.

They really do believe in their own press. Their own "gang of..." bullshit.

The House is standing its ground.

The R's in the House have no option but to vote as per their constituents wishes. They are fulfilling their campaign promises.

And kudos to their integrity.
I have said the same thing, Eagle. The Republican moderates only hope is for the tea party to get a final divorce from the GOP, which would give the GOP back the credibility that it had in Ford and Reagan days. The Tea party would then get the respect that it deserves, like those who supported Ross in his campaign. Eventually, they would end up in the same graveyard as the Moral Majority.

I love it when Democrats advise Republicans how to win.


Keep being really moderate, yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. Look at how John McCain almost won.

Look at how Mitt Romney almost won. Look at how GH Bush almost won. And lets not forget moderate Bob Dole.

Yeah, yeah, being moderate almost is a win for Republicans.
Dysfunction runs both ways. McCain hasn't been able to function as a republican for many years. Democrats took a page out of Mussolini's play book by preventing a logical exchange of ideas and opinions when they kicked their former V.P. nominee out of the party for being too moderate. Joe Lieberman won election easily as an independent when democrats supported a true socialist but Lieberman saw the writing on the wall and finally retired. Such is the legacy of the fascist lock step democrat party.
i love watching the right eat their own

Since when did John McCain become a right winger?

2008ish when he went hard right in order to beat obama..

Again suck up that McCain goo. This is just another reason you dumbasses are loosing. You are too stupid to even see it.

McCain never went hard right. Give me a break. :lol:

And PPP's most recent poll has Republican voters seriously conservative. Over 70%.

Time for McCain to go.
I am deeply disappointed that nobody has seen fit to do a video of a Palin interview on all this.....:eusa_drool:

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Palin said Republicans should not "fear some kind of government shutdown." She then emphasized that Republicans must "stand firm," "not blink," and not "allow the media to drive this whole narrative" that a shutdown would be bad for Republicans.

Palin said that a shutdown would allow the American people to realize "how irrelevant the federal government could and should be in our lives." She then noted that the government needed to prioritize the military and social security in the event of a shutdown. She also emphasized that if government employees are deemed "non-essential," perhaps they shouldn't be on the payroll anyway.

When host Neil Cavuto mentioned that an anonymous moderate Republian told him that Tea Partiers are "ruining our day and our chances," Palin replied that the Tea Party are the fiscal conservatives who are concerned about Obamacare. They "are not going anywhere," she insisted, so moderate Republicans "better get used to it."

Palin: 'Let Gov't Chill for a Little Bit'
Palin said Republicans should not "fear some kind of government shutdown." She then emphasized that Republicans must "stand firm," "not blink," and not "allow the media to drive this whole narrative" that a shutdown would be bad for Republicans.

Palin said that a shutdown would allow the American people to realize "how irrelevant the federal government could and should be in our lives." She then noted that the government needed to prioritize the military and social security in the event of a shutdown. She also emphasized that if government employees are deemed "non-essential," perhaps they shouldn't be on the payroll anyway.

When host Neil Cavuto mentioned that an anonymous moderate Republian told him that Tea Partiers are "ruining our day and our chances," Palin replied that the Tea Party are the fiscal conservatives who are concerned about Obamacare. They "are not going anywhere," she insisted, so moderate Republicans "better get used to it."

Palin: 'Let Gov't Chill for a Little Bit'

Well, that's what I get for not being a cable subscriber...but yeah, the republicans should absolutely take advice from Palin on how to manage the press!
Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of Democrats: “We’ve called their bluff, and they didn’t blink. At this point it would kind of strain logic to assume that going deeper into this when Republicans are likely to get the blame will benefit us more.”

Nonetheless, at noon, House Republican leaders summoned reporters and photographers into a gilded room overlooking the National Mall, directing the cameras to capture the empty seats — for Democrats, they said — at the table.

“The way to resolve our differences is to sit down and talk,” said Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the No. 2 House Republican. “And as you can see here, there’s no one here on the other side of the table.”

The scene so irritated Mr. Reid that he soon strode onto the Senate floor to denounce such “silly, empty Republican stunts.”

His Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, also took to the floor. “Well, Democrat leaders in Congress finally have their prize — a government shutdown that no one seems to want but them,” he said. “House Republicans worked late into the night this weekend to keep the government open. And Senate Democrats dragged their feet.”

Mr. Reid, a former boxer, interrupted with a jab. “My friend the Republican leader spoke as if George Orwell wrote his speech,” he said. “This is ‘1984,’ where up is down, down is up, east is west.” Nobody was happier to have the government closed than the Tea Party, Mr. Reid said, adding, “We had a good day for the anarchists.”

Yeah, I don't understand why when Tea Partiers everywhere are celebrating shutting the government down, the rest of the Republican party is pointing at Democrats, rather than their own deliriously happy fellow congress critters.

Reid has made it clear time and time and time again that it is his way or the highway.

Come on BD you know this to be true. The old bastard should have been tossed long ago. Reid et al are really beginning to think they rule Rome instead of being public servants.

They really do believe in their own press. Their own "gang of..." bullshit.

The House is standing its ground.

The R's in the House have no option but to vote as per their constituents wishes. They are fulfilling their campaign promises.

And kudos to their integrity.
Oh please.

What a warped viewpoint to think Republicans are "helping" the country by hurting the country.

It's like an abused housewife thinking her husband beats her because he loves her.

Total bullshit.

If Republicans want to rescind Obamacare, then do it proactively and not abusively.

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