Masks Dont Work for Wildfire Smoke

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?
I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?
You need to visit a Sherwin Williams paint store & ask the desk hand for a double canister painters respirator. If you want to get filtration that will stop everything including poison gas ask for a vapor/chemical screw on cartridge & a particle cartridge(in my day they were called chemstacks). You want a RUBBER RESPIRATOR like what is shown in the accompanying link, chemstacks sticking out of the respirator one outboard of each nostril. On top of the chemstacks is a cotton high density filter that sits on top of the chemstacs held in place with a push on plastic retainer(s) I suggest Sherwin Williams for they WILL FIT THE PROPER MASK SIZE TO YOUR FACE SIZE. Once fitted(should be VERY comfortable) one puts their palms over each chemstack & tries to inhale air. If there is no way to get any air sucked into your lungs then you have an airtight fit & a homerun!
Keep the respirator rubber body stored out of sunlight & @ room temperature when not in use. I have had my black rubber Wilson brand(heavy use) DOUBLE CHEMSTACK RESPIRATOR body for over forty years & she's still fully functional. The only parts I have replaced besides the cartridge filters are the two elastic head bands & the umbrella shaped exhaust check valve(about $6.00 20 or so yrs ago). Take care of it as it could save your life in a lot more than just one situation! In the images in the below link, you can see the purple colored caps that are retaining the cotton pre-filters over what looks like a pair of vapor/chemical cartridges(grey color/yellow I.D. stickers). In this configuration the cotton filters are used as the particle filter over the gray colored vapor/chemical cartridges. I STRONGLY recomend the addition of the particle cartridge on top of the vapor/chemical cartridge(chemstack) & just use the cotton filter as the pre-filter. I have sprayed every material known to mankind reduced by lacquer thinner, Xylene, Toulene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone etc & with chemstacks I can't even pick up a scent of these materials when I use a chemstack equipped respirator. AGAIN MAKE SURE TO GET THE RESPIRATOR BODY FITTED TO YOUR FACE!!!

I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?
Obviously, the problem is that you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, agenderphobic fascist who wants to see people die!
I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?
Obviously, the problem is that you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, agenderphobic fascist who wants to see people die!
You left out Neanderthal abortion clinic bomber.
So the Wuhan virus is too small to penetrate a mask.

Just to avoid confusion, let's do the math. According to the post, a mask cannot block something at 4 microns and the Kung Flu is 0.1 microns. Obviously therefore, a mask is 40 time less capable of blocking the Kung Flu particle than forest fire smoke. Someone check my math. Either way masks are ridiculously stupid and useless.
How are you people this stupid, but still able to use a computer.
Masks were never meant to block the virus directly. Mask are to prevent the spray of saliva and other bodily fluids from your mouth and nose, which would contain the virus.
Fugazi, you moron. The thread contained content that confirmed masks do not prevent the virus from spreading.

There is no helping you people. The funny thing is, that video shows exactly what a mask is supposed to do, limit the forward spray of particulates from your mouth. Notice how most of the smoke goes out the sides of the mask, and what little smoke comes directly forward from the face doesn't go more than a few inches forward....... I wonder why he doesn't show what it looks like without the mask......100% of the particulates will go directly forward, presumably to the person who you are talking to.
But please, continue to believe someone who made a YouTube video, because as we all know, whatever we see on the internet is true, I mean, how else could it of gotten on the internet.
Wow, just wow. Moron, the video shows masks do nothing to prevent other people from inhaling your exhale. Let me guess, you are voting for the corrupt, demented, brain dead idiot Biden. :p
I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?

yes----you are brain challenged. The spread of adeno-viruses is via aerosol-----not one bitsy virus
particle. Smoke is a horrible problem---a person
who escapes a fire can die even days later from smoke
How are you people this stupid, but still able to use a computer.
Masks were never meant to block the virus directly. Mask are to prevent the spray of saliva and other bodily fluids from your mouth and nose, which would contain the virus.
Wear a mask for a week. Then look at the inside of it. You will see all the crap you are not spreading around to other people. Its a no brainer, just like seat belts.
I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?
Masks Dont Work for Wildfire Smoke
Why do you think they would, retard?
I just read a CDC warning that the masks we commonly wear wont work for Wildfire smoke.

I googled the size of smoke particles. The answer was 4 to 7 microns.

I googled the size of the Corona virus. 0.12 microns.

See the problem?
Quit fucking being realistic with stats and shit. It's unnamerrykin ! Fauxi knows best.
I'm sorry. He just finished a Camel


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