Massive immigration really killed the Gop

Trump won the election but the deep state is too powerful
Now they will focus all resources on destroying Mitch .
It was always too much to ask of one man to single-handedly takedown the Deep State. Paul Ryan was first useless, then deliberately threw control of the House, thinking that Trump would be driven from office and that Paul Ryan would be the savior, taking the 2020 primaries. Ooops! Nunes and McCarthy fought like hell as did Jim Jordan and several others. We should have purged the House Leadership when we retook the majority in 2020, a lesson we will take to heart when we finish retaking the majority in 2022.

McConnell was great on Judges, dispatched impeachment rather quickly, but, the GOP Senate was largely useless as Mueller's Witch Hunters roamed free and the Deep State spied on Trump. He'll be much stronger if we win both GA seats so that Mitt Romney doesn't have a veto role against the Senate standing up to Biden, and if McConnell can flip Joe Manchin, so much the better.

Hell, Trump wasn't effective against these folks either. Barr was an improvement over Sessions, but, where the hell is Durham?

It does not appear to me that the President can control the Administrative Agencies of the Deep State, which is constitutionally untenable as the President is charged with controlling the entire executive branch, but, we saw what happened during Trump's term. He was never able to gain control of these Executive Branch Agencies.

Cleaning up the Deep State will take both Houses of Congress. The power they wield that Trump was unable to control is power granted them by Congress through legislation. Congress needs to take this power back. If you want a brief summary of this, read Gorsuch's book: A Republic If You Can Keep It. He covers this, not in great detail, the book's a fast read, I got it on kindle for about $7. But, this Court is well aware of the problem, and if the Legislature starts to unwind their power grants in upcoming legislation, I believe the Court will back them up.

Another challenge, most legislators don't actually write the legislation, their staffers do, and this mode of writing legislation in such a fashion as to be essentially massive power grants to the Administrative State has been in place for a long time, the legislators will need to demand better product from their staffs, and currently, the balance of the legislature is pretty comfortable with the status quo, that's where it's up to us to light a fire under them.

2021 is going to mainly be a defensive play setting up a strong mid-term performance. Likely Dems will be at each other's throats as their various factions struggle for control.

Dems picked a hell of a time to faceplant in the State Legislature elections. Now the GOP will control a lot of the redistricting that will set the election maps for the 2022 election and the four after that.

Republicans were able to fend off challenges from Democrats trying to flip control of state legislatures in key states. That means that in 2021, Republicans will control a majority of redistricting efforts across the country.

Democrats have been unable to flip even a single state legislative chamber.

Meanwhile, Republicans gained two new state trifectas in New Hampshire and Montana, after the GOP ran up majorities in the New Hampshire House and Senate and flipped the Montana governorship. A state trifecta is when a single party controls both chambers of the legislature and the governorship.

“Democrats wasted more than a half of a billion dollars on a pathetic attempt to flip even a single state legislative chamber,” said RSLC deputy executive director David Abrams to CNBC in an email. “We had better candidates, better messages, and better data – and saved the country from a decade of socialist majorities in Congress. We feel pretty good about that.”

We need to take both GA races in January, and then run a very strong campaign in 2022, we very likely will end this election more than halfway closing the gap necessary to take the gavel back from Pelosi and give it to Kevin McCarthy.

Then in 2024, I'm thinking that Ted Cruz and Haley Barber might be the winning ticket. We have a lot to do, and they just might be the one's to get it done. I'm thinking that Haley Barber puts and ass whipping on Kamala that makes the ass kicking Kamala got from Tulsi look like a back rub.

Also, keep in mind that 2024 will be post census and seven states set to gain seats, Texas and Florida are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries, gaining at least three and two congressional districts respectively.

Arizona, Colorado, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon are each set to gain an ECV.

So, of the 10 shifted ECV, we net +7. And we likely net +7 of the shifted House seats, which could be most of the seats necessary to retake the House.

