Well since most retards throw around the word socialist without understanding the meaning expect the sheep to reply with their same grain fed fear claims. The republican controlled decade overseen the largest borrow and spend and increase in government. Only one president has balanced the budget, and it was not a republican. Bush Sr,Reagan,and GWB all added massive defecits to our budget. While the McCain kool-aid drinkers call obama a wealth spreader they fail to understand the high school rule that taxes are always a redistribution of wealth. Regarding the socialism argument, the same sheep fail to realize the united states has been a socialist nation for a long time. Social security,medicare,public universities,public schools,public owned airports are all programs of the socialist agenda. McCain is a beneficiary of medicare, if he had a problem with socialism why particpate in the program? But then again just look at recent history, republicans like to make cliams without backing it up. 20 years of the most recent republican presidents not one has balanced the budget, yet all increased the national defecit. Clinton the democrat is the one who cut spending and balanced the budget. McCain has no grasp of economic matters and would destroy our economy. The top economist in the world support Obama's plan for tax's and budget.