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- Jun 6, 2007
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If Matt Gaetz is prepared to be a "solidly good" Representative than he should rescind his decision to not take his House seat that he won in this past November election and be sworn into office on January 3, 2025 with the rest of the House members. The reason why Matt should reverse course is that the current Speaker Mike Johnson does not have the Republican votes to win the Speaker's race for the new Congressional session. One Republican Thomas Massie of Kentucky has already gone on record saying he isn't going to vote for Johnson which means Johnson cannot lose one more Republican vote if he is to win the Speaker's job (for the current seat tally is 119(R) and 115(D) so 118 is needed to win) and the Republican conference has at least around ten undecided Republicans who are hard right politically and have a problem with Speaker Johnson working with Democrats on major legislation and Speaker Johnson cannot negotiate that away he has to reserve the power to govern. Given the character of the players and the issues involved I think the there is a ninety percent chance Mike Johnson does not get the Republican votes on the first vote to win the Speaker's race than the whole thing becomes a circus because then the matter turns to the question who do we get to replace Johnson and there is no clearly good candidate in the wings because the Republican House conference is too polarized! The circus could entail the Speakership race being unsettled come January 6th when Congress is supposed to certify the electoral college vote and Constitutionally confirm who won the 2024 Presidential election and considering what happened on January 6th 2020 if this year's Presidential election isn't certified the media is going to make it look like a Constitutional crisis!
If Matt Gaetz takes his seat that means the Republicans could lose two Republican votes in the Speakers race and Johnson could still be elected Speaker, who is to say one vote could not be the difference between and orderly transition between Congresses and one where the Congress is paralyzed and not able to operate! This is the deal though the country doesn't need the Molotov cocktail throwing Matt Gaetz they need the all grown up Matt Gaetz who is a responsible Congressman. Meaning in part, the Matt Gaetz would have to be committed to voting for Mike Johnson as Speaker even though Johnson acts like the three prior Republican Speakers and periodically shuns the right wing of the Republican conference. Matt Gaetz would have to agree that in matters where the stakes are can the Republican party govern he would act if need be if his vote was needed to get such legislation passed he would act like a moderate and vote for the respective bill even though he is strongly opposed to one or more provisions in the bill. He would have to agree to not vote for any bill that would give sovereign debt investors reason to cause an interest rate crises for U.S Treasury bonds he would have to agree to not significantly increase the nation's yearly budget deficit. To that end, the nation has to lift the nation's debt ceiling next year, prudent experts are saying that the best way to do it politically is in the bill that authorizes the reconciliation bills where responsible elected officials in Washington can condition these Reconciliation bills so that they do not significantly increase the growth in the national debt beyond the current trajectory. Specifically to this end Matt Gaetz would have to agree to not vote for any lifting of the debt ceiling bill unless it conditions any reconciliation bill or bills done in 2025 to increasing the national debt by at maximum a half of trillion dollars over ten years and if the government is funded that year by Reconciliation bills than the inflation rate rounded up to a whole number plus this half a trillion dollar term and the same conditions applying for 2026.
If Matt Gaetz commits and acts like a good representative as outlined above I don't think any person in a prosecutorial leadership role across the country would bring any criminal charges against Mr. Gaetz for anything in the ethics report if they did they should not be working in that profession. Because it would be a political prosecution the facts should be deemed to weak to go forward on a criminal prosecution. Take for instance the monies transferred through the various internet money transfer services allegedly for sex between women and Matt Gaetz, the criminal issue would be do prostitution charges lie. A responsible prosecutor should deem that the facts don't sufficiently support such charges because the facts entail Matt paying what he wanted and in some cases nothing at all to these women what kind of prostitute agrees to such terms the facts are more akin to the women being girlfriends or just engaging in a sexually liberal social scene and one of their boyfriends or partners was generous about money! One last thing Mr. Gaetz would have to do is permanently forgo retaliation against Mike Johnson for releasing the ethics report Johnson could have stopped it him being the Speaker but he let the Republican conference have their payback and pettiness against Gaetz, Matt has to let that go because a revenge bent with a fragile House could hurt the work of the House which would hurt the country! The American media loves the ensuing Speakership crisis that is about to unfold, viewers will tune into their stations and they will make a lot of advertising money but ordinary Americans shouldn't they should want our government to function to be operable this paralysis is not the way a good country runs!
If Matt Gaetz takes his seat that means the Republicans could lose two Republican votes in the Speakers race and Johnson could still be elected Speaker, who is to say one vote could not be the difference between and orderly transition between Congresses and one where the Congress is paralyzed and not able to operate! This is the deal though the country doesn't need the Molotov cocktail throwing Matt Gaetz they need the all grown up Matt Gaetz who is a responsible Congressman. Meaning in part, the Matt Gaetz would have to be committed to voting for Mike Johnson as Speaker even though Johnson acts like the three prior Republican Speakers and periodically shuns the right wing of the Republican conference. Matt Gaetz would have to agree that in matters where the stakes are can the Republican party govern he would act if need be if his vote was needed to get such legislation passed he would act like a moderate and vote for the respective bill even though he is strongly opposed to one or more provisions in the bill. He would have to agree to not vote for any bill that would give sovereign debt investors reason to cause an interest rate crises for U.S Treasury bonds he would have to agree to not significantly increase the nation's yearly budget deficit. To that end, the nation has to lift the nation's debt ceiling next year, prudent experts are saying that the best way to do it politically is in the bill that authorizes the reconciliation bills where responsible elected officials in Washington can condition these Reconciliation bills so that they do not significantly increase the growth in the national debt beyond the current trajectory. Specifically to this end Matt Gaetz would have to agree to not vote for any lifting of the debt ceiling bill unless it conditions any reconciliation bill or bills done in 2025 to increasing the national debt by at maximum a half of trillion dollars over ten years and if the government is funded that year by Reconciliation bills than the inflation rate rounded up to a whole number plus this half a trillion dollar term and the same conditions applying for 2026.
If Matt Gaetz commits and acts like a good representative as outlined above I don't think any person in a prosecutorial leadership role across the country would bring any criminal charges against Mr. Gaetz for anything in the ethics report if they did they should not be working in that profession. Because it would be a political prosecution the facts should be deemed to weak to go forward on a criminal prosecution. Take for instance the monies transferred through the various internet money transfer services allegedly for sex between women and Matt Gaetz, the criminal issue would be do prostitution charges lie. A responsible prosecutor should deem that the facts don't sufficiently support such charges because the facts entail Matt paying what he wanted and in some cases nothing at all to these women what kind of prostitute agrees to such terms the facts are more akin to the women being girlfriends or just engaging in a sexually liberal social scene and one of their boyfriends or partners was generous about money! One last thing Mr. Gaetz would have to do is permanently forgo retaliation against Mike Johnson for releasing the ethics report Johnson could have stopped it him being the Speaker but he let the Republican conference have their payback and pettiness against Gaetz, Matt has to let that go because a revenge bent with a fragile House could hurt the work of the House which would hurt the country! The American media loves the ensuing Speakership crisis that is about to unfold, viewers will tune into their stations and they will make a lot of advertising money but ordinary Americans shouldn't they should want our government to function to be operable this paralysis is not the way a good country runs!