Maskless MA

Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
You mocked Melania for soft porn but you are OK with abortions aka killing of babies. Guess you’re not OK with the women’s right to choose. Soft porn isn’t illegal. In terms of vaccines I recall he and the Mrs. getting them but when it was reported I do not recall. This childish outburst of yours is interesting. Under Trump we didn’t see Jews get openly attacked by Muslims in LA, we didn’t see such a significant amount of death in Israel since 2014, we didn’t see the price of gas nearly double here in MA, the price of business materials increased by about 70%, we didn’t see or border in such a mess. Lastly, Biden supports trans girls playing sports with and against biological girls. That is pure insanity.

While Trump may have hurt your feelings, Biden is hurting this country and his party openly voted against sanctions of countries that support Hamas. I asked you why and you said “I do not know”. So please spare me your outrage.
riiiiiiiiight. okey dokey - you're quite wrong, but that's not anything new. you voted for a man child - twice - so don't utter the word 'childish' - it makes you looks petty.

what i said was trumpco was sleazy - & melania is sooooooooooo in that category.

mrs? that would be mrs # 3. the one he also rawdogged an affair with a playboy bunny behind her back... that whole world is sleaze. & what i said was fact.

FEC spares Trump but fines tabloid publisher for hush-money payment to ex-Playboy model who claimed affair with him​

WASHINGTON - The Federal Election Commission has fined the National Enquirer's parent company $187,500 for "knowingly and willfully" violating election law by making a payment in 2016 to Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with former president Donald Trump years before he was elected.

FEC spares Trump but fines tabloid publisher for hush-money payment to ex-Playboy model who claimed affair with him

& you missssssssss........hiiiiimmmmmmm........
So you ignored 90% of my post. Good talk..,

because most of it was bs. & deflection.

by the way - - - you never admitted they kept getting vaccinated a secret.

where's the links proving otherwise from you?

A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

Precautions taken to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, including wearing masks and distancing, are likely the major reason for a steep decline of flu cases in the U.S., according to experts.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that it had logged 1,316 positive flu cases in its surveillance network between September 2020 and the end of January 2021. During that same period last year, the CDC had recorded nearly 130,000 cases.
Stephen Kissler, a research fellow in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a February 11, 2021 Vox article that while more people received a flu vaccine this year, the sharp drop in cases was probably largely driven by mask-wearing and distancing. Kissler suggested that wearing masks in the future could be an effective way of helping control flu outbreaks.
A sharp drop in flu cases during COVID-19 pandemic

Masks bring down flu cases for 2020-2021 flu season

By Allison Baker
Published: Mar. 16, 2021 at 4:10 PM CDT

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - Flu season is almost over and this year according to health care officials there has been a decrease in cases.
13 News spoke with the Medical Center who said they have barely seen any flu cases this year at all.
According to an APRN with Infectious Diseases at the Medical Center, this is in big part due to most of the population wearing masks.
“We have seen fewer cases of flu this year, mostly because of our masks. Our masks protect us, not only from COVID but also from the flu and that really has decreased the number of cases this year,” said Melissa Allen, APRN, Infectious Disease.

Masks bring down flu cases for 2020-2021 flu season

Why the Flu Season Basically Disappeared This

Why the Flu Season Almost Disappeared This Year

both are respitory diseases that spread primarily thru them thar droplets.​

Last edited:
Nope. Cigarette smoke is harmful to everyone and makes your clothes and hair smell. Breathing on someone isn't remotely the same thing especially if people have natural immunity and or are vaccinated.
How fucking stupid. Being around a smoker makes your clothes smell and if you are constantly around one MIGHT lead to second hand smoking disease. Being around an unmasked person with Covid will get you sick and maybe days.
Fauci said masks don’t work…he he
Fauci wrote: "Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

WHy are you lying?

Oh that's what you do.

Fauci said masks don’t work…he he

Dr. Oz is offering Trump advice for handling the coronavirus. Here are 8 times he's made false or baseless medical claims.

Dr. Oz is offering Trump advice for handling the coronavirus. Here are 8 times he's made false or baseless medical claims.


Fauci said masks don’t work…he he

Dr. Oz is offering Trump advice for handling the coronavirus. Here are 8 times he's made false or baseless medical claims.

Dr. Oz is offering Trump advice for handling the coronavirus. Here are 8 times he's made false or baseless medical claims.

So both can’t be true? Oz and Fauci both can’t be wrong? Is that your stance? Just curious? So if one of my kids makes a dumb decision I should shrug because another made a different dumb decision? Come on man.
Nope. Cigarette smoke is harmful to everyone and makes your clothes and hair smell. Breathing on someone isn't remotely the same thing especially if people have natural immunity and or are vaccinated.
How fucking stupid. Being around a smoker makes your clothes smell and if you are constantly around one MIGHT lead to second hand smoking disease. Being around an unmasked person with Covid will get you sick and maybe days.
Fauci said masks don’t work…he he
Fauci wrote: "Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.

"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

WHy are you lying?

