Mass public shooting count for comparison to other data....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Using the Mother Jones Mass public shooting tracker......I use this because 1) they use the FBI definition of mass public shooting, and 2) they are an extremist, left wing, anti-gun extremists, news source.........tell me these are numbers from the NRA....just try it....

The number of mass public shootings for 2021?


Total number of people killed?


Only two of the 6 attacks were committed with rifles......

Other data for comparison....

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people every year.

Deer kill 200 people every year.

ladders kill 300 people every year.

bathtubs kill 350 people a year......

There are over 330 million Americans in the U.S.....

6 of them took guns into public places to murder innocent people.

6 out of 330 million in a country far more diverse than any country in Europe....sharing a border with the Narco state of Mexico....

Americans own 600 million guns. Over 21.5 million Americans can carry their legal guns in public spaces for self defense.........there are now well over 20 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings.....1.5 million times a year if you use the Department of Justice numbers, or 1.67 million times according to the 2021 Firearms survey......

Using the Mother Jones Mass public shooting tracker......I use this because 1) they use the FBI definition of mass public shooting, and 2) they are an extremist, left wing, anti-gun extremists, news source.........tell me these are numbers from the NRA....just try it....

The number of mass public shootings for 2021?


Total number of people killed?


Only two of the 6 attacks were committed with rifles......

Other data for comparison....

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people every year.

Deer kill 200 people every year.

ladders kill 300 people every year.

bathtubs kill 350 people a year......

There are over 330 million Americans in the U.S.....

6 of them took guns into public places to murder innocent people.

6 out of 330 million in a country far more diverse than any country in Europe....sharing a border with the Narco state of Mexico....

Americans own 600 million guns. Over 21.5 million Americans can carry their legal guns in public spaces for self defense.........there are now well over 20 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings.....1.5 million times a year if you use the Department of Justice numbers, or 1.67 million times according to the 2021 Firearms survey......

You do know, that "Math" is racist?

You always do excellent work and research to support your posts. There are still YT channels that get paid to do what you're doing for free, and the funny party is that YT execs are probably apoplectic that they can't silence those few channels.

The bed wetters of course have to collect bullshit talking points from agitprop sites like WhoreJones to parrot their inane drivel and disregard the actual data to make some emotional arguments for more regulations.

The facts clearly support the concept that the unrestricted RKBA is the answer, and if the immigrants from euroweenie countries that flooded this nation over the last 200 years embraced their RKBA from the beginning like the Koreans in LA did, there never would have been a mafia. There would be no need for "police". Natural Selection might make a call to the coroner's office on some rare occasions to collect some genetic garbage that fell through the cracks of Planned Unparenthood but we wouldn't have the largest prison population on earth either.

Too bad so many euroweenie immigrants still had the serf mentality and didn't embrace their newly found RKBA. They've established millions of small businesses in the last 200 years and seem to be genetically predisposed to accept "authority" as some sort of "protector".

This reactionary trait of humans must be stamped out at all costs.
Using the Mother Jones Mass public shooting tracker......I use this because 1) they use the FBI definition of mass public shooting, and 2) they are an extremist, left wing, anti-gun extremists, news source.........tell me these are numbers from the NRA....just try it....

The number of mass public shootings for 2021?


Total number of people killed?


Only two of the 6 attacks were committed with rifles......

Other data for comparison....

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people every year.

Deer kill 200 people every year.

ladders kill 300 people every year.

bathtubs kill 350 people a year......

There are over 330 million Americans in the U.S.....

6 of them took guns into public places to murder innocent people.

6 out of 330 million in a country far more diverse than any country in Europe....sharing a border with the Narco state of Mexico....

Americans own 600 million guns. Over 21.5 million Americans can carry their legal guns in public spaces for self defense.........there are now well over 20 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings.....1.5 million times a year if you use the Department of Justice numbers, or 1.67 million times according to the 2021 Firearms survey......

Someone sure does the happy dance everytime there's a mass shooting.
Someone sure does the happy dance everytime there's a mass shooting.

Yeah.....look in your mirror and you will see him......

Mass public shootings do not help the cause of Self defense.....shitheads like you use them to undermine our ability to keep and bear when we do have mass public shootings, you shitheads dance on the bodies of the dead, smear the blood of the dead all over yourselves, and praise your god, "government," for gun free zones, which allow these shootings to happen.....

Look in the mirror........
Just to be clear, from my perspective here in TX, hispanic immigrants embrace the 2A with enthusiasm. I don't know a beaner that doesn't have a gun somewhere and there's probably some Rosary Beads near it. I know felons in this category that cling to their guns and have been reformed, work decent jobs and stay out of trouble. Are they allowed to have guns at all? FUCK NO, Do I give a shit if they have some? FUCK NO.

Every free man (STFU SJW's because women and even your beloved sexual freaks are included in the "race" of "man" regardless of how your bed wetting "professors" told you do understand the word) has the God Given Right not just to self defense, but to own property. That "property" might be a pointy piece of hard plastic or a fuckin DSHK.

I don't care.

When I worked corrections I became almost intimately familiar with prison life. There is no excuse for the US to have 2-3 million fucking people in these conditions. We have more fucking prisoners than the fucking commie chinks have soldiers and prisoners...

My numbers might be off but I had 4 beers for breakfast after work and my "give a fuck account is dry".

That said...

If we gave EVERY FUCKING "criminal"...

Paused for bed wetters to have time to (LOL) "think"... an eternity wouldn't be long enough though...

If we gave EVERY FUCKING "criminal"... military infantry training and a rifle with 1200 rounds, 7 magazines, and dropped them all off in countries that irritate us with no chance to come back what would happen?
Someone sure does the happy dance everytime there's a mass shooting.
No one dances in the blood of innocent people with the same enthusiasm that apparatchik sociopaths like you do.

No one else exploits these events for political gain than sociopaths like YOU do.

Seek help....

There would never be a "mass shooting" if most people carried at least the smallest tools of self defense available, but parasites like YOU are determined to increase death statistics to advance your malevolent agenda. I seriously hope you suffer serious pain for as long as possible before you to die.

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