Mathematician to Refute Official Theory of WTC Destruction at Upcoming Conference

Exactly how does a plane crashing into a building end up looking like a controlled demolition?

That's rather odd, IMO.

Whats even odder? ....that it happened three times in one day.

No, it didn't.

So did building 7 wait to fall the next day?
I could be off on the timeline but they all fell in their own footprint.

It didn't fall the next day. That's how building collapse when the guts are ripped out.

So building 7 collapsed because a piece of landing gear hit it?:auiqs.jpg:

No, part of the WTC tower hit it!

That building also had a unique design because it was built across the top of a ConEd power substation. Didn't know that, did you?
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
In the direction of the most damage. IE: where the planes actually hit.

No explosives needed.

They would be to make the building fall into its own footprint....especially three buildings.
Common sense tells you the structure will fall towards the area most damaged.

Common sense says gravity works.

Yeah...towards the area of most damage.
I'll use a simplistic example for you.
It you chop down a tree what direction is it most likely fall?

The damage was high on the structure and it did collapse in the direction of the damage, but only slightly off the vertical.

Imagine the WTC towers being aluminum cans. If you put a dent in the side, and then crush it from the top, it will only bend slightly towards the dent before flattening out vertically due to your hand pressing the can down. In the building's case, gravity forced it downward more than towards the damage.

All three of em?
Whats even odder? ....that it happened three times in one day.

No, it didn't.

So did building 7 wait to fall the next day?
I could be off on the timeline but they all fell in their own footprint.

It didn't fall the next day. That's how building collapse when the guts are ripped out.

So building 7 collapsed because a piece of landing gear hit it?:auiqs.jpg:

No, part of the WTC tower hit it!

That building also had a unique design because it was built across the top of a ConEd power substation. Didn't know that, did you?

Who said anything about the trade center hitting it?
No explosives needed.

They would be to make the building fall into its own footprint....especially three buildings.
Common sense tells you the structure will fall towards the area most damaged.

Common sense says gravity works.

Yeah...towards the area of most damage.
I'll use a simplistic example for you.
It you chop down a tree what direction is it most likely fall?

The damage was high on the structure and it did collapse in the direction of the damage, but only slightly off the vertical.

Imagine the WTC towers being aluminum cans. If you put a dent in the side, and then crush it from the top, it will only bend slightly towards the dent before flattening out vertically due to your hand pressing the can down. In the building's case, gravity forced it downward more than towards the damage.

All three of em?

I told you, gravity works!
They would be to make the building fall into its own footprint....especially three buildings.
Common sense tells you the structure will fall towards the area most damaged.

Common sense says gravity works.

Yeah...towards the area of most damage.
I'll use a simplistic example for you.
It you chop down a tree what direction is it most likely fall?

The damage was high on the structure and it did collapse in the direction of the damage, but only slightly off the vertical.

Imagine the WTC towers being aluminum cans. If you put a dent in the side, and then crush it from the top, it will only bend slightly towards the dent before flattening out vertically due to your hand pressing the can down. In the building's case, gravity forced it downward more than towards the damage.

All three of em?

I told you, gravity works!

Yeah....and gravity would dictate that they would have fallen towards the area with the most damage....yet they fell straight down.
No, it didn't.

So did building 7 wait to fall the next day?
I could be off on the timeline but they all fell in their own footprint.

It didn't fall the next day. That's how building collapse when the guts are ripped out.

So building 7 collapsed because a piece of landing gear hit it?:auiqs.jpg:

No, part of the WTC tower hit it!

That building also had a unique design because it was built across the top of a ConEd power substation. Didn't know that, did you?

Who said anything about the trade center hitting it?

I am sorry! I assumed you were familiar with the topic. Apparently not.
Common sense says gravity works.

Yeah...towards the area of most damage.
I'll use a simplistic example for you.
It you chop down a tree what direction is it most likely fall?

The damage was high on the structure and it did collapse in the direction of the damage, but only slightly off the vertical.

Imagine the WTC towers being aluminum cans. If you put a dent in the side, and then crush it from the top, it will only bend slightly towards the dent before flattening out vertically due to your hand pressing the can down. In the building's case, gravity forced it downward more than towards the damage.

