Mauna Loa shows that reducing economic Activity has NO EFFECT on CO2

So what's the endgame for the deniers here? They have to know their dumb propaganda isn't sustainable. The upcoming El Nino will break all the high temperature records, and with it any remaining shreds of denier credibility.

It's already starting. While still in a negative ENSO phase, sea surface temperatures are the warmest they've ever been in the historical record. Imagine what's going to happen when El Nino arrives.

Another admission by a warmist/alarmists saying that El-Nino is causing the warming burps while CO2 doesn't prevent Cooling between El-Nino phases which the latest has been cooling for around 7-8 years now.

Thank you!
The data from my link that you just claimed was faked.

You even suck at being a troll. Does your life have any purpose at all, except to provide an example of how a decent human shouldn't act?
Again, what data are you referring to? Provide the data.

State where climate changed in your lifetime
You call that science? That is called history. Try reading some. The reality is the last century has been THE most stable, meteorologically, in the last 1000 years.

I agree with you ... but "science" includes opposite opinions ... when one scientist presents evidence of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, another scientist is supposed to say "No, that's a Reticulated Woodpecker ... go back to the swamp and find more evidence" ... such dispute is required under scientific method ...

You said his experiments cannot be duplicated ... do you have a link? ... or are you gonna backtrack? ... "stable" and "meteorology" aren't normally associated ...
No tomb that has been reported.

In fact, none of the pyramids have had bodies found except tutt. Instead evidence is being collected that pyramids may have been energy sources
If you want to have fun, ask any contractor, engineer or architect if they even have an opinion on how Giza was built. If they go with slave labor, show them the precision carving on granite blocks.

I’m of the belief that much of the megalithic structures were built when humans were twice as tall as we are today
If you want to have fun, ask any contractor, engineer or architect if they even have an opinion on how Giza was built. If they go with slave labor, show them the precision carving on granite blocks.

I’m of the belief that much of the megalithic structures were built when humans were twice as tall as we are today

Marta was considered a land of giants.

They found oversized skulls without the normal central seam.
Close enough to make no difference ... being dead and all ... you don't think they'll be a procession down Pennsylvania Ave? ... it's not a Pyramid, but dumbass wanted to know what we do with our dead leaders since the 4th Dynasty in Egypt ... stacking blocks of stone gets expensive ...
The expense? In the thousands of years after they “built the Pyramids”, why didn’t the “Egyptians” just make smarter and better use of the technologies they employed?
If you want to have fun, ask any contractor, engineer or architect if they even have an opinion on how Giza was built. If they go with slave labor, show them the precision carving on granite blocks.

I’m of the belief that much of the megalithic structures were built when humans were twice as tall as we are today
Hey Frank, one counter punch against evolution are the pyramids and the tools used, where are they?
I agree with you ... but "science" includes opposite opinions ... when one scientist presents evidence of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, another scientist is supposed to say "No, that's a Reticulated Woodpecker ... go back to the swamp and find more evidence" ... such dispute is required under scientific method ...

You said his experiments cannot be duplicated ... do you have a link? ... or are you gonna backtrack? ... "stable" and "meteorology" aren't normally associated ...

HE claims his experiments don't need to be repeatable. That's because they can't be, he knows it, and he is trying to rewrite the scientific method to suit HIM. I find it interesting that you point to his recounting a series of historical events, and claiming that that is a study. That is a recounting of history, then he tosses opinion in on top.

That ain't science.

Not sure how much clearer is can be that human activity has NO EFFECT on CO2 which in turn has no ability to drive temperature and climate on planet Earth

I will make it MUCH CLEARER.

This Scary Graph, more commonly known as the "Keeling Curve," is misleading in at least three ways.

1. It does not have a zero base on the Y-Axis. This greatly distorts the slope by increasing it to make it more scary to anyone looking at it.

2. The CO2 concentration is a combination of naturally produced carbon dioxide, which is about 96%, and man-made carbon dioxide, only about 4%. We have almost nothing to do with this nonsense they want to panic everyone with, so they can feel superior to you in "caring" about the planet.

3. Water vapor is not shown, and it is THE DOMINANT greenhouse gas, at ~15,000 ppmv. Here is how the Scary Graph would look adjusted for these three factors:

Keeling Curve corrected.jpg

Additionally, water vapor is more efficient at trapping heat than carbon dioxide as seen by this spectrographic analysis:


The colored areas show the effectiveness of capturing radiation and converting it to heat.
I will make it MUCH CLEARER.

This Scary Graph, more commonly known as the "Keeling Curve," is misleading in at least three ways.
It's hard to believe you were ever an engineer, since no engineer would suck as badly at technical communication as you do.

1. It does not have a zero base on the Y-Axis. This greatly distorts the slope by increasing it to make it more scary to anyone looking at it.
A graph should convey what matters. What matters is the increase. Your perverse take on it tries to hide the important part, so it's deliberate dishonesty on your part.

2. The CO2 concentration is a combination of naturally produced carbon dioxide, which is about 96%, and man-made carbon dioxide, only about 4%. We have almost nothing to do with this nonsense they want to panic everyone with, so they can feel superior to you in "caring" about the planet.
And you fail at understanding an equilibrium system, something that a grade-schooler has no problems with. And you expect to be taken seriously?

3. Water vapor is not shown, and it is THE DOMINANT greenhouse gas, at ~15,000 ppmv.
Water vapor is a feedback, not a forcing. And CO2 plugs different spectral holes than water vapor. This is basic stuff, and you faceplant at it. Given the magnitude of your ignorance, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.
Nah. _You_ say that.

And since you won't back it up, everyone is correctly assuming you're just lying for the glory of fascism again.

Geee, look at all that fancy word crafting to say, "nah, we don't need to be repeatable"

And here is the rebuttal to Trenberth demanding a reversal of the null hypothesis, once again, a core principle of the scientific method.

So, basically, you have one of the leading lights of the fraud, DEMANDING that climatologists be allowed to ignore the scientific method.

You lose....idiot.

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