Oh that's what you do.
Dickhead --- from your own post

The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus

Are you ever not a complete lunatic? If I have the antibodies, I don't give two fucks if you breathe on me and you have COVID. Follow the science, Herr Lesh.
Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
You mocked Melania for soft porn but you are OK with abortions aka killing of babies. Guess you’re not OK with the women’s right to choose. Soft porn isn’t illegal. In terms of vaccines I recall he and the Mrs. getting them but when it was reported I do not recall. This childish outburst of yours is interesting. Under Trump we didn’t see Jews get openly attacked by Muslims in LA, we didn’t see such a significant amount of death in Israel since 2014, we didn’t see the price of gas nearly double here in MA, the price of business materials increased by about 70%, we didn’t see or border in such a mess. Lastly, Biden supports trans girls playing sports with and against biological girls. That is pure insanity.

While Trump may have hurt your feelings, Biden is hurting this country and his party openly voted against sanctions of countries that support Hamas. I asked you why and you said “I do not know”. So please spare me your outrage.
riiiiiiiiight. okey dokey - you're quite wrong, but that's not anything new. you voted for a man child - twice - so don't utter the word 'childish' - it makes you looks petty.

what i said was trumpco was sleazy - & melania is sooooooooooo in that category.

mrs? that would be mrs # 3. the one he also rawdogged an affair with a playboy bunny behind her back... that whole world is sleaze. & what i said was fact.

FEC spares Trump but fines tabloid publisher for hush-money payment to ex-Playboy model who claimed affair with him​

WASHINGTON - The Federal Election Commission has fined the National Enquirer's parent company $187,500 for "knowingly and willfully" violating election law by making a payment in 2016 to Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with former president Donald Trump years before he was elected.

FEC spares Trump but fines tabloid publisher for hush-money payment to ex-Playboy model who claimed affair with him

& you missssssssss........hiiiiimmmmmmm........
So you ignored 90% of my post. Good talk..,

because most of it was bs. & deflection.

by the way - - - you never admitted they kept getting vaccinated a secret.

where's the links proving otherwise from you?
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual. In fact you cannot refute any of the points.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
Last edited:
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why is this a hot button for you? I do not follow? Trump spearheaded vaccines becoming readily available. BTW - I am waiting for the CDC to state that those with antibodies only need one and I'll get it then.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why is this a hot button for you? I do not follow? Trump spearheaded vaccines becoming readily available. BTW - I am waiting for the CDC to state that those with antibodies only need one and I'll get it then.

not ' hot button ' i just like pointing out the con from the conman & hopefully those too blind to see will eventually open their eyes.

i'll bet he kept it secret because it was pfizer's vaccine, who didn't take the cash.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why is this a hot button for you? I do not follow? Trump spearheaded vaccines becoming readily available. BTW - I am waiting for the CDC to state that those with antibodies only need one and I'll get it then.

not ' hot button ' i just like pointing out the con from the conman & hopefully those too blind to see will eventually open their eyes.

i'll bet he kept it secret because it was pfizer's vaccine, who didn't take the cash.
See you don’t listen. I do not care. His policies helped me and my family. You cannot dispute that so you attack character. We are going in circles. Again, I asked you why the party you vote for most often killed the bill that would sanction countries that support Hamas. Your response was “I do not know”. But they say nice things about Moderna so to you they are the better party even though their policies to date have been atrocious when it comes to the economy, border security, freedoms and Jews.

Stop deflecting
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why is this a hot button for you? I do not follow? Trump spearheaded vaccines becoming readily available. BTW - I am waiting for the CDC to state that those with antibodies only need one and I'll get it then.

not ' hot button ' i just like pointing out the con from the conman & hopefully those too blind to see will eventually open their eyes.

i'll bet he kept it secret because it was pfizer's vaccine, who didn't take the cash.
Again, his policies helped me and my family. I cannot say the same for Biden thus far. The rest is irrelevant to me. You don't want to have a dialogue. You want to come here and mock Trump. Pick a different partner for that. Thank you.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why is this a hot button for you? I do not follow? Trump spearheaded vaccines becoming readily available. BTW - I am waiting for the CDC to state that those with antibodies only need one and I'll get it then.

not ' hot button ' i just like pointing out the con from the conman & hopefully those too blind to see will eventually open their eyes.

i'll bet he kept it secret because it was pfizer's vaccine, who didn't take the cash.
See you don’t listen. I do not care. His policies helped me and my family. You cannot dispute that so you attack character. We are going in circles. Again, I asked you why the party you vote for most often killed the bill that would sanction countries that support Hamas. Your response was “I do not know”. But they say nice things about Moderna so to you they are the better party even though their policies to date have been atrocious when it comes to the economy, border security, freedoms and Jews.

