Maurice Hastings and the case against the death penalty

38 years inside and it turns out that he didnt do it. If prosecutors had their way he would be dead now.
The death sentence is never the correct solution.

His ability to forgive marks him out as a great American.

Yeah......we have DNA testing now...which they didn't have 38 years when we actually catch a murderer and the DNA says he is the murderer, we can now execute him to keep him from ever murdering someone else.

Thanks for your thread, DNA testing will help us make sure only murderers are executed for their heinous crimes.
Hopefully he lives long enough to spend some of the money his lawyer will surely get for him.

Anyone who is exonerated like this should never have to worry about money for the rest of their lives, and should get free, first class medical care for their immediate family.

When the government screws up like this, the victims should be compensated in a way that allows them to live the rest of their lives in comfort and security.
Hopefully he lives long enough to spend some of the money his lawyer will surely get for him.
I suspect many back men have been convicted on false premises over the years.
America should scrap their historical crime stats and start a full enquiry to see how many people are in jail that should not be.
DNA testing might see many people free.

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