Matrix 4 in the works

Moss had one hell of a body back in the day. Should be interesting, but I lost interest in all the Matrix franchise after the first one.
I seen them all and I will see this one and see where they go with it.
Yes the first one was great and you can watch more than once
the second one i could barley make it through

Number 3 i've caught snippets ...unwatchable

and really lefttards wake up wake up
what color are you gonna dye your hair for the whity is an evil racist nazi slaver raise awareness march
red or blue


I take black pills
Yes the first one was great and you can watch more than once
the second one i could barley make it through

Number 3 i've caught snippets ...unwatchable

and really lefttards wake up wake up
what color are you gonna dye your hair for the whity is an evil racist nazi slaver raise awareness march
red or blue


I take black pills

I prefer the rainbow pills instead...

I only watched the first one and had no interest in the other two and will not watch the fourth one...
They are old. Unless they use computer graphics for the characters also.
Why is this desirable?

The first one was well done and unique. The sequels were pffft.

‘Matrix 4’ Officially a Go With Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss and Lana Wachowski (EXCLUSIVE)

While the first was the best, I did like the others. i will stop my channel surfing if they were on.

Although I do find interesting one of the biggest Retcons in the movies. The whole "EMP is our only weapon against the machines" being dropped for chainguns aplenty.

In the 2nd movie the freeway scene is still one of my favorites.

And we have to thank them for this meme:


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