Stop deflecting

nope. don't cop out.

morals count for much. donny has none. everyone in his orbit has none, which you can't face & won't admit.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.

thing is ol' zoggy ol' chap - even after they were vaccinated, HE said nothing. it was reported by a spokeperson after they were questioned about it & it was still unknown what one they got.

your defense of him is outstanding. not as outstanding as me, mind you.... but it's 'cause you misssssssssss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....
Why is this a hot button for you? I do not follow? Trump spearheaded vaccines becoming readily available. BTW - I am waiting for the CDC to state that those with antibodies only need one and I'll get it then.

not ' hot button ' i just like pointing out the con from the conman & hopefully those too blind to see will eventually open their eyes.

i'll bet he kept it secret because it was pfizer's vaccine, who didn't take the cash.
See you don’t listen. I do not care. His policies helped me and my family. You cannot dispute that so you attack character. We are going in circles. Again, I asked you why the party you vote for most often killed the bill that would sanction countries that support Hamas. Your response was “I do not know”. But they say nice things about Moderna so to you they are the better party even though their policies to date have been atrocious when it comes to the economy, border security, freedoms and Jews.

Stop deflecting

nope. don't cop out.

morals count for much. donny has none. everyone in his orbit has none, which you can't face & won't admit.
Morals? Yeah so Hunter Biden used daddy to
Make millions. Joe turned a blind eye. Pay for play with the Ukraine debacle. President for all people? Nope. Morals are subjective. Your morals are questionable if you want to put all the cards on the table so don’t judge and at least you admit that Bidens policies suck.

that's what i said.

Yeah so Hunter Biden used daddy to
Make millions.

i'm sure he did. so did the real 1st lady, ivankaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

who got tons of patents from china withing a few short months of daddy's installment.

traitor tot & eric & even panty waist s-i-l, jared also benefited donny's name & brand. can't say anything about tiffany - - the mostly forgotten spawn that was thrust into this world by her rawdogging adulterous daddy & his CONcubine.

Joe turned a blind eye.

lol ....

Pay for play with the Ukraine debacle.

debunked a million times, but don't let that stop you from deflection.
you be you, zoggerino.

President for all people?

yep. worker bees & even (R)s. <GASP!>


Morals are subjective.

uh-huh. i guess so ... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. over 4 decades of documted provable debauchery, lying, cheating, stealing, DEFRAUDING tends to showcase just what kind of dude you're defending. now, by all means - you go back thru the years & come up with comparable - both in scope & amt of times that biden can be EQUALLY atrributed to the same kinda immoral, unethical, disgusting behavior that donny has, & maybe - just maybe you'll have a case & true rebuttal.

Your morals are questionable if you want to put all the cards on the table so don’t judge and at least you admit that Bidens policies suck.

lol .... well - maybe they do for you. opinion on policies differ.

vile sociopathic, malignant narcissism, & arrested development behavior is not subject to interpretation when it's backed up by demonstrative proof over the years - nor do those character flaws a good president make.

not only did you vote for him twice, you are clearly giving examples with your deflections that you SOOOOOOOOOO miss the conman.

that's what i said.

Yeah so Hunter Biden used daddy to
Make millions.

i'm sure he did. so did the real 1st lady, ivankaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

who got tons of patents from china withing a few short months of daddy's installment.

traitor tot & eric & even panty waist s-i-l, jared also benefited donny's name & brand. can't say anything about tiffany - - the mostly forgotten spawn that was thrust into this world by her rawdogging adulterous daddy & his CONcubine.

Joe turned a blind eye.

lol ....

Pay for play with the Ukraine debacle.

debunked a million times, but don't let that stop you from deflection.
you be you, zoggerino.

President for all people?

yep. worker bees & even (R)s. <GASP!>


Morals are subjective.

uh-huh. i guess so ... howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. over 4 decades of documted provable debauchery, lying, cheating, stealing, DEFRAUDING tends to showcase just what kind of dude you're defending. now, by all means - you go back thru the years & come up with comparable - both in scope & amt of times that biden can be EQUALLY atrributed to the same kinda immoral, unethical, disgusting behavior that donny has, & maybe - just maybe you'll have a case & true rebuttal.

Your morals are questionable if you want to put all the cards on the table so don’t judge and at least you admit that Bidens policies suck.

lol .... well - maybe they do for you. opinion on policies differ.

vile sociopathic, malignant narcissism, & arrested development behavior is not subject to interpretation when it's backed up by demonstrative proof over the years - nor do those character flaws a good president make.

not only did you vote for him twice, you are clearly giving examples with your deflections that you SOOOOOOOOOO miss the conman.
What deflections? You’re deranged again. His policies were better for me and my family. You’re not remotely disputing that. You lash out cause he sent mean tweets and has a hot wife. Pretty pathetic and explains a lot about your personal life. Trump is an animal and in my opinion we needed an animal in the WH. You instead voted for a corrupt lifetime politician who literally bleached her server and smashed 15 blackberries and laptops. To you she was the epitome of morality, right? Then you voted for a guy who said “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” and whose stupid policies have demeaned women, caused a massive rise in prices aka inflation, created a nasty border crisis and more deaths in Israel/Terrorstine since 2014. But he doesn’t send out mean tweets so to you he is OK while he is as corrupt as hell..”the Big Guy”…

He also called America systemically racist and supported those who called for defunding the police. Crime is way up and now those morons want to add police officers but ah ah cops don’t want to be cops in leftist cities.

But your morals are at least in place. Same morals where you support killing unborn babies…quite moral you are.

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