Wow! that is a great analysis...And one that you won't hear anymore on FNC sadly....
Trump won the election but the deep state is too powerful
Now they will focus all resources on destroying Mitch .
It was always too much to ask of one man to single-handedly takedown the Deep State. Paul Ryan was first useless, then deliberately threw control of the House, thinking that Trump would be driven from office and that Paul Ryan would be the savior, taking the 2020 primaries. Ooops! Nunes and McCarthy fought like hell as did Jim Jordan and several others. We should have purged the House Leadership when we retook the majority in 2020, a lesson we will take to heart when we finish retaking the majority in 2022.

McConnell was great on Judges, dispatched impeachment rather quickly, but, the GOP Senate was largely useless as Mueller's Witch Hunters roamed free and the Deep State spied on Trump. He'll be much stronger if we win both GA seats so that Mitt Romney doesn't have a veto role against the Senate standing up to Biden, and if McConnell can flip Joe Manchin, so much the better.

Hell, Trump wasn't effective against these folks either. Barr was an improvement over Sessions, but, where the hell is Durham?

It does not appear to me that the President can control the Administrative Agencies of the Deep State, which is constitutionally untenable as the President is charged with controlling the entire executive branch, but, we saw what happened during Trump's term. He was never able to gain control of these Executive Branch Agencies.

Cleaning up the Deep State will take both Houses of Congress. The power they wield that Trump was unable to control is power granted them by Congress through legislation. Congress needs to take this power back. If you want a brief summary of this, read Gorsuch's book: A Republic If You Can Keep It. He covers this, not in great detail, the book's a fast read, I got it on kindle for about $7. But, this Court is well aware of the problem, and if the Legislature starts to unwind their power grants in upcoming legislation, I believe the Court will back them up.

Another challenge, most legislators don't actually write the legislation, their staffers do, and this mode of writing legislation in such a fashion as to be essentially massive power grants to the Administrative State has been in place for a long time, the legislators will need to demand better product from their staffs, and currently, the balance of the legislature is pretty comfortable with the status quo, that's where it's up to us to light a fire under them.

2021 is going to mainly be a defensive play setting up a strong mid-term performance. Likely Dems will be at each other's throats as their various factions struggle for control.

Dems picked a hell of a time to faceplant in the State Legislature elections. Now the GOP will control a lot of the redistricting that will set the election maps for the 2022 election and the four after that.

Republicans were able to fend off challenges from Democrats trying to flip control of state legislatures in key states. That means that in 2021, Republicans will control a majority of redistricting efforts across the country.

Democrats have been unable to flip even a single state legislative chamber.

Meanwhile, Republicans gained two new state trifectas in New Hampshire and Montana, after the GOP ran up majorities in the New Hampshire House and Senate and flipped the Montana governorship. A state trifecta is when a single party controls both chambers of the legislature and the governorship.

“Democrats wasted more than a half of a billion dollars on a pathetic attempt to flip even a single state legislative chamber,” said RSLC deputy executive director David Abrams to CNBC in an email. “We had better candidates, better messages, and better data – and saved the country from a decade of socialist majorities in Congress. We feel pretty good about that.”

We need to take both GA races in January, and then run a very strong campaign in 2022, we very likely will end this election more than halfway closing the gap necessary to take the gavel back from Pelosi and give it to Kevin McCarthy.

Then in 2024, I'm thinking that Ted Cruz and Haley Barber might be the winning ticket. We have a lot to do, and they just might be the one's to get it done. I'm thinking that Haley Barber puts and ass whipping on Kamala that makes the ass kicking Kamala got from Tulsi look like a back rub.

Also, keep in mind that 2024 will be post census and seven states set to gain seats, Texas and Florida are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries, gaining at least three and two congressional districts respectively.

Arizona, Colorado, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon are each set to gain an ECV.

So, of the 10 shifted ECV, we net +7. And we likely net +7 of the shifted House seats, which could be most of the seats necessary to retake the House.

Everyone has a Pet Peeve. Something that irks them. For me, it is lies. I love the truth so much, I hate lies.

So let’s discuss this particular lie.

First, Trump did not want to destroy the Deep State. He wanted to take control of it.
Fake News.
Let’s explain. Most on the Right are properly outraged that the FISA system was so abused to go after Trump. The resulting IG investigation of 21 separate FISA cases revealed that this sort of thing was not only common, it happened in every single one of the 21 cases examined. So what was Trump’s action? To name and shame those who went after him. He didn’t want to destroy the system that was abused every single day, and in practically every single case. He wanted to take control of it.

