may 4, 1970

It got Real, real fast, that day.
I'm really glad nothing like that has ever happened again. People bitch (sometimes including me) over letting the Antifa crowd get out of control during college protests, but if them breaking a few windows means we haven't got anyone getting shot, I can live with it.
There are other ways to subdue those savages
The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre)[3][4][5] were the shootings on May 4, 1970 of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by United States military forces. Twenty-eight guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[6][7]

Kent State shootings - Wikipedia
Spectators of Violence Deserve to Become Victims

Every Berkeley should be faced down with a Kent State.

I'm thinking Antifa needs some Kent state action.
There Were No Innocent Students at Kent State

So does any student who goes out and watches the smash-and-burn instead of beating up the Antiffies. Cowardly curious deserters need to get punished as much as the Commie students.
1st post
Big brave idiots with guns and uniforms needlessly murder unarmed students, and someone thinks that is funny.
No one murdered that day was guilty of anything more than being in the firing line of mindless barbarians. Anyone defending such action is, as my dad used to say, "lower than a snake's belly". Such criminal thinking is un-American, unless America is to be considered at the same level as the Third Reich.
i saw it on tv . had also just gotten a brand new B.S.A. Lightning and was out riding around . Still some snow still on the ground . --------------- just a comment .
It got Real, real fast, that day.
I'm really glad nothing like that has ever happened again. People bitch (sometimes including me) over letting the Antifa crowd get out of control during college protests, but if them breaking a few windows means we haven't got anyone getting shot, I can live with it.
There are other ways to subdue those savages
The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre)[3][4][5] were the shootings on May 4, 1970 of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by United States military forces. Twenty-eight guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[6][7]

Kent State shootings - Wikipedia
Spectators of Violence Deserve to Become Victims

Every Berkeley should be faced down with a Kent State.

I'm thinking Antifa needs some Kent state action.

that's nice, honey

Indeed! It gives me teh warm fuzzies just thinking about it. :)

be sure to wear sunglasses so you don't get blinded when you come up out of the basement

Ain't no basements 'round heanh, boy.

There are gators, but few basements. Sho 'nuff not at my house.
Even the tank crew in the tank that tank man stood in front of in Tiananmen Square and stopped from moving forward and then climbed on top of, with books in his hand, even he wasn't murdered in China. The US National Guard murdered four Americans that were unarmed for exercising their 1st amendment rights on a college campus.

That was a dark day in American history that is forever recorded in the history books.

5th post
Even the tank crew in the tank that tank man stood in front of in Tiananmen Square and stopped from moving forward and then climbed on top of, with books in his hand, even he wasn't murdered in China. The US National Guard murdered four Americans that were unarmed for exercising their 1st amendment rights on a college campus.

That was a dark day in American history that is forever recorded in the history books.

That guy may not have died, but many more did @ Tianamen Square.
Even the tank crew in the tank that tank man stood in front of in Tiananmen Square and stopped from moving forward and then climbed on top of, with books in his hand, even he wasn't murdered in China.

So what happened to him?

"Richard Nixon's deputy special assistant Bruce Hershensohn made a speech to the President's Club in which he claimed Tank Man was executed 14 days after the protests.

The Sunday Express article which named him also included quotes purportedly from his friends saying he was dead, but this has never been corroborated by any other news source. Over the years it was also rumoured that he had been killed by firing squad within months of the Tiananmen Square protests.
Tank Man: What happened to the man who stood in front of tanks in Tiananmen Square?

An no one was slaughtered by soldiers at Tianamen Square???

6 Things You Should Know About the Tiananmen Square Massacre

When the military opened fire, a lopsided battle ensued

In the early hours of June 4, 50 trucks and as many as 10,000 troops rumbled into the streets, TIME reported just days later. The military overwhelmed the civilians and began firing into crowds, but some protesters held fast, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails. In some cases, they responded with deadly violence: Demonstrators reportedly beat two soldiers to death who had been seen killing a civilian. In another instance, protesters covered an armored personnel carrier in banners and then set the vehicle ablaze, trapping the crew of eight or nine soldiers. The military continued its onslaught and skirmishes lasted throughout the morning, “but by then the great, peaceful dream for democracy had become a horrible nightmare.” A doctor at the time said at least 500 were dead; a radio announcer said 1,000.
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It got Real, real fast, that day.
I'm really glad nothing like that has ever happened again. People bitch (sometimes including me) over letting the Antifa crowd get out of control during college protests, but if them breaking a few windows means we haven't got anyone getting shot, I can live with it.
It has happened again. Waco, Ruby Ridge, and probably others.
The cult of the Red Herring. "Well something else happened somewhere else at some other time.

No shit that's how the universe has worked for 14 billion years. I bet there are just trillions of things happening right now somewhere else or will happen at some other time.

A defense of murder in America is that it also happened in a Chinese dictatorship?
That the criminals who committed the murders did not pay the price does compare to authoritarianism.
10th post
Even the tank crew in the tank that tank man stood in front of in Tiananmen Square and stopped from moving forward and then climbed on top of, with books in his hand, even he wasn't murdered in China. The US National Guard murdered four Americans that were unarmed for exercising their 1st amendment rights on a college campus.

That was a dark day in American history that is forever recorded in the history books.

Unfortunately there are many dark days in US history, but most Americans only know of a few.
The cult of the Red Herring. "Well something else happened somewhere else at some other time.

No shit that's how the universe has worked for 14 billion years. I bet there are just trillions of things happening right now somewhere else or will happen at some other time.

----------------------------------------------------- i think its called learning from past events or Learning from History Issac .
i saw it on tv . had also just gotten a brand new B.S.A. Lightning and was out riding around . Still some snow still on the ground . --------------- just a comment .
Classic motorcycle. Still have it?
-------------------------------------------- 2 of them , a Lightning and a Thunderbolt and better yet a 73 - 74 Triumph 750 [Gold and Black gas tank] Cafe style Trident with bolt on parts . Also had a 1969 Triumph 650 high pipe , skid plated TR6C Twin for the dirt roads in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan but thats gone for years now . About a year ago i sold my Triumph 2008 T100 Bonnevile , custom with bolt on parts by 'British Customs' GIpper .
not mine but here is the 73 - 74 Triumph Trident . --- --- nice bike , mine is mild Cafe with low bars , bar end mirrors .
yep , History is said to repeat itself and we are supposed to learn from history as its a guide to not repeating the same mistakes ISSAC .
It's the lessons of history that, if not learned, must be repeated. Does it look as if recent U.S. leaders have learned many?
It's the lessons of history that, if not learned, must be repeated. Does it look as if recent U.S. leaders have learned many?
---------------------------------------------------------- former leaders or the most recent Presidents going all the way back to Reagan with his Amnesties and the 'bush's' and then 'mrobama' i say NO . Course its a new era with The TRUMP and i pretty much like what he is doing [for the most part] '4eye' .
It's the lessons of history that, if not learned, must be repeated. Does it look as if recent U.S. leaders have learned many?
---------------------------------------------------------- former leaders or the most recent Presidents going all the way back to Reagan with his Amnesties and the 'bush's' and then 'mrobama' i say NO . Course its a new era with The TRUMP and i pretty much like what he is doing [for the most part] '4eye' .
------------------------------------------------------- i mean , hey , WE Americans elected The TRUMP which is a rejection of more 'clintons' and 'jebito bush's' or the same old same old '4eye' .

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