Maybelline hiring men with beards to promote makeup....

Well, it looks like Maybelline is drunk on Bud Light these days, creeping out women in their advertisements as well.

But that is Leftism, it's like a cancer that insists on destroying everything around it.
On page one someone mention Goth for makeup. Before that, we had hair bands that basically performed in drag. My age and my slip must be showing.
My gilfriend lives in Davis Ca, where you wouldn't believe how many fat men there are sporting whiskers and dresses.

The left calls this progress.
Absolutely right.

They are cancelling women.

Men now get to win all of the men's medals, and all of the women's too.

I am a man, and I am outraged and so are most other men, I think.

Women could indeed shut this down quickly.

For this ad, it's pretty simple, boycott Maybelline. Bud Light Boycott is working great. Costco is supposedly going to even stop selling it because of poor sales. [Link]

For the bigger picture, I think all women in sports need to do a united boycott for as many weeks as it takes. - Cancel competing, even if you are not competing against a man, to stand in solidarity with those who have to. It would be all over the news - nationwide boycott - and it would have a huge economic cost. There would be quick actions to address it.

This cheating is so much worse than doping! mediocre men can declare themselves females, take some drugs to lower testosterone, and then still compete with the XY chromosome which give them larger muscles, heart, lungs, blood volume, etc.

We also need a Equal Protection lawsuit with hundreds of women with standing to be filed in the Supreme Court.

Discrimination based upon DNA has been illegal for over 55 years, and women are being denied scholarships and their life's dreams because of cheating men.

Another absolutely ridiculous example which supports my rant above....

Transgender runner, 49, wins women's 400m bronze medal at the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris​

  • Valentina Petrillo won a bronze medal at the World Para Athletics Championship
This cheating man is a full 18 years older than his average competitor.

Usain Bolt could win all the women's medals at age 70.

Worst form of cheating ever, and it's only allowed because the world has gone mad.


Sorry, I don't see anything humorous about it...

It's normalizing behaviors which are not very healthy and apparently convincing a lot of people that if they start acting weird, they will get some much-needed attention too.


Yes. That is exactly what women aspire to look like with make up…not.

Hope their tranny market makes up for it.
Another absolutely ridiculous example which supports my rant above....

Transgender runner, 49, wins women's 400m bronze medal at the World Para Athletics Championships in Paris​

  • Valentina Petrillo won a bronze medal at the World Para Athletics Championship
This cheating man is a full 18 years older than his average competitor.

Usain Bolt could win all the women's medals at age 70.

Worst form of cheating ever, and it's only allowed because the world has gone mad.


he wins the nasty filthy idiot race for real

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