Baller Deluxe
Guys and gals, I read on here frequently. I notice that the biggest criticism of Obama is "substance over style" and "empty suit". This is a legit concern for many. So I wonder, if this is a concern then why do I only hear one side of this argument? "Obama is not electable because he lacks substance" is fair, but only if the other candidate actually has substance behind his words. So I ask you, McCain supporter, where's his substance? What issues would you say McCain speaks about that he has substance to back up his claims? I watch him in the media tell us we will win Iraq, balance our budget, end the recession, and solve many other problems, by the end of his first term. These are his words, not mine.
This is your chance to defend McCain. I will stay civil, because I'm honestly concerned that the "McCain is a man of substance" concept is a completely fabricated political tactic.
This is your chance to defend McCain. I will stay civil, because I'm honestly concerned that the "McCain is a man of substance" concept is a completely fabricated political tactic.