All three of em?

I told you, gravity works!

Yeah....and gravity would dictate that they would have fallen towards the area with the most damage....yet they fell straight down.

You don't read too well, do you? Reread my post that you quoted. It's right above this. I even put it in red text.
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.
What's up faun ? Losing so badly with the whole impeach the Putin puppet thing, you decided to have a go at little ol me today ?:71:
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.

Do you care enough to provide the ample video evidence that's out there, or no?
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.
The footage clearly collaborates my description.
It is possible to view both stories as unbelievable; i.e., a) the fire caused them to all fall so precisely is very hard to believe.
b) they were so thoroughly and so secretively set with perfect destructive devices is, if anything, even harder to believe.
Someone did, after all, want the towers to be destroyed. It was human volition. Whom it was is of historical interest. That humans continue to be so sick is disheartening.
Making careers of of rehashing all the unknowns and (to us, the "common people) unknowables seems a lowly existence.
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.
The footage clearly collaborates my description.

Dude, Faun's just here to leftist shill and keep it light, shallow, and loose.

He'll run, I bet.
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.
What's up faun ? Losing so badly with the whole impeach the Putin puppet thing, you decided to have a go at little ol me today ?:71:
Aww, you poor dumbfuck. Derailing your own thread?

Btw, I don't want trump to be impeached, so who knows what you think I lost? :dunno:
Not that I want to see trump impeached over this, but ostruction of justice is a crime.
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.
What's up faun ? Losing so badly with the whole impeach the Putin puppet thing, you decided to have a go at little ol me today ?:71:
Aww, you poor dumbfuck. Derailing your own thread?

Btw, I don't want trump to be impeached, so who knows what you think I lost? :dunno:
Not that I want to see trump impeached over this, but ostruction of justice is a crime.

That's OK, we know you're just a paid leftist hack. :itsok:
Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.

Do you care enough to provide the ample video evidence that's out there, or no?
Sure... compare the image above of building 7 falling (the entire facade of the building falling at once) ... with the tower collapsing, which started above the impacted area and mushroomed down...

Try that with steel I-beams, derp! yeah, 4 steel I-beams running the height of the structure.


It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.
The footage clearly collaborates my description.
Only to people demented enough to be a trufer.

This building did not collapse....


... the "exact same way" as this one did...

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It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. You don't have to be an engineer to see that both twin towers should have collapsed in drastically different fashion and by the way -- why is it that most Americans still don't know a third tower collapsed that day ?

"It's common sense--3 skyscrapers each damaged in very different ways --do not all collapse straight down in the exact same way. "

They didn't all fall in the same way. The Twin towers fell from the top, down, from above the point above impact, pancaking as it came down. Building 7 fell from the inside first, then from the bottom, as the entire structure went down.

But I understand -- truthers have their own version of reality.

They all fell in their own footprint.
Making your statement even less valid.
But they fell in different fashions. In stark contrast to the claim they "all collapse straight down in the exact same way."

They didn't. That's either an outright lie or it's blind devotion to a lost cause.
The footage clearly collaborates my description.

Dude, Faun's just here to leftist shill and keep it light, shallow, and loose.

He'll run, I bet.

You already lost that bet. Of course, you don't know the difference between Nikolas Cruz of Parkland and Nicolas Cruz of Fort Lauderdale, even after being shown with your own link they're two different people; so excuse me if I don't hold out much hope for you.
No explosives needed.

They would be to make the building fall into its own footprint....especially three buildings.
Common sense tells you the structure will fall towards the area most damaged.

Common sense says gravity works.

Yeah...towards the area of most damage.
I'll use a simplistic example for you.
It you chop down a tree what direction is it most likely fall?

The damage was high on the structure and it did collapse in the direction of the damage, but only slightly off the vertical.

Imagine the WTC towers being aluminum cans. If you put a dent in the side, and then crush it from the top, it will only bend slightly towards the dent before flattening out vertically due to your hand pressing the can down. In the building's case, gravity forced it downward more than towards the damage.

All three of em?

Watch this video and note how the upper part of the building tips outward toward the damaged section where the aircraft hit the building where the collapse starts.


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