The President has the authority, without review by anyone, to declassify anything. He can take something from the Top Secret level, and release it for public consumption. On a whim, or because he gets a wild hair up his ass. Or because he thinks the system is wrong, or being abused...
He declassified EVERYTHING, the agencies still wouldn't release the things they wanted to keep concealed.
... Trump did not believe the systems was wrong. He was angry that it came after him, but he wanted to have that power to go after his own enemies...
Fake News. He never misused it once, not a single time. He never got control of these agencies, hell, he was trying to get troops out of Syria, they knew it, and they would never give him a straight answer about how many troops we still had in Syria, because the Deep State wanted to stay involved.

Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers; Praises Trump’s Mideast Record

‘We were always playing shell games,’ says Amb. Jim Jeffrey, who also gives advice to President-elect Biden.

Four years after signing the now-infamous “Never Trump” letter condemning then-presidential candidate Donald Trump as a danger to America, retiring diplomat Jim Jeffrey is recommending that the incoming Biden administration stick with Trump’s foreign policy in the Middle East.
But even as he praises the president’s support of what he describes as a successful “realpolitik” approach to the region, he acknowledges that his team routinely misled senior leaders about troop levels in Syria.

“We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” Jeffrey said in an interview. The actual number of troops in northeast Syria is “a lot more than” the roughly two hundred troops Trump initially agreed to leave there in 2019.

Think about that.
... Trump and the Right act as though 99% of the Federal Agents are awesome dedicated people who would rather eat a raw turd than mislead the court and the people. The truth is that perhaps 1% of them are that way, and that number is so high because the 1% are hiding to avoid exposure and being forced out...
Not me. 4 years of illegal spying on political rivals, Mueller's Witch Hunters running rampant, the railroading of Flynn, a true hero who served in this nation's uniformed under enemy fire, and not ONE Federal Agent blew the whistle? Not one resigned? Not one even leaked to the press?
... Trump did not want to destroy the Social Media groups controlling the narrative. He wanted to take the reigns into his own hands.

Trump did not want to destroy the Military Industrial Partnership. He wanted to control it...
And yet, the first President since Jimmy Carter not to engage in a new military offensive.
... Trump is not the answer...
That was my point, I don't think you are going to get a more sustained effort to gain control of these agencies that you got from Trump, and it failed. The situation that was in place when he got there, when Chuck Schumer admitted that they control everything, remains.
... Trump did nothing to limit or expose these abuses. He cheered on the abuses by the rank and file cops. He just wanted to make sure they were abusing those opposed to himself...
You are welcome to your beliefs and claims, but, I see nothing to support them.

Trump allies clash with top intelligence officials in quest to declassify more Russia documents

Before Election Day, senior career intelligence officials and congressional Democrats braced for Trump's handpicked director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, to release highly classified documents related to the FBI's Russia probe, which they feared would expose critical sources and methods.

Those concerns roared back this week in the wake of a flurry of personnel changes at the National Security Agency -- and the Pentagon -- as Trump installed political loyalists in key positions where they could help turn the tide in the behind-the-scenes battle over declassifying documents, which has raged for weeks.

CIA and National Security Agency career officials have strenuously objected to releasing information from the Russia interference assessment.

Both agencies fight against Ratcliffe's recent efforts to declassify thousands of pages of documents.

Ratcliffe and former acting DNI Richard Grenell have sought to declassify documents related to the Russia probe and Hillary Clinton's emails, CIA Director Gina Haspel and National Security Agency chief Gen. Paul Nakasone have fought those moves.

Several batches of documents have been declassified, including the release of Russian intelligence from 2016 that Clinton's presidential campaign was trying to tie Trump to Russia.

The National Security Agency and the CIA have repeatedly opposed Ratcliffe's declassification of the intelligence.

Once they see that the only promises kept by the democrats end up being empty promises, they'll com around.
There was an uptick to the right from the minority vote. The more left the dems go, the more right minorities
will go.
We need to put a lid on immigration for a couple of decades like we did before.

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