MAY we be seeing the next Thatcher?

We can only pray that she isnt. Thatcher was a stain on our history. Cameron was actually worse. May is committed to getting rid of our human rights, what could go wrong ?

She bust the unions that were destroying the country, Cameron beat the neo marxists twice because they enabled the rape of 12 year old girls by muslims.
We have no human rignts left because labour has thrown them away and allowed the EU to destroy our country. I cant even walk down the street now without being attacked by immigrants.

Everything will go right and the neo marxists will find themselves fighting for their very existence, made easier by the fighting in the midst of the labour party because they chose the wrong person to lead them.
I am not surprised they attack you. You are a sick individual with disgusting views.

Only in your fantasy world were child rape is allowed and obscene anti social pictures are the norm.

I have heard that the next round of "Syrians" will be shipped to Wales as so many Welsh morons want more to be admitted
.... May is committed to getting rid of our human rights...

Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.


Now he will produce the manipulated and altered reports that actual show that she said that we have lost our human rights to the EU and we should be fighting to remove the criminal migrants from our shores

There's no need for the European law on human rights, it's just something else that needs dismantling, along with of course the entire EU Dictatorial structure.
Good as Mrs. Thatcher was, she was good in the context of the times.

These are different times that call for a different approach. Thatcher said and did many things that would have been off limits ten years before her but now is not then and things can be done and things can be said that NEED doing and saying. Things far beyond those which were acceptable in those more gentle days.

Let's hope she's not bringing silk gloves to what is now a bare-knuckles brawl.
We can only pray that she isnt. Thatcher was a stain on our history. Cameron was actually worse. May is committed to getting rid of our human rights, what could go wrong ?

She bust the unions that were destroying the country, Cameron beat the neo marxists twice because they enabled the rape of 12 year old girls by muslims.
We have no human rignts left because labour has thrown them away and allowed the EU to destroy our country. I cant even walk down the street now without being attacked by immigrants.

Everything will go right and the neo marxists will find themselves fighting for their very existence, made easier by the fighting in the midst of the labour party because they chose the wrong person to lead them.

The Labour Party could split into two separate entities, like what happened with The Liberal Party in 1922 when they split into the Liberals and the National Liberals, under two leaders, H. H. Asquith leading the Liberals and David Lloyd-George leading the National Liberals.

They did have a sort of re-union in 1923, but the original split destroyed the Liberals, a party that previously had formed the most UK Governments, then reduced to a handful of MPs for multiple decades.

The Labour Party could be heading the same way.
We can only pray that she isnt. Thatcher was a stain on our history. Cameron was actually worse. May is committed to getting rid of our human rights, what could go wrong ?

Thatcher was definitely a questionable character. Cameron was not a bad PM on many counts. May was the first British politician to take a very strong stance against pedophilia among British elites. I personally think it is unfair to compare her to Thatcher who was full of vile.
.... May is committed to getting rid of our human rights...

Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.
.... May is committed to getting rid of our human rights...

Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.
.... May is committed to getting rid of our human rights...

Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.
People dont get that. They look at an alleged criminal and think ,yeah who cares what happens to him. They forget that it could happen to them.
.... May is committed to getting rid of our human rights...

Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

Forgetting that many of those criminals were trying to turn the UK into versions of the country they came from, and then we would practice torture on our criminals. Which is were the morons like you suddenly go deaf, dumb and blind as you try to ignorethe facts.
If the majority of the people did not want these criminals to be deported then they would have voted for the neo marxists to run the country, seems that you are in the minority again tainted
.... May is committed to getting rid of our human rights...

Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.

How about migrating in people that want to have them tortured in this country, is that the right policy. These same people are criminals and have given up their human rights by doing what they did, that was the whole idea behind human rights in the first place to protect the innocent and weak from these people. Now it seems that the neo marxists are using the laws to protect the criminals from serving a just sentence, while making the innocent and weak more in danger of being tortured . Time to decide who is more important overall, the criminal scum or their victims
Do you have a link to her saying that?
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.
People dont get that. They look at an alleged criminal and think ,yeah who cares what happens to him. They forget that it could happen to them.

Only under a neo marxist or islamonazi government as they are the most likely to practise torture. But the majority of the criminals she tried to deport came from EU nations that dont have torture, and the EH courts told her that they had human rights to stay and live here. Like the European found guilt of ABH, GBH and Assault on his Brirish wife and children because he had a family life, even though his "family" are living in fear of him and cost the country vast sums of money to relocate and protect from his violence.

Once convicted a criminal should lose the same human rights he took away from his/her victim, then the human rights laws will work as they are meant to.
Yes, several.

I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.
People dont get that. They look at an alleged criminal and think ,yeah who cares what happens to him. They forget that it could happen to them.

Only under a neo marxist or islamonazi government as they are the most likely to practise torture. But the majority of the criminals she tried to deport came from EU nations that dont have torture, and the EH courts told her that they had human rights to stay and live here. Like the European found guilt of ABH, GBH and Assault on his Brirish wife and children because he had a family life, even though his "family" are living in fear of him and cost the country vast sums of money to relocate and protect from his violence.

Once convicted a criminal should lose the same human rights he took away from his/her victim, then the human rights laws will work as they are meant to.
Um, they arent criminals until they are convicted. Thats pretty basic in a democracy.
I will be very disappointed to learn that she is against human rights. She actively supported Cameron's effort in going after British elites who were into pedophilia. Some of those elites belonged to her own party.
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.
People dont get that. They look at an alleged criminal and think ,yeah who cares what happens to him. They forget that it could happen to them.

Only under a neo marxist or islamonazi government as they are the most likely to practise torture. But the majority of the criminals she tried to deport came from EU nations that dont have torture, and the EH courts told her that they had human rights to stay and live here. Like the European found guilt of ABH, GBH and Assault on his Brirish wife and children because he had a family life, even though his "family" are living in fear of him and cost the country vast sums of money to relocate and protect from his violence.

Once convicted a criminal should lose the same human rights he took away from his/her victim, then the human rights laws will work as they are meant to.
Um, they arent criminals until they are convicted. .....

Or unless someone doesn't vote the way YOU want, right?
Her problems with human rights came after repeated botched attempts to deport suspected terrorists to countries that practice torture. The European Convention, quite rightly, does not allow that and she got slapped around by m'learned friends on numerous occasions.
I believe she has called time on that for the present.

It is worrying when politicians try to strip away our rights, even if ,ostensibly, for the right reason.

I wouldnt like to be deported to a country that tortures prisoners and I dont see why anybody else should either.

I agree. It is not a right policy to deport people to countries where they may face torture.
People dont get that. They look at an alleged criminal and think ,yeah who cares what happens to him. They forget that it could happen to them.

Only under a neo marxist or islamonazi government as they are the most likely to practise torture. But the majority of the criminals she tried to deport came from EU nations that dont have torture, and the EH courts told her that they had human rights to stay and live here. Like the European found guilt of ABH, GBH and Assault on his Brirish wife and children because he had a family life, even though his "family" are living in fear of him and cost the country vast sums of money to relocate and protect from his violence.

Once convicted a criminal should lose the same human rights he took away from his/her victim, then the human rights laws will work as they are meant to.
Um, they arent criminals until they are convicted. .....

Or unless someone doesn't vote the way YOU want, right?
There is this thing called "innocent until proven guilty" - I believe that you have it in the states.

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