Massive USA black crime pandemic

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Just about any USA city with a semi large African population: you’re getting vicious racist attacks on a daily basis against whites and Asians being targeted as soft pray
These black thugs don’t have the guts to go into the country and take on real white men !! They would be turned into a carcass
I did not mind when they just killed each other off but they’re being encouraged by the media and Dems

Don’t worry , all fake news won’t even mention it but it’s real and you could be next
My city of Vegas is 15 percent black and at work I am getting weekly hostile interactions that I can overcome with outsmarting them or calling security
They’re mostly demons
My city of Vegas is 15 percent black and at work I am getting weekly hostile interactions that I can overcome with outsmarting them or calling security
They’re mostly demons

I can't imagine that's too difficult. After all, they're not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed...
I apologize for sounding so racist but I have daily encounters with every group and only one seems to cause me 80 percent of all problems in my store .
The older blacks can be very nice and much nicer than most
The younger ones are very difficult for me because they’re so uneducated and ghetto in Vegas
I apologize for sounding so racist but...
Not to worry. We know Trumpsters. You can see they agree with you.
You are not safe ?? You or someone you love could be injured or killed by these demons and you’re still talking about T
No, I'm talking about Trumpsters.
You’re taking about me !!
Yet you’re too much of a giant ignoramus to see or even care about the hundreds of thousands of illegals flooding and the epic waves of black violent crimes
You’re a lemming
I apologize for sounding so racist but I have daily encounters with every group and only one seems to cause me 80 percent of all problems in my store .
The older blacks can be very nice and much nicer than most
The younger ones are very difficult for me because they’re so uneducated and ghetto in Vegas
..those are just crime is a MAJOR problem--but they want to concentrate on NON-problems like white supremacy/police brutality/etc
Just about any USA city with a semi large African population: you’re getting vicious racist attacks on a daily basis against whites and Asians being targeted as soft pray
These black thugs don’t have the guts to go into the country and take on real white men !! They would be turned into a carcass
I did not mind when they just killed each other off but they’re being encouraged by the media and Dems

Don’t worry , all fake news won’t even mention it but it’s real and you could be next

You can thank the Woke and BLM cults for this.
I apologize for sounding so racist but...
Not to worry. We know Trumpsters. You can see they agree with you.
nothing racist about telling the truth
blacks commit crimes at MUCH higher rates- crime is UP--TRUTH

Here are the four common problems faced by African Americans today:

1. Lack of family structure: According to a 2002 study, 70% of all African American children were illegitimate and that number rose from 23.6% back in 1963 because that was the year when welfare became a right according to the constitution, which made having husbands redundant. Too many African American families grow up without a father figure in the house which often leads to psychological issues later in life.

2. Dangerous cities have high African American Populations: Dangerous cities like Oakland, Cleveland, Baltimore and Detroit where gang violence and crime is an everyday occurrence has a high population of African American people who live under the government of democrats.

3. High abortion rates: It is estimated that 30% of all abortions in the country are done by African American women. This heightened loss of uncounted lives percolates to reduce respect for life and has played its role in decreasing civility with which people treat each other.

4. The victim mindset: Nothing holds an African American back more than seeing themselves as a victim who sees everything as someone else’s fault without taking the deserved responsibility to such a significant degree that their victim status becomes their collective identity.

5. African Americans make a sizable portion of prisoners: Studies infer that 52% of homicides are committed by African American individuals. Due to this high incarceration rate, every 1 in 9 African American children you pass on the sidewalk may have or might have had a parent in prison. Due to the greater likelihood of African Americans being incarcerated, their social upbringing and family support has taken the toll.

Just about any USA city with a semi large African population: you’re getting vicious racist attacks on a daily basis against whites and Asians being targeted as soft pray
These black thugs don’t have the guts to go into the country and take on real white men !! They would be turned into a carcass
I did not mind when they just killed each other off but they’re being encouraged by the media and Dems

Don’t worry , all fake news won’t even mention it but it’s real and you could be next


This coward will very gingerly touch this hot potato.

Many Americans are very wary of certain folks, too, but they keep it to themselves and simply take preventive measures when out in public.

Some Americans who self-identify as "liberal" dismiss your fears, but they (and their families) also are very careful.

Yes, our media will not confront this matter, for it is too hurtful.

Here in Los Angeles, for example, most media sources will not identify the ethnicity of suspects who are wanted by the police. So readers naturally jump to conclusions, which -- sadly -- are often correct. Most crimes of street violence are committed by two certain groups.


I am astonished by the number of Americans who will get into an argument with certain folks. That is a very bad career move. Never, ever argue or try to reason with certain folks. Just keep silent and try to leave the scene.


I wish you the best of luck. You say that you will soon retire. I hope that you can find a nice safe area of the country.
Parenthetically I would say that an inflammatory headline like this requires a link to a reputable source of information. Otherwise it reads like a typical white guy talking out of his ass.


Is it not noteworthy that all of the "common problems" mentioned above are self-inflicted? No white man is forcing Black girls to have babies that they cannot support. No white man is causing the high levels of criminality in the Black community. No white man promotes the gangster culture.

For the gazillionth time, one must re-quote the old Pogo line, "We have met the enemy and he is us."
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