McCain fudges circumstances of Palin's Pakistan comments


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain fudges circumstances of Palin’s Pakistan comments - Blogs from

Doublethink folks, doublethink.

Sadly, I believe now that John McCain thinks the lies he is spewing are actually true. :eusa_whistle:

John Roberts asked McCain about his joint interview with Palin on Monday’s CBS Evening News, in which both candidates asserted that Palin’s caught-on-camera remarks constituted “gotcha journalism.”

“But at the same time you have gone after Senator Biden for a comment that he made under similar circumstances about clean coal technology,” Roberts asked. “Your campaign even released a video of part of his comments. Was that gotcha politics?”

“Well, I believe it was at a town hall meeting that he said it,” McCain said of Biden. “This was — hers was in an encounter in a pizza parlor where the question was framed so that of course we're going to go after terrorists.”

But Biden’s comments dismissing coal as environmentally hazardous actually occurred on a rope line after a town hall event in Maumee, Ohio last week and were recorded by a voter’s hand-held camera and posted to YouTube.

Pesky things those things called facts are. :eusa_whistle:

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