Liberals on a dose of lunacy to protect Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Im sick and tired of these punk mouth breathers and their threats....stfu and just bring it.

The mouth-frothing rage of Democrats over the possible filling of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court before Inauguration Day is shocking, but predictable, after the “Summer of Love” we’ve endured.

Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Hysterical RBG cultists holding vigil in Washington on Saturday night warned of a “civil war.”

Threats to kill Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell flooded Twitter, and dozens of police had to guard his Kentucky home as protesters descended.

It wasn’t just random psychopaths on social media threatening to “storm the White House and burn it to the f–king ground.”

High-profile liberals issued dire threats on Twitter.

“You dare try and replace her right now and there will be a war,” tweeted Hollywood actor Russ Tamblyn.

“F–k no. Burn it all down,” wrote parenting-guide author Aaron Gouveia.

Im sick and tired of these punk mouth breathers and their threats....stfu and just bring it.

The mouth-frothing rage of Democrats over the possible filling of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court before Inauguration Day is shocking, but predictable, after the “Summer of Love” we’ve endured.

Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Hysterical RBG cultists holding vigil in Washington on Saturday night warned of a “civil war.”

Threats to kill Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell flooded Twitter, and dozens of police had to guard his Kentucky home as protesters descended.

It wasn’t just random psychopaths on social media threatening to “storm the White House and burn it to the f–king ground.”

High-profile liberals issued dire threats on Twitter.

“You dare try and replace her right now and there will be a war,” tweeted Hollywood actor Russ Tamblyn.

“F–k no. Burn it all down,” wrote parenting-guide author Aaron Gouveia.

The statist left knows they're finished, at least for this election coming up. The DNC sponsored antifa/BLM show blew up in their face almost as bad as prez Obamas "Free Medical For Everyone" promise did. They know Joe Biden is not sellable & with the antifa/BLM show driving some of the DNC constituency into RNC land the statist left is now reduced to slashing out in rage with the only weapon they got left; hollow threats. This is TRULY a time of sheer desperation for the statist left(it's pathetic really). Their bogus statist left religion is about as attractive to folks as a truck load of burnt babies. 'IF' the open seat on the supreme court is filled before election time the left will only have one option open to them; build a 650 foot tall image of prez Trump so the statist left can fall down onto their knees & worship that image until they're senseless in the berserk!!!
Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Not burn it all down but hold Republicans to the same standard they set for Obama
Well, there is a "precedent" there...

But it goes back way before Obama...

Politicians have always"played politics"!!!
Very true

But as the situation escalates, don’t pout when Dems pack the court and end all Senate Filibusters
Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Not burn it all down but hold Republicans to the same standard they set for Obama
Well, there is a "precedent" there...

But it goes back way before Obama...

Politicians have always"played politics"!!!
Very true

But as the situation escalates, don’t pout when Dems pack the court and end all Senate Filibusters
And don't be shocked when the Republicans are back in power and add more...
Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Not burn it all down but hold Republicans to the same standard they set for Obama
Well, there is a "precedent" there...

But it goes back way before Obama...

Politicians have always"played politics"!!!
Very true

But as the situation escalates, don’t pout when Dems pack the court and end all Senate Filibusters
And don't be shocked when the Republicans are back in power and add more...

We will worry about that the next time Republicans hold the White House and Senate
Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Not burn it all down but hold Republicans to the same standard they set for Obama
Well, there is a "precedent" there...

But it goes back way before Obama...

Politicians have always"played politics"!!!
Very true

But as the situation escalates, don’t pout when Dems pack the court and end all Senate Filibusters
And don't be shocked when the Republicans are back in power and add more...

We will worry about that the next time Republicans hold the White House and Senate
Actually, the Democrats don't think ahead on anything...

If you do away with the filibuster, the Republicans will use that to their advantage...

Just like they used "Hapless Harry's Nuclear Option" to pack the Federal Courts, and give Trump a good shot at getting his THIRD justice on the SCOTUS during his FIRST TERM!!!
Now they’re threatening to “burn it all down” if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.

Not burn it all down but hold Republicans to the same standard they set for Obama

No asshole.

They saying they will burn it all down.

Own it. You fuckers are going to take a few right between the eyes before you wake up the fact that we are not afraid of you cocksuckers.
It's hard to understand how or why anyone would vote for a bunch of bullies who are clearly trying to intimidate their way into power positions. Personally, I do not react well to being threatened; will this tactic actually work to the Dems' benefit? I don't think so.

Tough to talk shit when you get Smith and Wesson brain surgery.
DemonRats are loading up on skateboards and umbrellas and don’t have the time to comment on this thread.

pretty soon we’ll get asinine expianation for their threats.

it’ll probably be something like “republicans started all the threats and violence “
Moscow Mitch said he's willing to trade the presidency and senate for this pick. Honestly I don't see why. He's got a 5 seat solid maj to protects all corp property rights against any dem regulation, including forcing biz to pay for contraception.

All I can see is that it comes down to abortion. Roe is overruled by Casey. Casey has allowed states like Texas and Miss to make abortion clinics unaccessable to poor women. The next battleground will be fundamentalist Xian state legislatures attempting to effectively ban prescriptions for mifepristone and misoprostol in the first 11 weeks. But really only the FDA can do that.

I think at the heart, Moscow Mitch believes that we have racial equality in the US now, and there should not be any legal standard treating or giving prefereance to a non-white. But he cannot affect decisions by private industry
Moscow Mitch said he's willing to trade the presidency and senate for this pick. Honestly I don't see why. He's got a 5 seat solid maj to protects all corp property rights against any dem regulation, including forcing biz to pay for contraception.

All I can see is that it comes down to abortion. Roe is overruled by Casey. Casey has allowed states like Texas and Miss to make abortion clinics unaccessable to poor women. The next battleground will be fundamentalist Xian state legislatures attempting to effectively ban prescriptions for mifepristone and misoprostol in the first 11 weeks. But really only the FDA can do that.

I think at the heart, Moscow Mitch believes that we have racial equality in the US now, and there should not be any legal standard treating or giving prefereance to a non-white. But he cannot affect decisions by private industry
Or because the election is very likely to be contested by either side and only 8 seats are filled which could lead to a 4/4 tie

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